June 26th, 2015
My Modeling Experience
I am an Irish woman. A single mother to 3 amazing boys. I was 17 when I was raped. I had just started my modeling career in an agency here in Ireland. An aunt of mine was also in the agency at the time. I won a big competition here...
June 26th, 2014
Afraid of Being Judged
When I was 18 years old I was like a lot of young women-dating, trying out relationships, making mistakes. My biggest mistake was to trust a “friend.”. We had a passionate relationship at the start. We were both college freshman, I had a long-distance boyfriend that wasn’t working out-and we...
March 24th, 2014
Domestic Rape is Real
For many a couple of decades I have denied to myself that a husband can rape his wife but I’ve always known that is exactly what happened. He was angry that I’d been a “bitch” and that was all the excuse that he needed. I am not sure I will...
January 12th, 2017
Once? Twice? Five Times?
I’m currently 16 years old as a junior in high school. I have had my best friend of over two years now, but he is very protective of me. He claims that I have been raped five times based on situations I have told him about, but I feel like...
September 7th, 2009
לדבר, להלחם, לנצח
לינור יקרה, בלי שתדעי ליוות אותי בשנים הקשות שלי. נאנסתי במשך שנים וכשאת סיפרת את הסיפור שלך אני הייתי בת 13. נתת לי את הכוח לספר את הסיפור שלי ולבקש עזרה. היום- יותר מעשור אחרי… ואחרי טיפול ארוך שנים ואין בוף עליות וירידות אני גאה לומר- ניצחתי. אני חיה. נהנת...
July 9th, 2014
Something I’ve Never Shared
My story isn’t something I’ve ever talked about, so this feels very strange to me, but I just watched Brave Miss World and I was completely moved. I was 16 when I was raped. I shudder to even say that’s what happened to me. For a very long time I’ve...
June 21st, 2018
I still feel like it’s my fault
I don’t know why I’m writing this but I’ve been reading all of these stories and felt the urge to speak. I don’t know if I was raped. I still deal with the guilt of feeling like I led him on in some way, told him I wanted it possibly...
February 1st, 2017
My Story
10 years ago today, I was walking home from school when something happened that changed my life forever. I was kidnapped, raped, beat up, and almost ran over… and the sad thing is: that was the easy part. Going back to school and getting weird stares, the pity from close...
March 19th, 2017
ONLY the Beginning
“Mmmm, such a good little cousin” To you, the connotation may be absolutely nothin’ But let me tell you about lil’ mini me 11 years back There were quite a few things that I seemed to have lacked My father was a deadbeat, mom a workaholic All I really had...
May 31st, 2015
Raped By Boyfriend
Hello, to whoever is reading this. This is the second time I’ve ever told anyone about what happened to me, but my friend has persuaded me to talk about it. I was 14 at the time, (a year ago) and I was going out with first boyfriend (who was 17.)...
June 26th, 2014
Raped at 16
I was sixteen taken to a party by a girlfriend that I trusted. When we showed up there were on 2 men there that I never met. We drank and got drunk, I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and one of the guys were...
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
October 12th, 2015
4 Days Before 16th Birthday
Similar to you Linor, I am a Sabbath keeper. I was looking for something spiritual to watch tonight and I came across your story on Netflix (they have a religious section.) My rape happened 36 years ago. I am a young 52. I have acquired a doctorate in Education, but...
January 12th, 2017
To serve and protect, but who will...
I am now 38 yrs old, a wife and mother of two. One of which is heading off to join the Air Force in about 7 months. On the outside I am happy and excited for my daughter, but on the inside I am petrified! Let me explain to you...
January 13th, 2016
Under Age drinking
I was 14. Id just left school due to bullying and I wasn’t getting an education. I had only one friend. She was popular and had been invited to a Halloween party where people would be drinking. I went along with her. We go ready at her cousins house who...
Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
September 5th, 2010
גבר אלים וחולני
לקראת גיל 15 התחלתי לצאת עם בחור שהיה גדול ממני בשנה, לאחר חודשיים בערך ביחד הייתה בנינו מריבה מטופשת במהלך המריבה הוא נהייה אלים כלפי זאת הפעם הראשונה בעצם שהוא הרים עליי יד, הביא לי סטירה שהפילה אותי על הריצפה וכשאני שוכבת על הרצפה הביא לי מכה חזרה בבטן עם...
October 9th, 2017
My rape story
So my story is really weird and awkward, because it really goes back to when I was dating this guy in 9th grade 2 years ago who made it seem I always had to please him and make him happy and I mean we broke up eventually when he did...
August 14th, 2016
You Were My Friend
Only 15 and happy to be seeing you after I had been on vacation for awhile. You and another friend of mine who was a girl. I was tired for I had not slept well the night before. We were all in your room eating nachos and watching tv just...
March 15th, 2017
I Blame Myself
I’ve never really came around to tell many people about my story, only because I’m always too embarrassed to repeat the horrid things that happened this night, but I think it’s time to finally share it. A couple of years ago, it was my senior year in high school. Everything...
November 22nd, 2017
Never Thought It Would Happen to Me
Dear Survivor, I know the bad days outnumber the good ones. Maybe you haven’t even had a good day since it happened. Maybe you feel like your temptations are the only logical way to escape. Maybe you’re ignoring it. I thought ending my life was the only way to escape....
July 7th, 2014
So Long Ago But Still With Me
More than thirty years ago I was drugged and raped by the man I was dating at the time and two of his friends. I was so numb the next day, I could not register what happened beyond the fact that I’d “lost” an entire night of my life. The...
October 12th, 2017
My sisters boyfriend abused me
I was just 15, shy, skinny and a late developer. He abused me systematically, first with teasing, then physical attacks, short and disguised as tom foolery. wresting me to the ground and pulling my pants down, trying to break into bathroom when i was i there, touching my breasts when...
April 3rd, 2018
I tried to bury it for seven...
I lied to my friends about the extent of what happened. I lied to myself that my emotional binge eating was tied to my parents’ divorce. I lied to myself that he only kissed me. I lied to myself that I did not not feel violated. The worst lie of...
November 28th, 2017
It’s my fault
I’m a small town girl living on her own for the first time in a really big city going to college. I’ve been dating my boyfriend (who lives 5 hours away) for almost 5 years and one night I went out with some friends and ended up getting really wasted...
November 30th, 2014
I dated my boyfriend for 4 years on and off. He was extremely emotionally and physically abusive. He isolated me from everyone I knew, including my parents and made me feel like he was everything. He was the first guy I slept with, and even the first time with him...
February 8th, 2018
Breakin Burgler
I had been sitting listening to my headset, and I needed to go to the bathroom. In the hall, I heard some noise, and figured it was my sister sneaking in from a night out. Heading down the hall, I heard it was grunting, and the like. I got to...
January 23rd, 2015
Who I Once Called My Father
I am afraid… I have never told anyone… I don’t know where to start… But it has to come… My story begins on March 20, 1997… the day I was born. Yes, I am only 17, still very young. Going back to the day I was born, I have no...
August 6th, 2015
En Enero de 2010
No se como contar algo que todavia duele, que todavia me mata un poco cada día. En enero de 2010 fui violada por un hombre que no consigo acordarme de su rostro, pero si de su voz y ese recuerdo me acopaña hasta ahora. Mis padres nunca supieron de nada,...
July 31st, 2018
Supe que fue un abuso cuando ya...
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, no recuerdo la edad exacta, un primo mio de unos 17 años solia sentarme en sus piernas y frotarse sus partes conmigo. Nunca intentó tener relaciones conmigo pero fue algo que me afectó por años. No sabía si debía contarlo o no porque no sabía ni...
