January 27th, 2018
We Stand Together
I’m a survivor. I have severe PTSD trauma due to being molested the young child for 6 years raped by neighborhood kids the broke into my house and videotaped and spread all over the streets by the age of 13. For years boys and men abused me. I was being...
September 28th, 2015
Continue to Survive
I was molested at 2, I remember waking and going to sleep with older boy on top of me, but I was also molested by my father until I was 6, I Kept That From happening to my sister. If you knew back than the highlight of my life was...
Born A Girl When I was 10, I noticed men looking at me differently When I was 10 to 12 men and boys of all ages honked their horns, whistled and yelled profanities at me When I was 13 my friend and I were walking home in the daylight, when...
August 7th, 2014
I Am Beautiful Now
It all transpired the summer that I turned 16. This was a rough summer for me already, as it was also the summer that I had started menstruating. That’s a hard time even without having experienced such ugly things. I was a late bloomer, and embarrassed at how late a...
August 1st, 2015
April 2015
I just turned 13,and I was a virgin.I planned to go my boyfriends house with my best friend to drink and a few of his friends were there too and before I got inside one of the guys there texted my friend saying that her boyfriend is “trynna fuck” but...
July 21st, 2016
I’m the Slut. I Must’ve Wanted It.
I’m only 16. I don’t have the perfect life. Never have. But I have an amazing supportive family and they have given me more than enough to flourish into who I am today.. Or who I was. It only happened about a month or so ago. We were friends for...
January 26th, 2014
Looking for a lawyer & advocate
My name is Schlomit. I was Raped at 3.5 yrs by an 18 year old who was on some kind of drugs. He tied me up and blindfolded me and after all the pain of what he put me through I was lucky to convince him to let me go...
July 19th, 2017
Was it my fault?
I have been with my boyfriend from the age of 13, I am now 20years old. He is the love of my life. Just over 1 year ago our perfect bubble was shattered. I was out drinking with my step sister. I remember feeling like the alcohol had definitely hit...
January 9th, 2017
Raped and Almost Raped and Harassed
I was raped a week before I was almost raped by my neighbor. I was inebriated and hurt physically. My neighbor who sexually assaulted me is harassing me. It would have been rape had I not had the presence of mind I had. I reported it to the police but...
July 10th, 2017
19 years later and still thinking about...
Back in 1998/1999 I was 9 years old. It is 2017 now and you would think I would just simply forget about what happened, but it never goes away. I always think about it, just never talk about it. The last few months I found myself finally having the courage...
Honestly, I really don’t know why I am sharing this. I’ve never been opened about this.. To this day, the only one who I have mentioned this too is my boyfriend.. Im too scared to tell my family.. i had recently came back to school from suspension, I was barley...
June 24th, 2015
It Was My Fault
I’m going to say everything honestly right now… I’m a teenager, and last summer I got into the habit of smoking weed because I was really stressed out. All my parents did was argue and my brother was really abusive to. I also was self harming and smoking lessened the...
May 4th, 2017
Childhood Horror
Many people think that rape consists of a man putting their private parts into a woman. It is more than that, rape can be by an object. I remember I was four when it happened to me. The person who did was probably in their late twenties. When she came...
December 13th, 2015
Second Night of College
I was raised in a Christian family to believe that I should never have sex before marriage, and I always planned to have sex only with my husband. When I was about 6 or 7, I was molested by my older cousin for about 2 years. I was very confused...
February 22nd, 2018
My Brave Daughter
Last year my 13yo daughter told me that her friend confessed that her stepfather was indecently touching her. Her friend was afraid to tell her mother because she thinks that the authorities will take her away from her own family. After persuading her to seek help and the school helping...
February 6th, 2017
I Said No
They made me do a module on sexual assault and harassment. I listened. I did it. I read 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted. I told myself it would never be me. I would never put myself in that situation. And then the storm came. I liked you...
November 16th, 2016
Sexual Assault
At the age of 15, I was sexually assaulted by my Aunties Husband. One night he came in to my room when I was sleeping. I was awoken to find him sexually assaulting me! This meant my whole world had collapsed! At 15, after a week of the incident, I...
November 1st, 2015
He Was My Father
I was 11 years old and I had just moved to here I left my family behind and everyone that I cared about. My father moved here when I was 2. I have never seen him again since he left. Me and my mother we were the best of friends,...
December 12th, 2018
Not like the rape you always hear...
It happened the summer going into my sophomore year of high school 2015. I was 15 and I lived in a very small and very bad town. Our middle school, yes I said middle school, was in the top 5 drug filled schools in 2 metroplex areas. Everyone new the...
It has been with me since I’ve known. I’ve hidden it since it happened, or at least so I thought. The night it happened I will never forget. We went to a party, too young but yet responsible young girls. It was supposed to have fun fight. Something happened however....
August 28th, 2018
More Witness than I Care to Live...
My name is Katherine, and my sex ed started when I went to a playground after a softball game. I was 9, and a man joined me. He intimidated me into masturbating him. I only had my mother and 2 sisters with my father out of the house, so I...
For my 23 birthday I wanted to do something special for myself, and let go of what holds me back. In the last year so many things have happened and changed me as I am. I’m done hiding something that doesn’t define me, that wasn’t my fault. At the young...
July 6th, 2014
No One Is Who They Appear To...
I am 16 years old and was sexually assaulted a year and a half ago. I was assaulted by someone I had known since kindergarten. In a flash, he took a piece of me that I will never get back. Sexual assault was always something I had heard about happening,...
September 3rd, 2014
לפני 14 שנים
והסיפור בעברית כי אני לא טובה לכתוב באנגלית!! דבר חשוב שיש לי לציין לפני שאני מתחילה לכתוב אני לא יודעת אנגלית טוב אני יודעת רק עברית אז מקווה שהתוכנה תתרגם נכון. שלום ראיתי את הסרט שלך והרגשתי צורך לכתוב לך את הסיפור שלי. כיום אני בת 16… זה קרה לפני...
November 21st, 2014
No Title Will Stop How I Feel
After watching Brave Miss World, I saw how strong victims have been. They’ve been able to share without feeling embarrassment and shame, which is what this movement has been about. I am not so brave as you all. I was molested as a child and stayed away from any human...
November 12th, 2017
My younger brother
I live at home with an alcoholic bipolar dad and my has lost all dignity and self-love. I moved away from my home because of my abusive father and our tenant would talk about how he wanted to be with a younger woman, and touch me inappropriately. My parents convinced...
February 22nd, 2018
My Brave Daughter
Last year my 13yo daughter told me that her friend confessed that her stepfather was indecently touching her. Her friend was afraid to tell her mother because she thinks that the authorities will take her away from her own family. After persuading her to seek help and the school helping...
February 22nd, 2016
The Loss of My Childhood
Hello I’m Anthony. It is almost 1:30 in the morning and I just finished watching Brave Miss World. I most say that your soul reached out to me and brought out so many emotions about my rape as a child. I was 8 or so its been many, many years...
January 23rd, 2015
So Now What?
Upon finding this site, all I have to say is I believe that in this world there is only one solution to rape, pedophiles, and all that nasty shit that goes on, and that is death. Those filthy rats that are human cannot be forgiven, and for those who oppose...
May 23rd, 2016
Cafeteria Food
When I was 16 years old I was a nerdy person. I kept to myself and didn’t go out to parties or other. So when I got my first boyfriend I was ecstatic. He was a practical god to me. Things had been going well, until one day when we...
