June 29th, 2017
Childhood Rape
This is hard so I’m not going to try to drag this out to much. In the early 90’s a guy(only know his first name) dragged us out of a pool located at 500 pacific avenue in Virginia Beach. I was around 6 and my sister was 8. It’s crazy...
December 29th, 2015
I Trusted Him
I was 15. I was friends with a guy. Let’s call him J. I was into the drug game pretty hard, he was my dealer, and became a close friend. I would get drunk with him a lot, and he wouldn’t get drunk with me. And I soon found out...
March 4th, 2015
Raped By 6 Policemen
Thirty years ago this March, my entire world was completely shattered after being befriended by a Snr Constable of the N.S.W Police Force & he invited me to his unit to watch a VHS Video of the 1984 Movie “Police Academy”. He knew I was an absolute movie nutter. He...
November 1st, 2016
Neighbor Trust
I am a 48 year old man and had few memories of my childhood until about 2 years ago. I was having an extremely stressful time going on in my life at the time and it must have reminded me of that same feeling when I was about 6-7. I...
September 16th, 2015
Multiple Hurt
It started when I was two and a half. The man who did it to me is 45 now and lives in Vietnam. He was my father’s friend and still is to this day. My mum and dad needed to work at the time so they sent me and my...
March 10th, 2017
Okay, Not Okay
Last January was the first anniversary for me since I was sexually assaulted for the first time in my life. I am straight, and I was assaulted by my female friend. Though I want to/feel that I need to share what had happened to me last year, I barely remember...
May 7th, 2018
Surviving sexual assault trauma
Tonight, I was reading a book called full frontal feminism. I felt empowered and strong until I reached a certain chapter. The chapter was about sexual assault and domestic violence. I could feel a ping in my heart as I began reading because I knew it would bring back up...
June 24th, 2014
Multiple Times
Raped by a caregiver at 6 years old and then again after he was released from captivity. Second rape was also kidnapping and stabbing to punish me for telling the first time. I almost died. I blocked the trauma from my memory. My mother tried to get me help but...
August 12th, 2014
The Party
I was 14 years old at the time it happened. It was summer the end of august. The year was 2006. I liked football and hang around with hooligans because i thought there were cool people and just wanted to belong something. With my closest girlfriends at that time we...
February 25th, 2015
Drugged and Gang Raped
The guy I met, I thought was a nice guy. Very undercover, nice, seemed genuine. I met him, he was walking a baby Pitbull. I have a passion for these dogs, rescued some, and have one myself. I invited him to come to visit me, as I had not been...
October 7th, 2017
Lost in Europe
I was traveling across France heading into Italy, mostly hitching and traveling in a general direction. I was somewhere near the border, but that was about what I knew. I stopped to ask a man for directions, and he asked me to pay him for his help. I said I...
March 3rd, 2016
My Daughter
Hello I’m Jack, I just finished watching Brave Miss World.I must say I cried like a baby. I wanted to share with you my daughters story of being molested at age 6 by and older girl who would visit her grandparents who lives across the street from our home. To...
June 14th, 2015
The Same Effect
On several occasions, from when I was 7 up to last year (nothing yet this year) I have had to get out of situations that would have ended in rape, all different circumstances. The ones I experienced when I was around seven, were by young girls that I feel equally...
December 6th, 2015
Two times. One year.
I had just gotten out of a relationship with someone I was crazy about when a guy I graduated with the year before texted me wanting to go swimming. I had a crush on him through out school so, why not? We went swimming with some of his friends down...
September 6th, 2014
Losing My Virginity
When I was 16, I liked to pretend I was a rebel. I snuck out late with my best friend, drank alcohol, got too drunk. My parents were going through a bitter, violent separation and I think I acted out to get away from it all, as clichéd as it...
November 30th, 2014
I dated my boyfriend for 4 years on and off. He was extremely emotionally and physically abusive. He isolated me from everyone I knew, including my parents and made me feel like he was everything. He was the first guy I slept with, and even the first time with him...