December 26th, 2016
Why Me?
First, I apologize if my grammar is bad. I live in Sweden and english is a little tricky for me. But, I still want to tell my story! I was between 4 – 5 years of age the first time I was assaulted. It was my older brother who did...
May 16th, 2018
Personal Statement – Written January 2017
Twilight hours of February 25, 2016 are buried in oblivion, bygone, sunk out of my head, perhaps for self-protection. This eclipse of my heart in dead of night. Fraternity boy coolness turns to shadiness at nightfall. His country boy accent is of the coal pitch blackness of the mines, sinking...
November 1st, 2015
Parental Incest Is Rape
I was 13 when my mother took off with her new boyfriend. I told her that I was afraid of him. She told me not to worry. He was strong and he was going to take care of us. She told me that I was the product of an affair...
February 20th, 2018
My Story
I was 16 when I had my first kiss, 17 when I met my first boyfriend and lost my virginity. I was a shy girl, the one who blended into the background amongst her more attractive friends. Dennis was tall, blonde and exotic- All of us were drawn to him....
October 26th, 2015
College Student
I was raped. By a guy I thought was cool. He was a member of a fraternity. I thought he was cool. He invited me to his place for dinner. I thought he liked me. I got to his place he had picked me up from campus. So I was...
June 30th, 2014
We Live Part of Hell on Earth
I grew up believing that the world is a very dangerous place and i thought that after my first trauma, i would never have to deal with a similar event. When i was 6 years old, my grandfather molested me several times. it may have lasted for about a year...
November 18th, 2015
Childhood Trauma
I want to share my story as a way to make sense of the drama in my life that is ruling over me. I never taught back then, this would have an enormous effect in the long term. When I was 9, I moved to another village with my family....
May 20th, 2016
Am I Wrong?
Today was a regular day. I went to school and came home. My best friend came over after school and then we were going to head back to school to go to our after school club, however it was canceled . So we went to the footfall field instead, and...
March 6th, 2014
In Denial of My Rape
When I was fifteen and sixteen, I was in an abusive relationship. He raped me four times, and had me convinced that it wasn’t rape because we were together. He would tell me things like, “I love you so much. I just couldn’t help it.” and “Don’t you love me?...
September 7th, 2009
עדיין מציק
וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...
September 25th, 2016
Wrong Choice
This happened like 6 years ago…it was when i was young and stupid, going on drinking binges with my close friends. There was normally 5 of us, this night one of my girl friends left to go pass out, so it was just me and the guys. I thought it...
January 3rd, 2018
Drunken rape
When I decided to get drunk for the first time ( my first semester in college), I tried to be wise and have friends watch over me. A male friend from my dorm offered to be my “guardian angel” for the night and make sure I didn’t get into too...
December 18th, 2017
Why Didn’t You Speak Up?
I was molested and raped by my sisters fiancee. He lived in the house with us and I had known him for years. He got as close to me as he could by trying to be a “big brother” and a friend. I loved this person like a brother and...
December 7th, 2017
Rape Being Considered a “Joke”
Dear Readers, I am anonymous for a reason that me revealing this story is a danger to my life. The reason for this is because the rapist is somebody with high power. They are the son of this (something). I don’t know. I just know that for a fact that...
August 27th, 2015
Trying to Survive
My name is Caryn and for 41 years I have been trying to survive. From birth I have had to endure mental, physical and sexual abuse and not all from one person. I was born unwanted and unloved by a mother who hated me, an alcoholic father and a grandfather...
July 8th, 2014
I Still Blame Myself
It goes back to November 2013. I cheated on my long-term boyfriend. He didn’t find out until February of 2014. However, one of the first people I told was a male I met on my Birthright trip to Israel. I feel because I told him I cheated, he thought I...
June 14th, 2017
November ’08
Hi, my name is Erica. On November 4th, 2008, the day the results of the presidential election were announced, I was sexually assaulted. It was a Tuesday night. Myself and a couple of friends were at a bar across from Union Station, having drinks while waiting to find out the...
January 2nd, 2015
Spring Break
My story takes place almost 20 years ago when I was just about 17. Although in some ways it feels like a life time ago my story is still a part of me. After it happened I did not tell anyone. Not my friends who were at the party that...
February 7th, 2015
Returning to Mexico
First of all, I am very proud of any rape survivor. I’m proud of how strong we all are and how much stronger we become through this experience, even though the healing process is so hard and takes very long. But we can do it, and in the end we...
July 5th, 2011
Nothing important…
.. My first answer, when people asked what happened. I was raped at my 25th birthday in Hungary from one of the teachers who helped me with my diploma thesis and his friends, which I never met before. That was his birthday-present for me, beside the cake. I remember him...
January 8th, 2016
Hidden But Not Forgotten
I honestly don’t know how to start this. Before the rape ever happened I had a crush on my father’s wife nephew. The most I have ever done with him was kiss him and harmless groping. This brings me to my rape story it started on a normal day. I...
May 7th, 2018
I dont know what to call it
i was about 8 my cousin was in his 20″s i only remember waking up by his weight on me and feeling his penis on me i don’t know how i got to my bed or what had happened i am 27 years old today he is in jail for...
February 13th, 2016
Bad Date
Date rape is ugly. It makes me wonder how to better protect myself. My apparently sweet boyfriend of 5 months once said he hated rapists and would injure or kill anyone who committed rape. Then we went camping in a remote area, 26 miles off the main road. I love...
April 27th, 2016
Awareness Among Teenage Boys
I recently watched the Brave Miss World movie with my teenage sons who are 13, 14 and 16 as I thought they needed to see it. Their reactions ranged from anger to horror to outright indignation about what happens regarding rape and sexual assault. I am very open with my...
November 2nd, 2015
Only 12
I was primary school when I got raped, it was a boy I really like and he knew I liked him a lot. At first I didn’t understand things about love and all that I thought love for a kid was talking maybe a kiss and just having fun like...
November 15th, 2016
Victim No More
As a child i grew up in an abusive household. My mother and father were both heavy substance users and I was exposed to a lot of violence ever since birth. Quite frankly, my rape was inevitable. I was only just 12 at the time, first year of high school....
November 2nd, 2015
My Boyfriend Raped Me
I was 16, a virgin and dating my boyfriend for a few months at this point. It was The late 80’s and there was a lot of alcohol and drug use in my life then. Although I “loved” my boyfriend I was not ready to have sex and he knew...
May 13th, 2016
Blamed Myself
It was a year ago, I was out with my friend and when I drink vodka I tend to blackout, I don’t drink it anymore. So anyway I think I got kicked out of the club for being too intoxicated and I lost my friend and I remember seeing this...
June 10th, 2018
Not safe in my own skin
I had been with my ex for 5 years, I loved him so much. He was not always so cruel, or well maybe he was. From the beginning he cheated on me with like 8 girls. He would deliberately embarrass me out in public. Then became controlling. And paranoid The first time he...
September 4th, 2018
Extremely Terrified
So, I don’t know if this will help but I was thinking I should give this writing thing a try because… well I just don’t know what else to do. To start, I do have a great therapist… she has been so good and supportive of me… but the thing...
May 24th, 2016
Broken Homes, Broken Families
my mum and I were always really close when I was younger, when something happened at home (I live with my dad) I could always vent o mum. when I was 7 years old, dad meet my step mum. they got married four years ago. they are now divorcing. my...