January 26th, 2014
When All Hope is Gone
I’ve been robed from my happily ever after. At 23 I met some one I thought was to be my prince. but he started with emotional abuse telling me how useless; stupid and pathetic I am. I run a way with him and got married to a monster because I...
January 17th, 2016
No Justice
I was 15 when I got raped. I consented at first, I mean it was supposed to be a rebound that’s how I got to the guys house. I met him through others. And he lived near a place that I volunteered for. Everyone told me he’s insane, but I...
July 17th, 2017
Ketamine Rape
It was the first semester of my first year of college. I was desperate… desperate for approval, desperate for love, desperate to fit in. Tony seemed like a nice guy, though I had only met him once before. He asked if I would be his girlfriend, and I agreed. Over...
June 8th, 2018
Perfect on Paper
I met him at a party on New Years. He was handsome, a great dancer, a pre-law student, worked while putting himself through school, had a new car, played in a jazz band, father was a minister. We went to different schools so he called me when he came home...
April 22nd, 2018
Friend of mines set me up
I was about 18 years old 2 years ago and me and this girl became really close. We didnt talk im school much but after we graduate she wanted to hang out more. One day she tells me she wants me to go to the beach with her and a...
April 13th, 2015
A Meek Young Girl
I was 17 at the time and my attacker was 16. We started dating in October. We were dating and everything was going great through our relationship. 2 months into our relationship his friends made fun of him by saying how I wasn’t a virgin and he was and that...
June 15th, 2016
I’m 20 now…it started when i was 9 or 10. I once caught HIM watching porn. Unable to understand what it was that he was watching late at night, I asked him. I don’t remember getting an answer but he would invite me to his room later on and it...
August 8th, 2018
When will it be enough?
Why is it not enough? Why is my reluctance not enough to make you stop? Why is my “no” not enough? Why is my “no no no” not enough? Why are my clawing, shoving, desperately-trying-to-pull-my-pants-up hands not enough? Why is my cry of “oh god make it stop, please make...
September 10th, 2016
It Happens All Too Often
After my first sexual assault, I wanted to talk about it. I wasn’t afraid to tell people. Maybe its because I had such a supportive family and they told me over and over again that I didn’t do anything wrong. They encouraged me to tell people exactly what happened so...
January 4th, 2018
Rude awakening
Startled awake, I was staring at a shotgun pointed at my face. He told me in a rude term what he was going to do, and ripped my nightie pretty much off. He then pushed between my legs, holding the shotgun in one hand. To be honest, I didn’t notice...
January 5th, 2015
Stolen Innocence
My mother and father got divorced when I was two years old. My mother was a single mom with two kids so she was always working trying to make ends meet and making sure we had food in our tummies. I admire my mother for this. My father remarried, had...
March 30th, 2010
He Never Apologized
Most recently was when I lived with my ex-fiance. I was the first girl he’d slept with and I naturally had a much lower libido than him, but usually went with it anyway. One day he wanted sex when I was feeling really unwell. I told him I felt crappy...
April 16th, 2015
Wanted Love But Got Rape
Everyone thought that I was going through a bad breakup. And for a long time, I made myself believe it too. It was like losing a piece of my voice, my life, my skin, my heart, my soul. My mind became a place of torment that I could never escape....
December 29th, 2017
I Never understood
When I was about 9, my older brother had a close friend who’d spend most of his days with us , he was older than me, I believe 14, and one of these days, I had come home from dance class, my mom wasn’t home, my brother was out and...
It happens when I just turned 14. It was summer day, I was playing on the playground with my best friend. We met two men – they were much older than us, but who cared – if anyone wanted to play, there wasn’t any problem – the playground was public...
March 1st, 2016
I Thought I Knew Hi
Ever since I was born, my mom’s siblings lived with us. 2 brothers, and a sister. So basically, I viewed them as my 2 older brothers, and older sister, (but in reality they were my 2 uncle and aunt). I’ll start calling the 2 brothers as A and B. Fast...
March 24th, 2017
I am More than a Victim
I was raped the summer before my sophomore year. I was at a party. I was dancing and talking to everyone that I came into contact with, I wasn’t drinking just having a good time. The friends I was with left to go get a drink and to go to...
April 6th, 2016
Father Figures
When I was 3 years old my mom married my step-dad. He was on, and stayed on parole, for sexually abusing a young girl. My mom didn’t see a problem though. She married him anyway. I don’t even remember when he started abusing me. It had gone on so long....
September 5th, 2015
What’s Done Is Done
I have had few sexual experiences but none of them have been entirely consensual. My first experience was when I was 14, I was playing truth or dare with what had been my two closest friends, a brother and a sister. I was dared to have sex with the brother...
August 9th, 2015
Locked Up
My story is too long to share here, so I ask you to view my page www.thecasestudytas.com. My daughters and I were drugged with over the counter insomnia aides, and raped repeatedly by my then fiancé. “Inadvertent” errors made by the police led doctors to diagnose me as delusional. My...
January 29th, 2018
I am J. D. R., and I...
I am J.D.R., and I was physical and sexually assaulted almost 3 years ago by a police officer in Salem, VA. I was shocked, scared, stayed quite; I stopped functioning, I stopped going to school, working; scared to leave my house or go anywhere. I never got the courage to...
March 6th, 2014
In Denial of My Rape
When I was fifteen and sixteen, I was in an abusive relationship. He raped me four times, and had me convinced that it wasn’t rape because we were together. He would tell me things like, “I love you so much. I just couldn’t help it.” and “Don’t you love me?...
October 25th, 2018
The Boys Club Continues
I decided to share my story after reading another woman’s story on this site…she was brutally gang raped by police and contemplating suicide. Please “don’t let them win” by Suicide. I know it’s your choice to take your life or survive…. I know the helplessness against the Blue Wall. I...
July 31st, 2018
Supe que fue un abuso cuando ya...
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, no recuerdo la edad exacta, un primo mio de unos 17 años solia sentarme en sus piernas y frotarse sus partes conmigo. Nunca intentó tener relaciones conmigo pero fue algo que me afectó por años. No sabía si debía contarlo o no porque no sabía ni...
May 29th, 2014
Mi Historia
hola tengo 38 años mi historia comienza cuando tenia 8 años mi padre murió y quedamos con mi madre en ese en toses vivíamos en el campo mi familia es numerosa somos 8 hermanos entre mujeres y hombre yo soy la numero 7 y mi hermana la numero 8 ella...
October 1st, 2018
Wouldn’t take no for an answer
I was hanging out with my friend and his friend we were all watching a movie and hanging out. Then my friend went upstairs, and he came and sat next to me. He kept asking me to do things to him. I kept saying no but he just kept persisting....
November 22nd, 2017
Never Thought It Would Happen to Me
Dear Survivor, I know the bad days outnumber the good ones. Maybe you haven’t even had a good day since it happened. Maybe you feel like your temptations are the only logical way to escape. Maybe you’re ignoring it. I thought ending my life was the only way to escape....
June 13th, 2018
Today, I Let It All Go
My rapist- is what I called him. But I refuse to take ownership of him. I refuse to take the blame for actions. I refuse to hold on to the guilt. Today, I let it all go. My story begins in a high school biology class. A seemingly harmless flirtation,...