March 11th, 2016
I Was Raped
On February 15th 2016, family day, I was feeling very sick and feverish so in my state of mind at the time I felt I needed to go for a quick walk around where I live. I was walking along the dog park listening to music and someone wrapped a...
November 23rd, 2016
Motel 6 Nightmare
April 8th, 2016 changed me in whatever way I let it for the rest of my life. I was with my friend and a bunch of her friends that I didn’t know in a motel room that night. I’m not the type of person to ever do something like this,...
January 18th, 2016
I Am a Survivor…
I had taken the purity ring promise when I was 13. I was first assaulted when I was 7. Then had a bad experience with a guy when I was 12. Now at 16, I was raped by my now ex boyfriend in my own basement at home… Just days...
January 15th, 2017
Ya perdoné pero nunca olvido
5 years ago I was raped sexually, today I only have the scar, I have healed but I have not forgotten and I will never forget it, I would love to help women, and because not even men who have been through this situation, it is not an easy path,...
March 14th, 2017
Surviving, Kinda
Help. God help me write this, but I think its time I let it out. This is my story about how a man who completely destroyed me within a matter of minuets, three times. At first I didn’t know it was rape. After years of abuse I just thought it...
September 21st, 2017
Childhood nightmares
When I was younger, my brother would sexually harass me. He would call me names like “slut” or “bitch”. He would also pull on my underwear or hit my butt…sometimes even when other people were around. It was humiliating. I was 13 but I felt powerless to stop him. Then...
October 9th, 2014
What Happened?
I was out with my friends. We went to a nightclub, I was 21 and it was April 2013. I started drinking and everyone was drinking. My parents always told me not to ever let my drink out of my sight. Well that night I guess I got a little...
July 10th, 2018
The thief
I was only 5, people say you can’t remember it because you were so small but I do remember everything that happened, I was sexually harassed by my cousin who I loved like a brother, I don’t know but I was so scared to tell anyone so I told the...
November 19th, 2013
Keeping Faith
I was recently kidnapped and kept in a room where a man repeatedly drugged and raped me. He told me to do everything he said and he would let me go. Blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back, I did. I prayed so hard and asked God not to...
October 26th, 2015
College Student
I was raped. By a guy I thought was cool. He was a member of a fraternity. I thought he was cool. He invited me to his place for dinner. I thought he liked me. I got to his place he had picked me up from campus. So I was...
July 21st, 2014
ללינור היקרה
היי לינור, קוראים לי אוריאן אני בת 16 מתל אביב. אני כותבת לך מכתב זה כי אני מעריכה אותך ורואה בך מודל לחיקוי. האומץ שבך,האסרטיביות,הכוח רצון,החוזק שיש בך נותנים לי כוח ורצון להמשיך הלאה. את אישה מדהימה ליונר, את לקחת את הכוח שיש לך לדברים טובים,לעזרה לזולת,ואני מתכוונת לכך שכשזכית...
July 28th, 2014
הטרידו אותי
היי לינור קודם כל אני חייבת להגיד שראיתי את הסרט שלך אולי מאות פעמים וכל פעם אני מתרגשת מחדש. אני בת 13 ולפני כמה ימים הטרידו אותי וזה לא יוצא לי מהראש זה הלך ככה הלכתי עם חברה שלי לקניון ואז איש מבוגר פנה אלי ואמר לי שיש לי יופי...
December 17th, 2014
What If I Make You?
There is no short way to tell this story. There is no condensed version of the pain I’ve felt every day since 10:26pm, October 10th, 2011. I know very few will read this, but I also know that I wouldn’t be able to stand telling my story one more time,...
December 18th, 2017
Raped because of who I loved
I’m lesbian. I have been since I was 17, ever since I felt that guys couldn’t do the same job as girls. When I was 18 I was still in college, and had opened up about my sexuality to eveyrone. And one of the guys, who I knew had a...