February 23rd, 2017
I’m now 28 and going through eating disorder recovery along with trauma work. When I was in kindergarten my mom went back to work full time. She sent me to the same daycare my younger cousin went to. The owner ran it from her home (sometimes her sons would help...
August 5th, 2015
I Trusted You
I’ve realized I use my “daddy issues” to explain why I do some of the things I do, this no different. It’s not an excuse, just helps show some of my reasoning. All I really wanted was someone to care about me, to take care of me. I was 17,...
October 16th, 2016
My Sister, My Best Friend & Me
I grew up very aware of the consequences of teenage girls, alcohol, and teenage boys. My parents adopted my older sisters Hayleigh and Vanessa from Spain. They were told they couldn’t have kids, but 14 years after they adopted the girls, they had me. When Vanessa was sixteen she was...
February 12th, 2016
The Guy I Trusted
At the age of 13 years old, I was rape. After spending half of the day in the pool with my team mates( due to an international competition), I started feeling uncomfortable. By the swim pool, the guy kept placing his hands around my waist. -I always say I am...
July 5th, 2011
Nothing important…
.. My first answer, when people asked what happened. I was raped at my 25th birthday in Hungary from one of the teachers who helped me with my diploma thesis and his friends, which I never met before. That was his birthday-present for me, beside the cake. I remember him...
August 6th, 2014
Football Player
he guy who raped me was a 17 year football player & I was a 15 year virgin. I newly had been dating another boy but had kissed this football player a few times in the previous months at parties. On this night, he led me to his truck during...
October 20th, 2017
“Me too” On Facebook
Recently, there’s been a lot of people posting “me too” on social media. That statement is supposed to show others they’re not alone and reveal to the word the size of this epidemic. I can’t help but feel more alone each and every time I see a “me too” status....
March 2nd, 2015
School Prom
n the beginning of December last year, I was at my first school prom ever. I was so excited, and had spent the whole day with my mom, looking for the perfect dress. I’d spent hours and hours in front of the mirror, putting on my makeup and fixing my...
April 19th, 2017
I said no
I was 16 and “in love”. I thought I knew the “love of my life”. He was so sweet to me how could someone like that hurt me? I was over his house and we were watching tv and cuddling. Then he started touching me and trying to take off...
It was my first year of college and I was struggling with depression. I didn’t like my college and I felt out of place. I wasn’t ok. But it was suddenly so much worse. I was a freshman, he was a senior. We were both sociology majors and had a...
September 7th, 2009
הסיפור שלי…
במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...
May 7th, 2017
Manhandling to Rape
I am 21. I have grown up believing that love anywhere anytime and driven by this feeling. I met a guy few months back. It was an instantaneous liking, from chats to coffee if only I knew then his intentions. One day he invited me for a drink and after...
November 12th, 2014
Is It Really Rape?
One week ago at a Halloween party, I blacked out and woke up with a woman from the party. I was with her for eight hours, but remember less than 10 seconds. The last thing I remember is feeling somewhat drunk, but still alert and having fun with a big...
July 11th, 2014
Raped as a Baby
When I was around 4 or 5 I was raped by a grown man who was a friend of the family. We lived in a big house that was also a furniture store below, so my mother was very busy. My father lived somewhere else because they were divorced. After...
March 21st, 2016
Freshman on Campus
It was my freshman year on campus. I was always shy and quiet but I always attracted guys. The wrong guys. I wanted that fairytale love. After my first big rivalry game on campus I said goodnight to my friends and started my walk back to my dorm. I met...
September 3rd, 2015
Six Year Sentencing Anniversary
59 years to life. All the girls sitting in the jury box waiting to hear what the judge would sentence the criminal who harmed us all in one way or another as we held hands and cried forced to look at the man who changed our lives forever. It has...
I was 20 just before my 21st birthday. I was in college, out at a party with some friends. We’d been drinking and having a good time. A friend came over to me and said that this guy she’d been interested in had invited her to come over to his...
When I was 15, my boyfriend asked me if we could have sex or any sexual contact, I said no I wasn’t ready. We had been dating for 2 months. 2 nights after he asked me, he took me out to see a movie. We sat in the back and...
August 12th, 2014
The Party
I was 14 years old at the time it happened. It was summer the end of august. The year was 2006. I liked football and hang around with hooligans because i thought there were cool people and just wanted to belong something. With my closest girlfriends at that time we...
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
January 28th, 2018
My Mother’s Life Partner Sexually Harrased Me...
When I was 13 & a half my mother took me out of school & used me as a labor child . She prevented me from going to school , having friends, or ever leaving our home for one full year I worked like an adult DAILY in her clothing...
September 26th, 2014
My Friend’s House
I am 43 years old and I know that the effects if my rape have cut deep. I have never said it before, “my rape” until I am typing it now. It’s been 25 years…I saw your documentary last night so now it’s time. I was 18. It was the...
December 18th, 2017
Raped because of who I loved
I’m lesbian. I have been since I was 17, ever since I felt that guys couldn’t do the same job as girls. When I was 18 I was still in college, and had opened up about my sexuality to eveyrone. And one of the guys, who I knew had a...
January 11th, 2018
Still Going
I can barely remember my childhood but Im going to let it go and share what I do remember. Im 33 years old and grateful to have survived. I remember my mothers husband raping me at the age of 7. He was sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive. He was...
January 7th, 2016
I was raped about a year before I was kidnapped. The kidnapping is more traumatic for me because nearly 20 years later I recognized a story on a profiling on America’s Most wanted that I knew it was the same people who kidnapped me. I escaped by some incredible strokes...
January 10th, 2016
When I was a child, my mom’s boyfriend touched me. I didn’t tell anyone. When I was 17, my boyfriend forced himself on me. I told my best friend, and she didn’t believe me. When I turned 20, I told my mom everything. She didn’t believe me for a long...
April 2nd, 2017
A Letter To The Man Who Stole...
o the man who stole my life: If I knew the day that I met you what kind of person you really were, I would have never acknowledged your presence. We grew up in church together and I admired you for years from afar. I always wondered what it would...
April 24th, 2018
Charity is it’s own reward
I was talked into taking the cousin of a friend to a school dance. He was short, homely, awkward, and basically the stereotype nerd out of all the B teen movies. In those, it always turns out she loves him by the end, but this wasn’t a movie. Counting the...
December 16th, 2011
The summer between 6th and 7th grade
When you are twelve and you are running away from rape, and you are dazzling drunk from drinking out of a red SOLO cup, the world spins and the floor comes up to greet you, gritting it’s sandpaper teeth against your ruddied cheek. You remember the way the fence feels...
December 6th, 2015
Two times. One year.
I had just gotten out of a relationship with someone I was crazy about when a guy I graduated with the year before texted me wanting to go swimming. I had a crush on him through out school so, why not? We went swimming with some of his friends down...
I feel like now is the right time to share my story. I was 18 at the time and just started a new life for myself across the country from my family at a college that I thought was perfect for me. One night I went out with my friends...
January 4th, 2014
A flat tire is a rapist’s opportunity
In September 2003, my twin sister babysat my 2 year old son so I could go out with friends. On the drive home, I got a flat tire and a man pulled off the highway to ‘help’ me. After pretending to fix the tire and failing, he offered to drive...
July 29th, 2016
Brother & Sister
My story starts at the age of 6. The worst part about it is not my age but the fact that I remember everything, every word and every moment of each attack is on replay in my mind driving me insane. So today I’m going to share every single detail...