February 19th, 2018
I’ve survived sexual abuse
As a kid I was a molested from the time I was 5 until 15. I married to leave my house. Got pregnant and divorced soon after. Then I found myself in a very controlling relationship. Found myself pregnant again which are lost that child due to a DUI driver...
December 28th, 2014
I’ve never spoken up about my story before in fear that people wouldn’t Believe me. It’s complicated but it starts here I was molested when I was about 4 by a stranger that came into the house. I didn’t even understand what had happened but the effects on my life...
February 9th, 2016
Now I Understand My Husband
My husband was brutally and violently raped by the taxi driver who was trusted to take him to school – a friend of his Grandfather. He was 12 and grew up in Lebanon. I was the first person he told and he was 45. He suffered in silence using alcohol...
April 2nd, 2015
Rape, Sexual Abuse
When I was three or four years old, I was raped by a man whom I’ve never met in my life. He was not a family friend, and I shouldn’t have been in the place where it happened to begin with. I’m 16 years old now and I live with...
March 15th, 2018
My Interview
On the way to any job interview, how many of you thought through every Nightmare Scenario you could on the way there, Raise your Hands! The ones with their hands down are called Liars! On this day, I went, early of course. Went into the Ladies, to check makeup, use...
October 11th, 2015
I Never Thought
What happened to me was horrible and I cannot change that but I can move on. I was raped. I went to go camping with him and then we ended up just staying inside. We were watching tv in the living room for a bit till his friend came home....
November 20th, 2018
Hope after repeated rape
November 18th Thirteen years ago, that date changed everything, even though I didn’t realize it until months later. At 24 year-old, I was a virgin. My best friend’s husband had a childhood best friend, who had been talking on the phone with me for a few months, when everyone pitched...
June 10th, 2015
My Father
My father sexually molested me. Can you her my voice? I’m not alone? Sometimes this life feels so lonely and confusing. Something was taken from me and there is a hole filled with pain, anger, sadness and tears. Would I ever be free? Would I ever feel normal again? Can...
May 19th, 2014
Ritual Sexual Abuse
Here is the story I want to write. I was sexually molested by my uncle before the age of 2 , when I was still in my diapers. After this, came years and years of sexual abuse and rape by ‘ extended family’ members. I have changed the word’ family’...
December 18th, 2015
Growing Past Just Surviving
I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. Our daytime seemed the perfect middle class, church going family where all was polite, well and peaceful. Our night times where a living nightmare. My father became a different man drunk. I grew up physically and sexually abused, although...
I feel like now is the right time to share my story. I was 18 at the time and just started a new life for myself across the country from my family at a college that I thought was perfect for me. One night I went out with my friends...
February 8th, 2018
Breakin Burgler
I had been sitting listening to my headset, and I needed to go to the bathroom. In the hall, I heard some noise, and figured it was my sister sneaking in from a night out. Heading down the hall, I heard it was grunting, and the like. I got to...
January 2nd, 2016
Hola soy una mujer de 31 años. Viví una situación muy confusa cuando era niña casi 9 o 10 años. Mis padres nos dejaban vacacional en la casa de mis abuelos que nos cuidaban, nos consentían con golosinas, ver televisión y jugar. Una tarde ya para llegar la noche nos...
September 8th, 2016
Ok here I go. About a week ago I was asleep when I felt something on my arm. It was my sister’s hand. She grabbed my hand and rubbed it across her private areas, then got on top of me and raped me. I am not reacting well to this...
April 7th, 2017
Raped After School
Hi, My name is Vanessa i am 17 years old. I am going to talk about my story and what had happened to me while i was in school. One day my Boyfriend but now ex and i got into an argument over something stupid. We kept fighting that day...
I had been married for 9 years, when my husband and I decided to separate. I had gone out, and ran into a person that I always thought was cute, everyone knew, and was in the National Guard so why not trust him. That first night was amazing. He danced...
March 20th, 2017
Nobody Knew
My story starts on Canada Day 2014, I was 16 years old. The day went perfectly. I had my boyfriend with me, whom I thought was perfect in every way. He was older that me, so I thought I had a lot to compete with when it came to other...
June 30th, 2015
Date Rape
It was 32 years ago, but it changed the direction of my life. Seventeen and so many dreams. But, the gorgeous, smart, popular quarterback took that away. He moved on to have a big life in Silicon Valley. I stumbled through several attempts. Only my later trust in Jesus gave...
I can still remember it so clearly. The taste of alcohol on my breath the morning after. The humiliation I was putting myself through. I couldn’t bring myself to accept it, I had read about it before and had even taken an online class before attending college, I remember thinking...
May 10th, 2017
I’m Not Sure
I was 13, and he was my first boyfriend, it was out of the blue really. He just asked me out and I was quite flattered at the time .. I’m pretty much average looking. We pretty much talked, kissed and that was it. The second time he called me...
February 4th, 2018
Sexual Harrassment
I know I am just a common ordinary woman in Kearney Nebraska, so my story does not seem news worthy. In 2005 I was employed as the Development Coordinator for the Buffalo County Economic Development Council. My boss was a man named Ron Tillery. When I took the job five...
February 21st, 2018
Raped at 17
My name is Lauren Bimmlet. I am 27 years old, a Navy veteran and a rape survivor. When I was 17, I was raped in the backseat of a car. I had come from a friends graduation party and his friend offered to take me home. I was a little...
August 5th, 2015
I Trusted You
I’ve realized I use my “daddy issues” to explain why I do some of the things I do, this no different. It’s not an excuse, just helps show some of my reasoning. All I really wanted was someone to care about me, to take care of me. I was 17,...
October 23rd, 2016
I Remember Being Happy
I remember being happy to bump into you and smiling as I spoke to you. I remember feeling good that u invited me in and were not mad at me for staying away. Then I remember thinking that I must have given you the wrong vibe when u wanted to...
September 27th, 2018
Sexual assualt causes you not to be...
I meet this guy in 5th grade in summer school, I thought he was cool, awesome and amazing until the very last day he smackes my butt and I had to tell the teacher but the teacher wasn’t available, the assistant however I told her and the assistant went to...
This is a very long story DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERED. Well i meet a boy when i was little we both were 15 , 16 he would do little simple things like grind on top of me with clothes on and kissing me. He started to force me to...
October 31st, 2015
Life Is Rough
Hi my name is Susan. I live in NY as I have most of my life. I saw Brave Miss World on Netflix and finally felt I need to at least in some way share a glimpse of my abuse. My father was a severe drinker he always had a...
August 7th, 2018
I will never forget
All this start when i meet a boy when i was 16 he was my dream man who later will be my nightmare,i remember like today the day u do that too me,i was young and silly i believe in this world everybody is like me,naive as i was,i could...
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
May 3rd, 2016
Working Through It
I am currently going through counseling at the and think that it would be helpful to tell my story. I was on a night out, and I was drunk. I was talking to this guy and he seemed cute and nice. We ended up at a house party and I...
April 5th, 2017
School Rape
I was 8 and I was heading to the girls bathroom. I walked into the biggest stall because I always go for the most spacious. I walked in and locked the door. Three males older than me, (about two or three grades), crawled into my stall from the one next...
September 8th, 2015
The Day I Was Raped and Abandoned
1.9.07 It is the same every year. Every year the leaves turn, and there is that slight twinge in my leg, a hesitant reminder of times past. Every year as the winds change, there is that slight catch when you take a deep breath. A catch not from the cold...