October 20th, 2017
Drug raped
I’ve never been superstitious. It was Friday 13th and 14th of January when part of my life was taken from me. Myself and my friend decided to go for a few glasses of wine after work. We arrived at the bar around 4pm and ordered a bottle of wine to...
April 16th, 2015
Wanted Love But Got Rape
Everyone thought that I was going through a bad breakup. And for a long time, I made myself believe it too. It was like losing a piece of my voice, my life, my skin, my heart, my soul. My mind became a place of torment that I could never escape....
October 29th, 2015
Thank You
I was molested by my cousin at an early age, remember telling myself that I would never let that happen to me again. I battled and worked my way through what happened to me. I finally told my mom at 35 years old and I was 12 when my cousin...
October 24th, 2017
Happy Birthday
I just turned 21 and i had my cousins car and my best friend was my D.D. we had lunch and i had my first legal drink and i also got a free drink from starbucks what a great start right. Im in college away from home so i kinda...
October 4th, 2017
My best friend
Senior year of college, I was extremely drunk at a house party. My best friend, who I had hooked up with a few times was there with me, at a certain point I blacked out. I woke up in the morning in his bed with no clothes on, and I...
October 31st, 2015
Life Is Rough
Hi my name is Susan. I live in NY as I have most of my life. I saw Brave Miss World on Netflix and finally felt I need to at least in some way share a glimpse of my abuse. My father was a severe drinker he always had a...
January 10th, 2017
I Am Brave!
I am a rape survivor! My story started when i was 15 I was walking home from school when i felt someone grab and yank me back then i passed out, then i came to and i was on someones shoulder and had a blindfold on, i started to scream...
January 13th, 2015
Still Can’t Believe It
I know that I have been raped, but still can’t believe it. In all cases I knew my rapist. I was a rebellious teenager and walked away from home when I was 16. The cousin of a friend where I was staying raped me like 3 times and also gave...
February 4th, 2017
Was It Rape? I Don’t Know
So a few months back I had sex with a guy named henry. The first time was 5 minutes and was over. So in my head I was like, this is the last time Ill ever see this guy. Weeks later He texted me and was like come over. So...
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
October 23rd, 2011
my story-and where i “took it”…
My story begins when I was 5 or 6…. my parents best friends had a son a few years older than me…. at some point he started molesting me… every time his parents came over or we went over to their house… it started out “easy”.. like he would only...
August 28th, 2015
I Think I Was Raped
I was raped when I was 17 years old. I was dating this guy i went to high school with. We had been dating for a few months and I was at his house one night. We were drinking (alcohol) and talking while watching TV. All of a sudden there’s...
April 6th, 2016
Holding It In
When I was in 5th or 6 the grade, I can’t remember exactly when it started, I began to have dreams that someone was coming into my room at night. I didn’t recall much of what they were doing. A few months after it began I realized they were not...
March 3rd, 2016
My Daughter
Hello I’m Jack, I just finished watching Brave Miss World.I must say I cried like a baby. I wanted to share with you my daughters story of being molested at age 6 by and older girl who would visit her grandparents who lives across the street from our home. To...
June 30th, 2014
Few People Know
I was 17 years old and told my mom that I was going over to my friends house to spend the night, and she told her parents the same thing. We’d been walking around the small town where we lived and ran across a friend of my boyfriends, whom I...
October 22nd, 2017
I can’t remember if I said yes...
I feel really embarrassed posting this, because this story is different than a lot of stories on here. But I had been going on dates with this guy and staying at his parents house and solely just falling asleep together, nothing sexual. I told him I only sleep with someone...
August 20th, 2009
my story
אני בת 28, נשואה ואם לילד. עברתי פגיעה מינית מתמשכת, מגיל 9, ועד גיל 13.5, מאדם בגיל של הורי אני לא אוהבת לקרוא לעצמי “שורדת” כי בחיים יש הרבה יותר מזה כיום, בעיצומו של תהליך החלמה ושיקום, אני פעילה בארגוני נשים שונים, ביניהם מרכז הסיוע לנפגעות תקיפה מינית בישראל תודה...
March 19th, 2018
Quarterly Review
As my 1st job, I was working at a chain store while going to school, and supporting my Mother through her cancer treatments. We had some assistance, but not enough to cover bills and food, much less rent. I needed the job. The manager TJ knew I was hard up...
Hola, no comprendo muy bien el idioma ingles por eso escribo esta corta historia en español, la persona que fue abusa es mi esposa cuan ella tenia 11 años por el esposo de una tía de ella y el esposo de una prima de ella. Al contarme esto sentí demasiada...
July 29th, 2016
Once When I Was 6, Once When...
I am a 19 year old girl. I am a lot of things. I am kind. I am honest. I am respectful. I am caring. I am loyal. I am smart. I am everybody’s rock to lean on. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a future...
August 2nd, 2017
I met evil at a young age
Hi. I’m Marie and I’m 16 years old. I’m a victim of sexual assault. Rape. It happened when I was eleven years old. About a month before my 12th birthday. I knew this guy from a park I used to play in with my friends. He was a couple years...
February 8th, 2018
Breakin Burgler
I had been sitting listening to my headset, and I needed to go to the bathroom. In the hall, I heard some noise, and figured it was my sister sneaking in from a night out. Heading down the hall, I heard it was grunting, and the like. I got to...
I was raped 8 months ago…I was 20 years old at the time at my university when it happened. After watching Brave Miss World I felt compelled to share my story. I went out to the bar one night and got a drink, I set it down for a short...
October 19th, 2016
In The Concrete Jungle
I was born and raised in New York City. I walked everywhere. When my dad left when I was fourteen, my mom had to work longer shifts at the hospital so I would take the subway and then walk to my Aunt Tina’s house. I had been doing this for...
September 3rd, 2014
לפני 14 שנים
והסיפור בעברית כי אני לא טובה לכתוב באנגלית!! דבר חשוב שיש לי לציין לפני שאני מתחילה לכתוב אני לא יודעת אנגלית טוב אני יודעת רק עברית אז מקווה שהתוכנה תתרגם נכון. שלום ראיתי את הסרט שלך והרגשתי צורך לכתוב לך את הסיפור שלי. כיום אני בת 16… זה קרה לפני...
August 24th, 2009
לא יוצאים מזה…
לינור יקרה- הסיפור שלך השפיע עלי רבות בזמנו (1998) כי ממש באותה תקופה הסיפור עם השכן שפגע בי התפוצץ… אני לא חיה מאז. אני חיה-מתה למען האמת… כל יום הוא מלחמה עבורי… אני נאחזת בשיניים, וזה לא קל. סליחה אם אני נשמעת פסימית (אולי זה בגלל התקופה…), אבל קשה מאוד...
May 30th, 2014
Sexual Abuse
Hola. Tengo 25. La primera vez que fue abusada sexualmente fue por mi abuelo, yo tenía 7 u 8 años, cuando él me llamó a su habitación y me preguntó que si yo sabía besar, y yo le dije que no. Desde ahí empezaron una serie de actos desagradables. Cada...
May 25th, 2015
Why Didn’t You Stop Him?
I was raped when I was 15 by a man who took me back to his house from a park. I didn’t mention it for 12 months; eventually I burst and shared. The following is my delineating of the story that I wrote 4 years later, and edited today. It...
מרגיש מכני נושא הסיפור: והסיפור: כלכך ישיר לנושא כלכך מורכב אני שכנה שלך ממש חדשה ברחוב הסחלב 96 רמת פולג בעלך עבד עם חבר שלי שמנהל את הקפה קפה באמנון ותמר 6 (של אבא שלי) הסיפור שלי כזה הייתי ילדה שמחה מאוד ואז זה הפסיק פעם אחת קצרה ,אבל כלכך...
I was a freshman in high school so it was the world to be dating a senior. Until you get passed the fact that he’s just 4 years older and that he is mentally and verbally abusive. Not to mention the boy cheated on me. But he had me so...
March 21st, 2016
Child Abuse
I was abused as a child. He was my parents friend, and his children were my friends. He wanted me to touch his penis, one time he was supposed to drive me to his kids school but instead he drove to an isolated area near the forest. Then he pulled...
November 28th, 2017
Surpris à la Maison
A week after my marriage, I had moved into Pantin, outside Paris, with his mother and son. I had my premier day at new occupation. I remove my stockings, and wanted food. My stepson grappled me to my knees. After a fight, I felt him enter inside me. He only...
November 7th, 2016
The Girl Who Went To College
It was early into my first year of college in New York City. (I’m from a really small Midwest town and grew up as a painfully awkward band geek and was going through my first ever breakup with my then-long-distance HS boyfriend back home but we were trying to stay...
April 14th, 2017
A Stong Woman
I just wanted and needed to tell you a story if I hadn’t told you already, please feel free to talk about the shame, the hurt, the life changing experience I endured. Did I ever tell you the story about the 3 year old little girl who was molested almost...
July 19th, 2018
‘Were you drinking?’
Why is it every question people start with when you say you were raped is ‘Were you drinking?’? Yes. I was drinking. Does that make me any less of a human being? Does that make me a willing participant to such an act? I shared my story with one person,...
January 3rd, 2014
Drugged and Raped at Age 14
I was something of a “wild child” in my teenage years. I grew up in the Los Angeles area and fell in love with live music at a very young age. My mom wouldn’t allow me to go out to any concerts, and we had a venue with lots of...
October 28th, 2015
Hello, my name is Andrea If you would have told me 8 months ago that I would be sharing this story and presenting these facts to you, I would not have believed you- not for one moment! But let me start with a bit of my history…. 10 years ago,...
When I was 9 my favorite holiday was always Halloween, going out at night scaring and getting scared but it was more of a joke scare. But, Halloween 2010 was not a “joke scare.” My mum was sick and couldn’t take me trick or treating so my neighbor took me....
April 26th, 2015
7 Sisters
I just finished watching Brave Miss World. Powerful powerful stuff! Thank you. I have 7 sisters and 5 of them were sexually molested and raped by family members. We have been on an increedible journey since their stories came out. We frequently say if we can just help one little...
September 6th, 2017
I was sexually abused as a child by my teenage uncle when I was six. My mother told me it’s not his fault he was young and didn’t know what he was doing, then it was he’s was on drugs and didn’t know what he was doing. So I was...
March 20th, 2017
Nobody Knew
My story starts on Canada Day 2014, I was 16 years old. The day went perfectly. I had my boyfriend with me, whom I thought was perfect in every way. He was older that me, so I thought I had a lot to compete with when it came to other...
April 18th, 2015
Stranger Rape
Hi, I’m Nye-Emah and it was kinda weird how it happened 5 months ago. It was my birthday i turned 12. So. I went to my BFF. We was going to hang at the park. While we were there were strange men was there too. So we payed no attention...
April 12th, 2016
I Was Only 14
My name is Beth. I was 14 years old when I was token advantage of by a guy I thought loved me. He was very sweet at first but he wanted more. I was willing the first time. I felt I was too young. One day he really wanted it...
September 28th, 2015
Continue to Survive
I was molested at 2, I remember waking and going to sleep with older boy on top of me, but I was also molested by my father until I was 6, I Kept That From happening to my sister. If you knew back than the highlight of my life was...
March 24th, 2017
I am More than a Victim
I was raped the summer before my sophomore year. I was at a party. I was dancing and talking to everyone that I came into contact with, I wasn’t drinking just having a good time. The friends I was with left to go get a drink and to go to...
October 21st, 2017
My experience as an intern in highschool
I was a senior at Towson High School in 1970. I was allowed to be an intern for half the day in my chosen interest. I was a member of DECCA, and did well, so I spent half the school day at the Towson Times, a member at the time...
March 23rd, 2016
An Abnormal Reaction
So this entire story starts at the beginning of this summer. Before the summer started I had been dating around and seeing a few guys casually but there was no one I liked. All of these endeavors were super innocent as we would do things like go to the movies...
April 22nd, 2016
Smoke Together
I had just entered high school and i felt comfortable with more freedom and extreme stuff. I had some friends and in my country weed is really in-fashion… I found a person that was only 2 years older than me, he was handsome,fun and he started selling me the strongest...
December 8th, 2016
Salted Wound
When you ask someone who knows me well how to describe me, the first word that comes to their mind is strong. And yes, I have proven I am strong throughout my life by defying obstacles and haters like the powerful creature that I am. However, there is one part...
July 5th, 2016
A Scared Little Girl
I was about 2-3 y/old when I met my stepdad, as a child he was just another man. But as I started to grow things changed. I remember many things that happened. One of the many first scenarios I remember was at my old house, we (meaning my whole family...
July 18th, 2017
Not all friends are true
I grew up such a trusting and open person. I cared about everyone who crossed my path and I would give the shirt off my back to anyone who needed it. So when I got a call at 11:30 from a guy friend saying he needed a place to crash...
(I’ve felt) Man in Florida ruined my innocence I’ve felt sorrow I’ve felt vengeance I felt what it was like to lose God Tears run down my face allot no one understood I felt the guilt and the blame I felt what it was like to be ashamed being in...
January 7th, 2018
God Saw You Kill My Two Little...
I grew up in the Appalachian mountains with incest and violence, I’m an Appalachian inbred Hillbilly, ain’t nothing wrong with that. People who write similar stories or movies most times are not an inbred Hillbilly which makes my story unique. At nine years old I was beaten and raped at...
A few weeks back I was raped. It was by someone who I love dearly and want to trust completely- my boyfriend. We were becoming more intimate and affectionate with each other, but I made it clear to him that I wasn’t ready to go all the way numerous times....
February 15th, 2016
My Brother, My Rapist
I was 3 years old when my brother raped me, he had 14 years old. Many times I asking myself why I had to remember all the details: my feels, my pain, his smell, the sounds.. all. Could be more easy if I just grow up without this memories, unfortunately...
January 27th, 2016
Broken Hearted
I was raped by a man that was older then me I was terrified and cried the whole time I hate myself and feel so disgusting. I attempt to go to school at Temple University but it’s so hard I cry everyday and people think I’m happy and so beautiful...
December 18th, 2015
Growing Past Just Surviving
I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. Our daytime seemed the perfect middle class, church going family where all was polite, well and peaceful. Our night times where a living nightmare. My father became a different man drunk. I grew up physically and sexually abused, although...
January 23rd, 2015
Who I Once Called My Father
I am afraid… I have never told anyone… I don’t know where to start… But it has to come… My story begins on March 20, 1997… the day I was born. Yes, I am only 17, still very young. Going back to the day I was born, I have no...
February 19th, 2018
My rape story
When I was 10 years old my father raped me in a bathtub and told me it was my fault. Then the next day he sent my brother to my uncles and I was alone with him and his girl friend next thing I know I tied down while he...
June 2nd, 2016
Left Me In Pieces
I feel safe here to share my story. I do apologize that it is long. So far, writing has been the only form of release for me. Spring Semester 2016, senior year of college I know we both had been drinking, but I felt safe with you. We were pretty...