Although I was not raped until the age of 23 I need to start my story much earlier. When I was about 7 or 8, my older cousin, who was only one year older than me began touching me. At that age I don’t think I really understood what was...
April 3rd, 2014
Finally Healing
I never wanted to believe that what I lived with for a decade was rape. I met him when I was 16. He slowly encouraged me to make him my whole world. Turned away my friends and family. I moved in with him at 17. Before that, the assaults were...
April 30th, 2016
Tattoo Artist
I have been tattooing for about a year and a half, happy in my career making good money, working with my best friends. I was at my best friends kids birthday party, that’s when I met my rapist. He seemed like a super cool dude, that day went well. He’s...
November 13th, 2017
“He can’t sexually assault you he’s Christian”
#metoo Christian women are sexually assaulted too. By Christian guys. But we’re not allowed to talk about it. In a culture where men are encouraged to watch porn, pursue women and expect that women want all they attention that they can get (and tell them to lighten up when they...
September 28th, 2015
More Than Half of My Life Ago
I was 15 or 16 years old and troubled. I didn’t live with my parents and the group that I was hanging out with was troubled as well. We were drinking and doing drugs and hanging out with much older guys. There was a guy who lived at this house...
September 5th, 2016
Taken Advantage
Writing this might be one of the most annoying things, but I think it might help me… To think I’m well in my 20s and I just found out hours away I was taken advantage of, it baffles me how me the smart, independent young adult didn’t realise before. To...
You might not remember…I barely do. I was insecure then. I drank a lot…maybe more than I should have. But I didn’t think it would happen to me. I remember being at a party. The next thing I know I was in your bed. You were on top of me....
February 23rd, 2016
My Story of Rape
i was raped when i was 17, six years ago. i was going through an extremely dark time in my life and was so desperate for love and affection and to feel like i was worth something that i snuck out of the house and walked six miles through a...
June 17th, 2014
Seis Años
A los seis años fui a la fiesta de una tia buela una de las tantas reuniones que hacen en mi familia y cuando fui al baño el hijo de esa tia me llevo a su cuarto y abuso de mi yo trate de llamar a mi mama pero tenian...
June 9th, 2016
Just Another Night
On September 31st I was raped. Very few people know this about me. I’m too scared to tell anyone. How do I even tell someone? How do I handle the way my parents would look at me knowing? My friends? How could I go to the police? Tell my story...
January 29th, 2017
The Night That Changed Me
I apologize for this being a tad on the long side, it is the first time I am sharing my full story with anyone and it was very therapeutic to write out every detail. I thank everyone for taking the time to read my story, and sharing in my healing….....
August 24th, 2009
חיה בשני עולמות מקבילים
מאיפה בכלל מתחילים לרשום את הסיפור שלי כשמרגישה שלא משנה כמה אני ירשום- זה פשוט לא יהיה מספיק. אני חיה בתוך הסוד הזה כבר שנים רבות- רבות מדי. אני בת 25, לאחרונה סיימתי את התואר הראשון שלי. למרות הכאב שאני חייה בחיי- לאורך השנים תמיד וידאתי שאת כל הכוחות שלי...
August 28th, 2018
More Witness than I Care to Live...
My name is Katherine, and my sex ed started when I went to a playground after a softball game. I was 9, and a man joined me. He intimidated me into masturbating him. I only had my mother and 2 sisters with my father out of the house, so I...
May 23rd, 2016
Cafeteria Food
When I was 16 years old I was a nerdy person. I kept to myself and didn’t go out to parties or other. So when I got my first boyfriend I was ecstatic. He was a practical god to me. Things had been going well, until one day when we...
March 26th, 2016
Still Rape
I’m sharing my story because I have a daughter and I know with her beautiful little face and bubbly personality, she could become a victim in an instant. I want her to know her mother is a survivor and I will walk through hell and back to protect her from...
January 23rd, 2016
My Stepdad Molested Me
Three months ago when I was still 17, I lived in Arizona but went with my stepdad to visit family in Delaware. We were staying at my nana’s house while she was on vacation. The only other person in her house was her dog sitter. My stepdad was very strict...
October 14th, 2016
A Wolf Hidden In Sheeps Clothing
It was the second semester of my sophomore year in college. I recently just got out of breakup and was still dealing with a loss in my family. Pretty much a depressing stage of my life that I was so willingly eager to escape. I wanted to take on my...
November 18th, 2014
De Los 6 a Los 12
Desperté con su aliento sucio y su lengua dentro de mi boca y, no entendí nada, quedé paralizada, tenía apenas 6 añitos y lo quería y admiraba… era mi abuelo. Esa noche, antes de irnos a la cama y con mi abuelo de visita, lloré desconsolada pues competíamos mis hermanos...
October 17th, 2018
The reason for my tattoo
So I decided that I will be getting a new tattoo, it’s my tattoo that tells the story of my rape, and that i am a survivor and not a victim anymore. I changed my major in college from nursing to social work because I want to make a change...
September 13th, 2015
My First Two Times
strong>The first time My school had an exchange student in our class who has travelled from Austria. I immediately fell in love. He had a girlfriend back home but as we became friends and got closer and closer he told me ha had broken up with this girlfriend to be...
April 11th, 2016
“No” is Universal
Last night I went out to a bar near campus with a few good friends of mine. After a few drinks we ran into some foreign exchange students who bought us shots. An hour or so later I left the bar with one of the french exchange students that I...
March 12th, 2016
I was 10 when my mom got married her and my dad were together for 15 years then all of a sudden broke up when I was about 6. I was there only child and my mom was pregnant by my step dad who had an older son that came...
August 24th, 2009
לא יוצאים מזה…
לינור יקרה- הסיפור שלך השפיע עלי רבות בזמנו (1998) כי ממש באותה תקופה הסיפור עם השכן שפגע בי התפוצץ… אני לא חיה מאז. אני חיה-מתה למען האמת… כל יום הוא מלחמה עבורי… אני נאחזת בשיניים, וזה לא קל. סליחה אם אני נשמעת פסימית (אולי זה בגלל התקופה…), אבל קשה מאוד...
December 5th, 2015
Alone No Longer, Brave Till the End
In my time of need, I was surrounded by people and yet I was alone. I was 18, it was 2013. I was about to go to college and was the happiest I could be, almost. My best friend was murdered just six months earlier, and while I was coming...
January 5th, 2017
Out of Control
I’m a 19 y/o freshman in college, and this was the first New Years Eve that I haven’t spent with my parents. I went with two of my friends to a frat party at our state college. I told my parents I was staying at a girl friends dorm afterwards,...
August 18th, 2014
Ignored For a Lifetime
I was sexually abused repeatedly at the hands of an uncle when I was nine years old. My entire family has always chosen to ignore that ever happened, to this day. The ghosts of this traumatic series of events have haunted me for the next 41 years of my life....
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
August 6th, 2015
En Enero de 2010
No se como contar algo que todavia duele, que todavia me mata un poco cada día. En enero de 2010 fui violada por un hombre que no consigo acordarme de su rostro, pero si de su voz y ese recuerdo me acopaña hasta ahora. Mis padres nunca supieron de nada,...
October 19th, 2016
In The Concrete Jungle
I was born and raised in New York City. I walked everywhere. When my dad left when I was fourteen, my mom had to work longer shifts at the hospital so I would take the subway and then walk to my Aunt Tina’s house. I had been doing this for...