February 8th, 2015
Rape Survivor
First of all, I would want to tell Linor that she is such an amazing woman. I watched Brave Miss World on Netflix last night and again today as it touched my heart and soul on so many levels. It saddens me that there are so many of us all...
June 25th, 2018
Close of a Brother
Growing up my brother would tell me we had to sick together because we were the only children who’s father was not around. My brother little by little starting age 6 he would kiss me then hump. eventually i was age 7 or 8 he’d begin having intercourse. To this...
June 28th, 2017
I am still running
…at around 12:30am, May 4, 2017, when I was already sleeping, a man accessed my villa. When I opened my eyes I saw the attacker’s face and a knife. Threatening me with the knife, the intruder forced himself on me and repeatedly raped me. I was trying to escape the...
February 11th, 2016
Longest Prayers of My Life
I was like 9 or 10 years old. A friend of mine was moving to Nogales Sonora so she invited another friend and me to the city. two adult uncles of my friend were staying in her house, and one night her uncles slept in the room where we were...
December 14th, 2017
So one day I was hanging out with this guy friend if mine. We had consensual sex about a week before this. We were in a hotel room and I got into bed naked with him. He started to put me down telling me I was a whore and I...
May 12th, 2016
Was It My Fault?
I was freshly 18, recently graduated high school and feeling like nothing could stop me. I never have been in a relationship, I was used to talking to guys for a little while, and then it never blooming into something else. I had a thing for older guys, and since...
March 25th, 2016
First Date
I was 15, Freshman year was almost over. A sophomore guy asked me on a date. I knew this guy from around so I said yes. We went out to dinner at Olive Garden and then walked around downtown for a bit. We got in his truck and he said...
September 8th, 2016
Can Anyone Help?
Hi fellow survivors. I’ve written on this forum a few times before trying to be encouraging to those who are struggling with post rape trauma and all the crap that comes with it, but I’m reaching out to you for support now. It’s been about 9 months since a stranger...
July 24th, 2014
Repressed Memory
I feel like an impostor, like I might not even deserve this space, but I don’t know. I don’t remember anything but tiny bits from my childhood. Part of that is because the divorce from age 9-11 was so central to my life, partly because I think I have repressed...
March 8th, 2016
Girl Raped By a Girl
Hi Linor, hi everybody, I was looking for a movie to watch tonight on Netflix and I found Linor’s documentary by coincidence (does coincidence exist? Linor would say that’s it’s God path, she is maybe right). I have been very touched by her project, her story, what she made with...
June 2nd, 2023
He Was Saving Me From Me
I thought I wasn’t worth it Suicide I kept escaping it Depression, the shadow i hid in Screaming:: When will this mental illness end Couldn’t find someone to truly call a friend Felt like i lost my wind I was self destructing, didn’t know what it was like to be...
July 6th, 2017
Do you believe me?
I dated this guy for 2 years. One night we went to a party. Before the party we messed around. He told me that I owed him. We went to the party then afterwards I knew I had to give him head or have sex. I hated giving head. I...
August 19th, 2009
היי לינור
היי אני מקווה שאכן תקראי אותי. גם אני עברתי חוויות דומות, כאלה ואחרות בחיי מ 8 אנשים מהמשפחה. זה הבלוג שלי אם תרצי לעיין http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userblog.asp?foldername=bubaa&passok=yes אשמח אם תצרי איתי קשר במייל את חזקה! כל הכבוד לך *חיבוק*
March 30th, 2010
He Never Apologized
Most recently was when I lived with my ex-fiance. I was the first girl he’d slept with and I naturally had a much lower libido than him, but usually went with it anyway. One day he wanted sex when I was feeling really unwell. I told him I felt crappy...
October 25th, 2018
The Boys Club Continues
I decided to share my story after reading another woman’s story on this site…she was brutally gang raped by police and contemplating suicide. Please “don’t let them win” by Suicide. I know it’s your choice to take your life or survive…. I know the helplessness against the Blue Wall. I...
July 17th, 2015
Date Rape
It happened about a month ago now. This guy, whose name I will not state, added me on my Facebook and messaged me. We started talking for about 2 weeks and I was really into him, he invited me to his friends house for a few drinks one night and...
December 8th, 2016
Salted Wound
When you ask someone who knows me well how to describe me, the first word that comes to their mind is strong. And yes, I have proven I am strong throughout my life by defying obstacles and haters like the powerful creature that I am. However, there is one part...
March 23rd, 2016
I’m Unbroken and So Are You
About a year and a half ago, I was raped. In 2013, my first job was a lifeguard at a Boy Scout Camp near my home in Salisbury, Maryland. My aquatics director was a guy named, let’s just call him CJ, and he seemed alright. The day before I left...
March 1st, 2018
Someday Soon
Sometimes the people you should trust are the ones to fear. I grew up in a family full of emotional and physical abuse. As a child I would be stripped naked in winter to lay on tiled floors, have wooden spoons and hair brushes broken through beatings, be tied in...
I was a 15 year old virgin. Went with my brother to my 27 year old cousin’s house. I knew my cousin very well because I lived with them until I was 5 or 6 even calling his parents mom and dad. I decided to try alcohol for the first...
July 21st, 2014
ללינור היקרה
היי לינור, קוראים לי אוריאן אני בת 16 מתל אביב. אני כותבת לך מכתב זה כי אני מעריכה אותך ורואה בך מודל לחיקוי. האומץ שבך,האסרטיביות,הכוח רצון,החוזק שיש בך נותנים לי כוח ורצון להמשיך הלאה. את אישה מדהימה ליונר, את לקחת את הכוח שיש לך לדברים טובים,לעזרה לזולת,ואני מתכוונת לכך שכשזכית...
January 25th, 2017
He was jealous of my new friend
So April/May 2016, thanks to a newspaper article I get back in touch with an old friend. He asks me if I’m happy in the relationship I am currently in with my partner, I admit to him I’m not and I want out. Two months after this my partner goes...
September 9th, 2014
Doctor Nightmares
I was 25 years old, in love with my boyfriend and living with him in an apartment. He was an artist, a sweet and wonderful man. I had moved to this new city with him, thinking that when he finished school we would get married and start a family as...
March 10th, 2017
Okay, Not Okay
Last January was the first anniversary for me since I was sexually assaulted for the first time in my life. I am straight, and I was assaulted by my female friend. Though I want to/feel that I need to share what had happened to me last year, I barely remember...
August 9th, 2016
The Night My Life Changed
I felt so lost and alone. It was so scary. My “friends” we’re having a party in one of the dorms so I thought I would go to hang out. It was cool in the beginning no pressure. Just drinking and eating and having a good time. Until things turned...
October 23rd, 2017
I want to Call it what it...
I am a Business Major at a prestigious University in Eastern Pennsylvania. I do drink, not usually too heavy, and only on the weekend. This weekend, I had a mixed drink that was stronger than it seemed. I went over my, I thought, friend’s apartment, and had a beer to...
April 14th, 2016
Letter to My Rapist
To you, You don’t know me, I don’t know you. No idea what you look like, but still, there you are. In my thoughts, in my dreams, in my life. A stranger, yet so close to me. Every day, every night. Especially at night, actually. I don’t even know your...
September 3rd, 2016
What Happened?
There was a boy who I had went to elementary school with. I always had a crush on him. He was cute and popular and so many girls liked him. I would see him from time to time but it wasn’t until right before my junior of high school did...
April 6th, 2015
Confused and Angry
I’m currently enrolled in a Philosophy of Love and Sex class at university and we were discussing sexual assault. The lecture really opened my eyes to something that had happened me earlier in the year and I’m pretty pissed and confused about it now. Friends from my previous university were...
January 2nd, 2016
Hola soy una mujer de 31 años. Viví una situación muy confusa cuando era niña casi 9 o 10 años. Mis padres nos dejaban vacacional en la casa de mis abuelos que nos cuidaban, nos consentían con golosinas, ver televisión y jugar. Una tarde ya para llegar la noche nos...
June 11th, 2016
My Brother’s Best Friend
Being raped by my brother’s best friend was the most confusing thing to ever happen to me. It’s been six years since that night and it still affects me. I want to tell my story because only through reading other survivor’s stories was I able to finally accept what happened,...
April 4th, 2017
Was It My Fault?
Seven months ago, I was raped. I had just gone through a breakup of a 1 year relationship; I was having a hard time getting back out with my friends and returning to any normal things I did before my boyfriend and I broke up. My best friend and her...
August 24th, 2016
Always the Girls Fault
He was my best friend. I had known him nearly a couple months then he started flirting with me. By that stage we were inseparable best friends. It started with asking for pictures which i gave into 3 times, hoping he’d stop. He did. The first time he asked me...
January 9th, 2015
Isn’t Any Proof
I was raped 5 months ago by a man I kind of “dating”. I had invited him around to my house to watch a film with me and he suddenly got pushy. I kept saying no, and he kept going. He gave me an infection because he didn’t use a...
August 24th, 2009
חיה בשני עולמות מקבילים
מאיפה בכלל מתחילים לרשום את הסיפור שלי כשמרגישה שלא משנה כמה אני ירשום- זה פשוט לא יהיה מספיק. אני חיה בתוך הסוד הזה כבר שנים רבות- רבות מדי. אני בת 25, לאחרונה סיימתי את התואר הראשון שלי. למרות הכאב שאני חייה בחיי- לאורך השנים תמיד וידאתי שאת כל הכוחות שלי...
I used to live in south Korea with my parents and my two brothers (one older and one younger). My older brother died when I was very young and my parents decided to migrate overseas for a fresh new start. When we first came to Australia, we settled in extremely...
January 29th, 2017
The Night That Changed Me
I apologize for this being a tad on the long side, it is the first time I am sharing my full story with anyone and it was very therapeutic to write out every detail. I thank everyone for taking the time to read my story, and sharing in my healing….....
October 26th, 2014
Raped Three Times
I’m 21 years old and I would like to share my story. When I was 10 years old, my uncle’s friend who worked at his place, tried to rape me. My cousin said that he wanted to talk with me. I went to the shop who were next to my...
December 19th, 2015
Since Age 6?
I have early memories from about age six. When i was about six years old, I fondly have flash backs of being touched by my younger brother’s father. I’m not completely sure what he exactly did to me but I sometimes have weird “dreams” and I’m not sure if there...
February 17th, 2015
First of all, I want to thank Linor. Thank you for sharing your story. I have watched it about 5 times by now. Every time I have a hard time, I watch this so I don’t have to feel so alone. I am 22 years old now and I was...
February 10th, 2014
Intimate Partner Violence
My “husband” was such a romantic, always taking the day off of work to celebrate the anniversary of our first date. Twenty years later, I find him in front of the computer, wearing the same shirt, but his pants are down, and bagged at the ankle. He is masturbating to...
October 28th, 2015
Just need to express my anger about something that happened many years ago. I am a secondary survivor I would say. I was not physically raped by this man but my niece was at the tender age of 9 until she was 11. She is 47 now. I found out...
June 5th, 2017
Blaming Myself
I don’t remember when it started. All I remember is being afraid whenever my mom left the house and it was just my stepdad and I. He would always come around to my sister and I’s room after our mom had tucked us in so he could “tickle us.” Unsurprisingly,...
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
June 19th, 2018
I am a survivor
The first time I was molested I was about 4 years old. I barely remember it. My birth mother was very poor and lived with who I’m assuming was a boyfriend or pimp. He used to take me in the bedroom and tell me to take off all my clothes....
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
January 20th, 2014
הטראומה הכי קשה בחיי
הייתי בת 19 באתי מבית דתי הכרתי אותו מבוגר ממני ב20 שנה הכיר לי את העולם החילוני , הכל אצלו היה מתוכנן הכניס אותי להריון והתחתנו עוד לא עיקלתי מה קרה לי אני כבר אמא כל הנישואים לא הבנתי למה הוא מכה וצועק ומתעלל פיזית ומינית תמיד אמר לי “את...
July 28th, 2014
הטרידו אותי
היי לינור קודם כל אני חייבת להגיד שראיתי את הסרט שלך אולי מאות פעמים וכל פעם אני מתרגשת מחדש. אני בת 13 ולפני כמה ימים הטרידו אותי וזה לא יוצא לי מהראש זה הלך ככה הלכתי עם חברה שלי לקניון ואז איש מבוגר פנה אלי ואמר לי שיש לי יופי...
October 31st, 2014
Bringing the Stories to Light
I am so grateful for the bravery and commitment to change that Linor has demonstrated. When watching Brave Miss World I was moved by her courage. I have been in contact with Linor and the Brave Miss World team because I am also working toward ending the silence of rape...
April 13th, 2015
A Meek Young Girl
I was 17 at the time and my attacker was 16. We started dating in October. We were dating and everything was going great through our relationship. 2 months into our relationship his friends made fun of him by saying how I wasn’t a virgin and he was and that...
January 7th, 2016
Ended in Rape
I was involved with a married man. I know I was wrong for being with him but the chemistry was strong. I cannot describe the shame I feel from being with him. He was really into s and m stuff and we used code words or if he was too...
July 2nd, 2016
A Voice to be Heard
I just want my voice to be heard for once, I want the truth to be heard and to stop having my words twisted. I’m done being silenced. If you have ever been blamed for your rape due to date rape this story is for you.
My name is Erin McKinney,...
December 6th, 2017
Abused since I was young
It all started when I was very young, just starting in school. My cousin and aunt lived with my grandparents, and we were always over visiting. One night I had to stay the night and was put in my cousins’ room, he’s 7 years older than I. He made me...
July 21st, 2014
The Hole in My Heart
For a long time, I have been living with a hole in my heart, and for a long time I did not mention to anyone that I was raped, in fact, the person who raped me, made himself out to be “the good guy” who everyone got to know…and love,...
June 7th, 2016
My Best Friends Brother
You were the big brother I never had, the one I looked up to and trusted. I just wanted to relax that night, so I took a pill. You will never know how scared and confused I was when I finally understood what was happening. Your hands were in my...
August 7th, 2015
Gang Rape
I was 14 when I was raped. I went out with my friends to a party where i met these guys there were 3 or 4 of them. They looked at me and complimented on my beauty. Saying “You are a really pretty girl” and “what’s your secret?” I said...
August 24th, 2009
כמוני כמוך
מחזקת את ידיך. כמוני כמוך, כמו כל החברות שלי, אין אישה בישראל שלא עברה הטרדה מינית / תקיפה מינית / אונס או גילוי עריות.
November 15th, 2016
Victim No More
As a child i grew up in an abusive household. My mother and father were both heavy substance users and I was exposed to a lot of violence ever since birth. Quite frankly, my rape was inevitable. I was only just 12 at the time, first year of high school....