April 13th, 2018
A young mother
I came to college a year early, I was seventeen and so naive. I had taken summer school 2 years so I could get out of that small town Kentucky high school. I was so ready to have a fresh start. My first semester was awesome. I joined a sorority...
September 6th, 2014
Losing My Virginity
When I was 16, I liked to pretend I was a rebel. I snuck out late with my best friend, drank alcohol, got too drunk. My parents were going through a bitter, violent separation and I think I acted out to get away from it all, as clichéd as it...
September 4th, 2018
I don’t Know, but I Know
We gathered on a Saturday at my BFFs pool. It went from 4 of us to a couple of dozen! I had some beers, not a lot really, but I fell asleep on a deck chair. I woke up in someone’s room. I was still in my swimsuit, but my...
February 3rd, 2018
Chapter 62
Why Chapter 62? Well, that is how old I am now. My abuse was by my dad and grandpa, which, by the way, have no blood in common. So no excuse for my dad. It started when I was 5 and went on through high school years. So, it’s been...
March 1st, 2018
Someday Soon
Sometimes the people you should trust are the ones to fear. I grew up in a family full of emotional and physical abuse. As a child I would be stripped naked in winter to lay on tiled floors, have wooden spoons and hair brushes broken through beatings, be tied in...
December 2nd, 2016
Six Year Old’s Point of View
You Knew, But Didn’t Care You knew as soon as I ran into the kitchen sobbing, “He hurt me!” something bad happened to me, but you didn’t care. You knew it was so bad I peed right in front of the oven door where one of you was basting the...
January 4th, 2017
My Best Friend’s Boyfriend
My junior year of high school I had class with this guy I had never seen around school before. It turns out he transferred from another school and as time passed he began dating one of my best friends. I had a crush on him but I obviously didn’t purse...
January 3rd, 2014
Raped Twice and Attempted Rape Once No...
At 19, a young innocent, never even had a first date. I naively went to the motel room of a road construction worker I had gotten to know while working in the store in my tiny town. He would NOT take NO for answer – raped and lost my virginity...
March 8th, 2017
I Repressed Everything… Until Now
I was fourteen and had already lost my virginity to a guy I barely knew, liked, or cared about. I was never one of those girls who saw themselves saving it until marriage. Knowing what I know now, I believe my first sexual assault happened much earlier in my life...
July 6th, 2014
Public Rape
This isn’t so easy. I’m 45 years old and though the trauma of what happened to me all those years ago has diminished, the memory will never go away. I’m told that I have PTSD from the experience I’m about to relate. Keep in mind as I tell it that...
March 6th, 2018
My posting
I do not know what to say. I know, or at least see what others have posted. Do I claim that I am different, or expound that I am the same? I have spent a lot of time, effort and money in schools. It would seem I would have the...
July 22nd, 2016
Kidnapped and Raped
I was 12, walking home from school. It was a sunny day, everything was fine, and my house wasn’t too far away. A man drove up to me, asking for directions. Being the kind girl I was, I pointed him in the direction he needed to go. I didn’t notice...
Hi, I’m Hailey and this is my story on how I was setup, and basically pimped out. I was set up by someone who pretended they loved me, pretended they cared when they really didn’t. This story is sort of long but each detail is relevant and important so bear...
April 3rd, 2015
I don’t want to sound weak but this really scared and I wouldn’t classify it as rape, but I want to talk it out. I love this game online but also has a chatting room which you think would be good but it wasn’t. Some boys started targeting me with...
November 19th, 2013
A horror that lasts a lifetime
When I was 21 I was kidnapped, held in a small space, beaten, tortured and repeatedly raped. At one point I must have left my body because I looked down on what was happening and told myself that I was going to be killed if I didn’t figure out what...
September 16th, 2014
The First Man Who Broke My Heart
Unfortunately my childhood has to be the most painful memory I have until now. I grew up in a dysfunctional home, where my father was a drunk, lazy, woman beater who would cheat on my mom continuously. My mother was just a woman who was trying to keep a family...
December 17th, 2015
Man Raped By Man
I was 18 and going to college in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Sometimes in the evenings I would go to the gay bars. One night I one that I had not been to before. There was a downstairs and upstairs area. Separated by race. I decided I wanted to go...
January 4th, 2018
Rude awakening
Startled awake, I was staring at a shotgun pointed at my face. He told me in a rude term what he was going to do, and ripped my nightie pretty much off. He then pushed between my legs, holding the shotgun in one hand. To be honest, I didn’t notice...
I was raped the first time when I was 2. It began a lifetime of torture and abuse at the hands of several perpetrators. I am now 34 and the last time I was raped by one of these men was in 2016. I am trying to speak out but...
July 21st, 2014
The Hole in My Heart
For a long time, I have been living with a hole in my heart, and for a long time I did not mention to anyone that I was raped, in fact, the person who raped me, made himself out to be “the good guy” who everyone got to know…and love,...
November 14th, 2010
Erase and Rewind
גדלתי מילדה ונערה לאישה – אבל בתור אחת שהיו לה קצת רגשי נחיתות וכזו שהסתובבה בעיקר עם חברים בנים ושלושת אחיי הגדולים – הייתי טיפה רחוקה מהנשיות שלי- היה בי משהו מעורב בין נסיכה ביישנית לבין טום בוי חוצפנית- וכך יצא שעד גיל 21 עוד הייתי בתולה -מחוסר בחיבור לגוף...
September 4th, 2017
Was led by the quarterback
I can’t believe I’m sharing this. I can’t believe I’ve come up with the strength to do it. I apologize in advance for writing so much.. Until this day the only person who knew was my husband. It happened to me when I was 17. He was 17 too. He...
March 3rd, 2016
My Daughter
Hello I’m Jack, I just finished watching Brave Miss World.I must say I cried like a baby. I wanted to share with you my daughters story of being molested at age 6 by and older girl who would visit her grandparents who lives across the street from our home. To...
June 30th, 2014
We Live Part of Hell on Earth
I grew up believing that the world is a very dangerous place and i thought that after my first trauma, i would never have to deal with a similar event. When i was 6 years old, my grandfather molested me several times. it may have lasted for about a year...
January 2nd, 2017
It’s Hard But It Gets Better
I don’t really know how to explain my story it’s long. I guess it started when i was 8 and my father called me into his room. That was the first time he touched me. That same day i asked him what he had done, he didn’t say much just...
February 1st, 2018
I thought I trusted them
I’ll keep this one simple. I was forced into a threesome by two people I thought I trusted. I said no repeatedly but that word seems to have no value. I thought saying no was enough to stop them. I didn’t want it. After the assault, I tried to put...
August 30th, 2016
Forgotten Memories Submerge
I’m 21 years old, but my story begins from when I was 6 years old. My parents were not really involved in what was going on in my life, and simply, not interested. I was sexually abused spanning from age 6; 10; and 11. The incidents from when I was...
October 23rd, 2017
Confused for Too Long
So many stories here have helped me to feel okay, so I figured I would give back in hopes that my story might comfort someone else who may have experienced something similar. I was raped when I was 17 on a family vacation, and for 8 years of my life...
October 26th, 2014
Raped Three Times
I’m 21 years old and I would like to share my story. When I was 10 years old, my uncle’s friend who worked at his place, tried to rape me. My cousin said that he wanted to talk with me. I went to the shop who were next to my...