November 20th, 2014
Forced, De-flowered
I’ve experienced sexual assault and harassment for as long as I can remember. It mainly started when I was about 3 years old and my brother’s friends molested me. I remember having to see counselors due to becoming violent…they passed it off as ADD. Flash forward over a decade, I...
November 1st, 2015
He Was My Father
I was 11 years old and I had just moved to here I left my family behind and everyone that I cared about. My father moved here when I was 2. I have never seen him again since he left. Me and my mother we were the best of friends,...
December 10th, 2013
יש חיים אחרי אונס
שלום לכולן, אני בחורה חוזרת בתשובה מזה ארבע שנים .. בגיל 15 בערך עברתי אונס ע”י מציל .. שהיה באמצע שנות העשרים שלו.. לא הצלחתי לדבר שלוש עשרה שנים .. לא הצלחתי להגדיר לעצמי .. עברת עכשיו אונס .. אז שתקתי.. אבל הפצע לא מוכן להישאר בנפש ובגוף .. הוא...
October 24th, 2014
Don’t Want to Admit It
I meet him online. I built a friendship with him. Kind of a match thing except for younger people. The connection was great. I said let’s meet at a coffee shop. He picked the place. He was late to give me the address and I waited for him. Meet him...
February 7th, 2014
Date Rape
I was dating a man I actually liked. Our families were friends. He represented everything I wasn’t. He told me one night that he had bought a building to convert into a store so we could have a future, HE asked me if I wanted to see it. I followed...
אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
October 19th, 2017
Was it my fault?
Up until right now, I’ve never spoke of what happened to me. I’ve never told anyone. I really don’t know why. Maybe because I felt to blame. Maybe because I’m not sure it could even be considered rape. I really don’t know. The only thing I do know is that...
I am a german girl, 20 years old. A few weeks ago I went skiing with my dad for a few days. After skiing we went to a bar for aprés ski where we met some guys from switzerland. We had a lot of fun and when my dad wanted...
October 23rd, 2016
I Remember Being Happy
I remember being happy to bump into you and smiling as I spoke to you. I remember feeling good that u invited me in and were not mad at me for staying away. Then I remember thinking that I must have given you the wrong vibe when u wanted to...
June 22nd, 2014
Raped as a Boy
I was raped as a child for many years by someone I considered a father figure, my uncle. I had only realized what it was before I became a teenager. He passed away in 97 from a flesh-eating disease. I always thought this was God’s doing for what he did...
February 7th, 2016
My Mom
Hello my name is Vivian. About 2 years ago my mother, with great shame and fear, revealed to me that she had been raped as a young girl on a date. She and her older sister, my aunt, went to the police for help and was told there was nothing...
February 19th, 2017
The Summer of 2013
Trauma. This word can describe many things. PTSD. Car accidents. Deaths. Rape. It can mean a variety of situations, each different from the rest. My brother and I both experienced trauma. In the summer of 2013, my brother was molested, and I experienced verbal sexual abuse. And the worst part...
January 30th, 2016
My Rape
I was raped by my emotionally and physically abusive husband while living abroad. I had finally decided to leave and lied telling him it was a trial separation, either way I was going home. And that despite the fact he always had sex when I said no other times over...
June 30th, 2014
Happily Married, Rape Survivor
I am one of the lucky ones, I was blessed with an amazing man, who loves and supports me. I do not know if it has to do with the fact that he himself is also a survivor rape victim. I cannot remember at what age I began to be...
July 5th, 2014
A Day My Life Changed Forever
It was Thanksgiving Day, 2009. I was going to meet a long time friend. We had known each other for 7 yrs and had been each others support when his sister, my lover had passed away 2 yrs before. I trusted him, he was a green barret soldier, I didn’t...
December 18th, 2017
Raped because of who I loved
I’m lesbian. I have been since I was 17, ever since I felt that guys couldn’t do the same job as girls. When I was 18 I was still in college, and had opened up about my sexuality to eveyrone. And one of the guys, who I knew had a...
August 14th, 2015
Family Member
It started at 6, I used to live with my grandma me my parents and my two cousins. My cousin was 15 when he started touching me, he would kiss me put his hands in my pants and touch me, put his fingers inside me and make me perform oral...
February 8th, 2016
Step Dad
I was 6 years old when it started.. My mom got together with this guy she went to work with he was honestly the nicest guy ever!!! He spoiled my sister and I and talked about adopting us from our dad. Then he went to prison… The first year he...
November 18th, 2014
De Los 6 a Los 12
Desperté con su aliento sucio y su lengua dentro de mi boca y, no entendí nada, quedé paralizada, tenía apenas 6 añitos y lo quería y admiraba… era mi abuelo. Esa noche, antes de irnos a la cama y con mi abuelo de visita, lloré desconsolada pues competíamos mis hermanos...
April 15th, 2016
This is MY story
My name is Emmalin. My sister Kylie shared her story in here “my coach my rapist”. I am 17 and a junior in high school. My best friends are my sisters Taelyn, Kylie, and Hannah. Hannah is in the grade below me. I remember how much pain our family went...
September 5th, 2010
גבר אלים וחולני
לקראת גיל 15 התחלתי לצאת עם בחור שהיה גדול ממני בשנה, לאחר חודשיים בערך ביחד הייתה בנינו מריבה מטופשת במהלך המריבה הוא נהייה אלים כלפי זאת הפעם הראשונה בעצם שהוא הרים עליי יד, הביא לי סטירה שהפילה אותי על הריצפה וכשאני שוכבת על הרצפה הביא לי מכה חזרה בבטן עם...
June 17th, 2014
Seis Años
A los seis años fui a la fiesta de una tia buela una de las tantas reuniones que hacen en mi familia y cuando fui al baño el hijo de esa tia me llevo a su cuarto y abuso de mi yo trate de llamar a mi mama pero tenian...
December 13th, 2016
He Destroyed Me
This is my first time sharing my story and revealing how I really feel about it. I am 24 years old now and I have lost both parents before the age of 10. We were 7 girls and one boy, but now we left only 3 girls and the boy...
November 28th, 2014
Was It Rape?
I was working a summer camp as a teacher and when the four weeks finished I went on a road trip with a friend from the camp. We were met in a campsite by our Supervisor in the camp. He was about 10 years older than us and I really...
It happens when I just turned 14. It was summer day, I was playing on the playground with my best friend. We met two men – they were much older than us, but who cared – if anyone wanted to play, there wasn’t any problem – the playground was public...
December 10th, 2015
The first occurrence of sexual assault happened to me when I was 6 years old, at the hands of my sister. She continued to sexually assault me until she met her boyfriend 3 years later. The second time, in 2002, I was drugged and raped by two college acquaintances. I...
August 15th, 2014
I’ve just finished watching your amazing documentary, it’s taken me a couple of months of knowing about it to finally be able to press play. I’m so pleased I did, I cried for you Linor, I cried for myself and I cried for all the strong women who spoke, and...
February 19th, 2018
I’ve survived sexual abuse
As a kid I was a molested from the time I was 5 until 15. I married to leave my house. Got pregnant and divorced soon after. Then I found myself in a very controlling relationship. Found myself pregnant again which are lost that child due to a DUI driver...
February 2nd, 2022
It wasn’t your fault
It Wasn’t Your Fault The mere fact of being born a woman is enough to place you in a sort of danger for your entire life. Society still makes sure to place you there, and more importantly, to make you believe it is only your fault. And while I did...
September 9th, 2016
“You’re both minors”
I had just turned 14, I was talking to this guy a couple years older than me. He was 16 almost 17. We had been friends for years but started to hang out more. One night we went to the state fair and went back to my house around 11,...