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
September 18th, 2016
Abused By My Cousin and Uncle
I think growing up, I was sexually assaulted by my my cousin as well as my uncle, but sometimes I often ask myself if it was really sexual abuse OR not. When I was younger, about 7-8 I lived in a house with my mom, aunt, uncle, and cousins. I...
May 7th, 2018
Surviving sexual assault trauma
Tonight, I was reading a book called full frontal feminism. I felt empowered and strong until I reached a certain chapter. The chapter was about sexual assault and domestic violence. I could feel a ping in my heart as I began reading because I knew it would bring back up...
April 20th, 2017
Freshman Year
I go to a small college in the northeast, and my freshman year I was at a party at one of the sports team houses. It was only October, and I had a group of friends at school and all, but there was also a kid from my high school...
April 11th, 2017
My Childhood
First off, I’m not going into great detail about it. I was 9 when it started up & 11 when the rape slowed down. Then the molesting started and didn’t end until I was 16. Then I was assaulted by two different guys in two different schools. Then raped by...
November 7th, 2017
The Friend
2 years ago my boyfriend (now fiancé) and a mutual friend he worked with went to a concert. All of us had been drinking. On the way home I noticed my boyfriend texting someone. Of almost 9 months of dating I was furious to know he was texting with his...
September 8th, 2016
Can Anyone Help?
Hi fellow survivors. I’ve written on this forum a few times before trying to be encouraging to those who are struggling with post rape trauma and all the crap that comes with it, but I’m reaching out to you for support now. It’s been about 9 months since a stranger...
April 24th, 2017
Molested as a Child
I was very young at the time. Not for sure exactly but I was younger than 9. My babysitter left her son to watch me really quick while she ran an errand. I asked him for a snack and he told me to sit on top of him and he...
June 16th, 2014
My Daughter’s Rape
My husband and I emigrated to Toronto from the uk in 2001 with our 2 daughters. Our youngest daughter, Abigail, was raped in 2005 whilst celebrating her graduation from high school. The tradition here is to go camping in a group the weekend after the graduation ceremony and prom. She...
November 28th, 2014
Was It Rape?
I was working a summer camp as a teacher and when the four weeks finished I went on a road trip with a friend from the camp. We were met in a campsite by our Supervisor in the camp. He was about 10 years older than us and I really...
December 14th, 2015
I just watched the film on Netflix and wanted to share my story as well. I was not rape,d but molested in a college party when I was 22. I was at a friend’s house, where the party was held with all my classmates and friends. I remember having too...
April 8th, 2015
Who is Responsible?
On the night of my 14th birthday I went out with a few friends. We ended up going to a restaurant. The table in front of us was empty for 5 minutes. Next, there’s a man with dark hair, glasses, and comfortable clothes on. He sits there and stares straight...
November 21st, 2017
Short Story
Skipping the details, my first High School boyfriend got tired of going slow, and forced himself on me during a date. I told most of my friends that it happened. Forewarned, on dates, two of my close friends were wary of him, and avoided the same fate. At least, breaking...
14/01/2016 I was walking home from work at 4am I heard footsteps behind me and then someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me against the wall, pulled my trouser down and then raped I was crying and screaming but no one could hear me. I was so scared to...
October 16th, 2016
My Sister, My Best Friend & Me
I grew up very aware of the consequences of teenage girls, alcohol, and teenage boys. My parents adopted my older sisters Hayleigh and Vanessa from Spain. They were told they couldn’t have kids, but 14 years after they adopted the girls, they had me. When Vanessa was sixteen she was...
October 22nd, 2015
Rape at Bogota, Colombia
Sueño / Recuerdo I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of...
March 25th, 2016
I lost my virginity when I was 14, I was with my best friend at the time, we met up with one of her friends who was 21. he had problems I even think he was on drugs I’m not entirely sure. Anyways they both decided that it was my...
November 14th, 2015
Sexual Abuse
I was 8 years old when I was first abused by my biological father when my family was living in Africa – Zimbabwe, in the late 1980s. He came into my room which I shared with my sister who was 4 years younger than me. He was intoxicated and got...
February 6th, 2018
My Safe Place
I have three safe places in my life. Home, church, and school. But I’ve dealt with a lot of crap in my life that over time, caused me to lose these safe places. When was 8/9 I was abused horribly by two older foster girls who were staying with my...
September 26th, 2016
Feeling Alone
This last February/March I was raped by someone I formally call my friend. After drinking too much one Friday night our friend group was hanging out, we all got up to walk down the hall to another room in our dorm when he grabbed my breast and pulled me into...
April 20th, 2017
Freshman Year
I go to a small college in the northeast, and my freshman year I was at a party at one of the sports team houses. It was only October, and I had a group of friends at school and all, but there was also a kid from my high school...
December 29th, 2015
I Trusted Him
I was 15. I was friends with a guy. Let’s call him J. I was into the drug game pretty hard, he was my dealer, and became a close friend. I would get drunk with him a lot, and he wouldn’t get drunk with me. And I soon found out...
July 6th, 2014
Breaking the Trust
I was raped for the first time when I was 18 by an undercover cop. I had dissed him at a college party, I was followed by cop, ambushed from behind and was raped in a back alley and left me handcuffed to a pole naked for friends to find...
I was raped during my freshman year of college. I went to a party and drank for the first time. I didn’t get super drunk, but I was definitely not totally aware of everything going on. I remember I was sitting on a couch listening to music when all of...
October 14th, 2016
Assault, Battery, and Rape
I am a 72-year-old woman, an RN for about 50 of those years Army Nurse Corps vet. I was/am not so beautiful nor smart, nor sexy/seductive. In my life I have been the victim of simple assault, sexual assault, simple battery, and sexual battery. Two of those were attempts. Two...
August 1st, 2016
Shame Destroys
My uncle, who wasn’t in my life until I was 14 or 15, raped me on multiple occasions. He groomed me and took advantage of me. My now husband saved me at the age of 17. Brave Miss World helped me understand what grooming is and how shame has affected...
June 12th, 2018
I Was Raped By An Stranger
I was raped by a stranger. I was going home from the store, when I heard a noise in my backseat. I attempt to look back and there he was with a knife telling me to stop the car. I stopped the car And he put the knife around my...
June 11th, 2015
Multiple Times
When I was 13 years old, I was raped for the first time. I was walking home, and suddenly this guy grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the bushes. He tied my hands to a tree and he blindfolded me. I didn’t see his face, or hear his...
December 13th, 2015
Second Night of College
I was raised in a Christian family to believe that I should never have sex before marriage, and I always planned to have sex only with my husband. When I was about 6 or 7, I was molested by my older cousin for about 2 years. I was very confused...
August 19th, 2009
היי לינור
היי אני מקווה שאכן תקראי אותי. גם אני עברתי חוויות דומות, כאלה ואחרות בחיי מ 8 אנשים מהמשפחה. זה הבלוג שלי אם תרצי לעיין http://www.tapuz.co.il/blog/userblog.asp?foldername=bubaa&passok=yes אשמח אם תצרי איתי קשר במייל את חזקה! כל הכבוד לך *חיבוק*
December 4th, 2014
I’m a 23 year old male. As a child between the ages of 6 – 8 years old, I was sexually abused by a male family member. At the age of 16, I was raped by another man. These events have shaped my life into what it is today. I...
December 10th, 2016
He was my roommate. Someone I barely knew, an acquaintance. I had moved back to campus after living about a year 20 minutes out from school. I was desperate to be around people my own age again and get out of my current living situation. I took on random roommates...
August 24th, 2009
כמוני כמוך
מחזקת את ידיך. כמוני כמוך, כמו כל החברות שלי, אין אישה בישראל שלא עברה הטרדה מינית / תקיפה מינית / אונס או גילוי עריות.
October 15th, 2018
My message to all
As I heard the news that Kavanaugh made it into the supreme court, my heart sank. My husband, who follows politics relentlessly, was furious but I was silent and went on with my day. Getting angry would mean that I would have to really think about what this event means...
October 2nd, 2017
He ruined my life
My mum and dad separated when I was 12. After that she began to hate me and my sister (who was 7 at the time) because we were her ex-boyfriend’s daughters. A few months later she brought in one of her old school friends to live with us. Although we...
October 7th, 2016
Bad Decision
When I was 13, I began dating my best friends older brother. We were never sexual, but I would always stay the night in his room. We ended up breaking up, but I would always be at the house because of my friend. On the day that it happened, my...
January 17th, 2015
I was 7 years old. It was within few days after losing my father. My long distance cousin would come to my house. One morning, I found him playing with my boobs. Second day, I found him playing with my private part. Third day, I woke up early so that...
November 27th 2015. I still haven’t been able to call it what it was out loud. Rape. I was a freshman in college, but back home for thanksgiving break, and one of my close friends had a party where lots of people came, and many were drinking. I chose not...
December 3rd, 2016
From Heaven to Hell
This all started when I was in the 8th grade, I met my now ex boyfriend Matt C. who I dated for about four years leading up to my junior year in high school. I’ve know Matt since we were very little, we went to the same elementary so I...
March 30th, 2016
Day at the Lake
It was mid August of 2015. I grew up in a small town feeling very comfortable with everyone. I knew about Sexual Assault and how to prevent it because my older sister had been raped at a college party when I was 14. But I never thought it would happen...
When I was 10 I acted older then what I was. At this age I got my first boyfriend and he was 17( he didn’t care about my age because of my body type ). I wasn’t sure if l liked him but he treated me like he loved me....
June 13th, 2016
Brock and Will
With the whole Brock Turner trial coming to light and the arguments and letters surrounding it, it only felt fitting that I right a response to this situation. Therefore, I must start from the beginning, my history and understanding of rape. What is rape? Rape is non-consensual sex. But what...
December 18th, 2015
Growing Past Just Surviving
I grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. Our daytime seemed the perfect middle class, church going family where all was polite, well and peaceful. Our night times where a living nightmare. My father became a different man drunk. I grew up physically and sexually abused, although...
August 14th, 2016
You Were My Friend
Only 15 and happy to be seeing you after I had been on vacation for awhile. You and another friend of mine who was a girl. I was tired for I had not slept well the night before. We were all in your room eating nachos and watching tv just...
July 28th, 2014
הטרידו אותי
היי לינור קודם כל אני חייבת להגיד שראיתי את הסרט שלך אולי מאות פעמים וכל פעם אני מתרגשת מחדש. אני בת 13 ולפני כמה ימים הטרידו אותי וזה לא יוצא לי מהראש זה הלך ככה הלכתי עם חברה שלי לקניון ואז איש מבוגר פנה אלי ואמר לי שיש לי יופי...
December 10th, 2013
יש חיים אחרי אונס
שלום לכולן, אני בחורה חוזרת בתשובה מזה ארבע שנים .. בגיל 15 בערך עברתי אונס ע”י מציל .. שהיה באמצע שנות העשרים שלו.. לא הצלחתי לדבר שלוש עשרה שנים .. לא הצלחתי להגדיר לעצמי .. עברת עכשיו אונס .. אז שתקתי.. אבל הפצע לא מוכן להישאר בנפש ובגוף .. הוא...
June 23rd, 2014
Dirty Whore
was once innocent. But that part of me doesn’t exist anymore. When you’re raped you lose a piece of you in a sense. You find yourself left a different person with a broken spirit. I’m a shadow of the girl I use to be. Life is no longer safe and...
One day I was walking down the street at about 5 P.M., 15 days after my 15th birthday. At the time, I was in Mexico. A man rushed down the street, looked at me frantically, and said, “You’re in danger. Please come with me.” I followed him and eventually we...
September 7th, 2009
הסיפור שלי…
במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...
July 15th, 2016
Just a Joke
I was at a small gathering with friends and acquaintances from a student organization that I was a part of. I was pretty drunk, and I left at one point to go buy something that we needed. When I came back, two of the guys were naked except their underwear,...
Hola, no comprendo muy bien el idioma ingles por eso escribo esta corta historia en español, la persona que fue abusa es mi esposa cuan ella tenia 11 años por el esposo de una tía de ella y el esposo de una prima de ella. Al contarme esto sentí demasiada...
July 11th, 2017
I Was Prepared
After my divorce, I moved to protect myself. I got a .32 automatic and took NRA lessons to qualify. I clipped a holster to the side of my purse for access. I had a CS(tear gas), military grade(illegal in my state, but who checks?), clipped to my strap. I took...
January 20th, 2014
הטראומה הכי קשה בחיי
הייתי בת 19 באתי מבית דתי הכרתי אותו מבוגר ממני ב20 שנה הכיר לי את העולם החילוני , הכל אצלו היה מתוכנן הכניס אותי להריון והתחתנו עוד לא עיקלתי מה קרה לי אני כבר אמא כל הנישואים לא הבנתי למה הוא מכה וצועק ומתעלל פיזית ומינית תמיד אמר לי “את...
October 26th, 2015
Drugged After Junior Prom
My junior year of high school, my first serious boyfriend and I had broken up due to my pesky virginity. A few weeks later, me and some classmates, met Catholic school guys at a pool hall. We befriended them since one of them started dating my friend. I became the...
October 8th, 2017
Dream / Recall
I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of showing their power-She...
November 19th, 2013
Deceit of family friend
My story is not as much a story as it is my life. I have been through unfortunately two traumatic situations. For the longest time until I was in high school did it hit me I was abused and it was not ok that this is a big deal and...
June 22nd, 2017
I survived
Hi my name is Autumn, I’m 17. I want to share my story with everyone. Here we go, when I was 6 my brother and I was taken away from my parents and placed with my grandparents. It was good to live there and get away from my parents arguing...
September 15th, 2016
My Abusers
In my lifetime, I’ve dealt with nasty things. From getting bad grades, to getting therapy. One of my worst secrets are my assaults. The first one was in preschool. I have no memory of what my teacher did to me, but I remember somethings. I remember the little daycare I...
February 17th, 2017
Hated Myself
I was 15 years old when I came from school waiting for a taxi to go home. Normally that taxi spot is always busy but that specific day there was a witness with no one in site when suddenly 3 guys came from across the road making as if they...
February 8th, 2016
Step Dad
I was 6 years old when it started.. My mom got together with this guy she went to work with he was honestly the nicest guy ever!!! He spoiled my sister and I and talked about adopting us from our dad. Then he went to prison… The first year he...
November 19th, 2013
My Year in Hell
Ms. Linor Abargil is an inspiring woman and if she is brave enough to share her story with the world, I thought I could share my little bit of Hell in hopes it helps others and gives them hope. Within months of moving in with my boyfriend, the psychopath revealed...
January 13th, 2015
Still Can’t Believe It
I know that I have been raped, but still can’t believe it. In all cases I knew my rapist. I was a rebellious teenager and walked away from home when I was 16. The cousin of a friend where I was staying raped me like 3 times and also gave...
November 1st, 2015
Senior Trip
I was 18 years old when I was raped. This event occurred about 6 months ago, on my senior trip. I got extremely intoxicated with a big group of friends. Friends I’ve grown up with. One of my friends was around me pretty much the whole night, a male friend....
August 20th, 2009
my story
אני בת 28, נשואה ואם לילד. עברתי פגיעה מינית מתמשכת, מגיל 9, ועד גיל 13.5, מאדם בגיל של הורי אני לא אוהבת לקרוא לעצמי “שורדת” כי בחיים יש הרבה יותר מזה כיום, בעיצומו של תהליך החלמה ושיקום, אני פעילה בארגוני נשים שונים, ביניהם מרכז הסיוע לנפגעות תקיפה מינית בישראל תודה...
March 14th, 2016
The Terrible 4
It was the summer after my high school graduation and my parents went on vacation and told me I could have my close friends over for a small party. They knew everyone that was going to be there, except for one person, who I’ll call J, that I was dating...
October 16th, 2018
5 years now
I have noticed that 5 years now i have become really afraid of men , people and everyone in general .I had tried to make myself think that that’s happening because somewhere someone made fun of me .Thats a lie . When i was younger , everyone who tried to...
September 7th, 2009
לדבר, להלחם, לנצח
לינור יקרה, בלי שתדעי ליוות אותי בשנים הקשות שלי. נאנסתי במשך שנים וכשאת סיפרת את הסיפור שלך אני הייתי בת 13. נתת לי את הכוח לספר את הסיפור שלי ולבקש עזרה. היום- יותר מעשור אחרי… ואחרי טיפול ארוך שנים ואין בוף עליות וירידות אני גאה לומר- ניצחתי. אני חיה. נהנת...
October 23rd, 2018
I Didn’t Know I Was Raped
Upon the eve of my 21st birthday my boyfriend of the time (who was everything to not date in a man) raped me. We went to a bar and were drinking. I am not even a fan of bars. I wanted to go camping, but he insisted. (Side Note: After...
April 9th, 2016
Memories Are Back
It has not been a year since my father raped me, and everything changed since that day I did not return to be the same person I was before, I thought that maybe could get over act as if nothing had ever happened but I could, my mother took me...
November 20th, 2015
My Story
I was a young teenager. I’ve never been ultra skinny, so I started to develop curves on a young age, hips, boobies, ass. Apparently for my uncle that was a reason to go and touch my boobs. He would come in my room when I was studying or chatting with...
אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
Few years ago, I went overseas for my Studies. I was staying with my dad’s brother, my uncle who had bad drinking habits. I never get to know my dad’s family very well because they were living overseas. I was around 10 years old when I saw them last time....
January 13th, 2015
Still Can’t Believe It
I know that I have been raped, but still can’t believe it. In all cases I knew my rapist. I was a rebellious teenager and walked away from home when I was 16. The cousin of a friend where I was staying raped me like 3 times and also gave...
July 12th, 2018
Just Fine
In sum, I told the front desk nurse at the hospital, that I had driven myself to, who asked me if she could help me, “No, thank you.” My sitting before her with no plausible reason for over an hour left her looking puzzled. So I talked, talking seemed to...
November 14th, 2018
Six months in the making..
I visited this website one week after I was raped in search of story like mine to convince myself what happened to me was rape. Six months ago I went out for the last weekend at college with my friends for a “girls night”. I was drugged at a local...
September 6th, 2016
What Should I Do?
Everything is very dream like to me, but it all started when I was about 4 years old. At that age, I didn’t know what sex was. My dad was never home, and I was afraid of my mom. I just don’t understand why my own uncle would do that...
June 6th, 2015
I Was Only 7
I’m from a little town in Mexico (I apologize for my english) And my nightmare started when I was 7 years. I Was a little girl, a little happy girl… but when I started the school, my cousin, (a nephew from my father’s) raped me and changed everything. He was...
February 28th, 2017
Raped more than once
I am a survivor, not a victim. I come from a small village where there where always far more men than women. At 5 I started attending music classes, these would start around 6pm and end around 8pm. I was the only girl my age attending that class. My house...
October 13th, 2017
My experience
This is for the people who look twice over mental illnesses. Let me shed some light about my mental illness. When I was about 7 or 8 years old I was sexually abused against my will to help achieve some horny teens sexual enjoyment. He lived next to me almost...
October 31st, 2015
Life Is Rough
Hi my name is Susan. I live in NY as I have most of my life. I saw Brave Miss World on Netflix and finally felt I need to at least in some way share a glimpse of my abuse. My father was a severe drinker he always had a...
July 13th, 2018
She sent a Warning, and Paid for...
I came back to the apartment late from work, and my roommate was standing there. She was sweating, and shaking, and looked scary nervous. Visions of my mom telling me I was going to invite an axe murderer in came to mind. Her hands were twitching at her belt(why comes...
I was about 16 the first time it happened. I didn’t know the guy, but my mom was dating him so I thought I could trust him. The first time we met, he wanted to see my backside in the swimsuit I was wearing to go to the pool at...
December 28th, 2015
Sexual Assault
My sexual assault happened when I was 3 years old up until I was 9 years old. I was living with my mum and when I was 3. I hoped in the bath so I said that my downstairs was hurting so my step dad took me into the room...
Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
July 18th, 2017
Not all friends are true
I grew up such a trusting and open person. I cared about everyone who crossed my path and I would give the shirt off my back to anyone who needed it. So when I got a call at 11:30 from a guy friend saying he needed a place to crash...
July 24th, 2014
Repressed Memory
I feel like an impostor, like I might not even deserve this space, but I don’t know. I don’t remember anything but tiny bits from my childhood. Part of that is because the divorce from age 9-11 was so central to my life, partly because I think I have repressed...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
July 22nd, 2014
Almost Raped
I dated him about 5 years and then one day I took him home and we sat in my car and he out of the blue said, “I have been thinking about taking you down and having my way with you”. I was stunned, and said, “you know they call...
(I’ve felt) Man in Florida ruined my innocence I’ve felt sorrow I’ve felt vengeance I felt what it was like to lose God Tears run down my face allot no one understood I felt the guilt and the blame I felt what it was like to be ashamed being in...
March 4th, 2015
Raped By 6 Policemen
Thirty years ago this March, my entire world was completely shattered after being befriended by a Snr Constable of the N.S.W Police Force & he invited me to his unit to watch a VHS Video of the 1984 Movie “Police Academy”. He knew I was an absolute movie nutter. He...
October 17th, 2016
A Night To Remember
It was prom night. I was a sophomore so normally I wouldn’t be going but an older guy who played basketball with my brother Colt asked me. It was so much fun. After we all went out to eat and went bowling. Jackson, my date, dropped me off at my...
November 1st, 2016
It all started when I was in 4th grade [age 9]. I didn’t understand what he did when he touched me over my clothing. As I got older my mum said never let someone touch you in your areas where you were underwear, but he constantly said to me ‘don’t...