August 4th, 2016
I Prayed for Death
The scariest thing about rape is not the pain. Not even the violation of bodily autonomy how many put it. It’s about the inherent problem of trust. The problem has nothing to do with the idea that the person you have trusted turned out to be hurting you. Neither it...
October 26th, 2015
I was 15. I weighed 78 lbs, severely malnourished, severely ignorant. A 29 year old stranger walked up to my mother’s car, pointed at me in the back seat and said “I want the …”. My mother told him to get into the car. I was terrified, but I didn’t...
June 17th, 2014
Seis Años
A los seis años fui a la fiesta de una tia buela una de las tantas reuniones que hacen en mi familia y cuando fui al baño el hijo de esa tia me llevo a su cuarto y abuso de mi yo trate de llamar a mi mama pero tenian...
June 30th, 2016
Never Got His Name
I was nineteen years old when I lost my virginity. I wasn’t really saving it for anyone special; I just hadn’t done it yet. I was somewhat embarrassed about it, but most of my friends were virgins too, so it was okay. For my first real college New Years Eve,...
October 1st, 2015
I Barely Knew Them
When I was 15, I went to the parade for my local fire department with my best friend. I was in good spirits, and the day seemed to be going well. As it was getting dark, my friend and I met this group of 4 guys in the park, and...
December 4th, 2017
Touched by my cousin
I was ten years old, my cousin was fourteen. I remember I was sleeping in his younger sisters room when he came in to see me. I remember waking up with his hand on my vagina and his tongue in my mouth. As soon as I woke up he had...
August 18th, 2015
How I Was Raped
The man who did this to me was my boyfriend. His name is Brandon Cleine. We were both 17 at the time. Before it happened, I think to scare me he told me how he had raped another young girl before me when he was a young boy. He had...
March 26th, 2014
Sexual Assault at 11
I was sexually assaulted when I was eleven years old. It was the summer and my friend had wanted me to go over to her place. While walking to her house there were three boys from school outside and her. She wanted me to go with her to their place...
October 22nd, 2015
Rape at Bogota, Colombia
Sueño / Recuerdo I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of...
December 23rd, 2014
When I Was 7
When I was 7 years old I can remember so well that day. My other two sisters and I were part of a private swim club. We were separated because of our age group. My parents were there and then watching the practice for the next meet or competition. I...
December 3rd, 2013
Multiple Rape
I was raped on the evening of the 23 of December 2004. I was raped by three black men that ambushed me and then raped me. They pretended to help me on the side of the road where I was stuck. It was raining badly. I shouted and fought and...
October 22nd, 2015
Rape at Bogota, Colombia
Sueño / Recuerdo I was running running running Past the halls, the screams, the stairs My hand was busy on something -Probably the piece of glass I used to cut him. And then she ripped her necklace off Just as they ripped out clothes off Shattered glass -Another way of...
September 15th, 2009
4 short stories of sexual aggresion
There are those that find themselves Many times over In situations of abuse A pattern, repeated time and again The victim doesn’t understand The blame must be hers Stupid, stupid girl After the abuse When the bruises are gone The sore places on her body have healed She is left...
May 16th, 2018
Taken advantage of
So about a week ago today I went through something I never thought I’d go through. I blacked out for what seemed like an entire day. When I woke all I remembered was flashes of having sex with this dude I thought I’d be safe around. I never liked him...
June 9th, 2016
Raped Study Abroad in Seoul
First, I have to say that the actions of one individual does NOT define an entire culture — so if you are thinking of traveling there, please know that it is just as safe as any other western city, if not safer in some areas. So my story begins. I...
One day I was walking down the street at about 5 P.M., 15 days after my 15th birthday. At the time, I was in Mexico. A man rushed down the street, looked at me frantically, and said, “You’re in danger. Please come with me.” I followed him and eventually we...
November 8th, 2021
I was a child
I’m 19 now. Everything stopped right before I turned 17 (when I left home to join the Armed Forces) While I was a child, I lived with my biological mother. I had 2 other siblings (a younger sister & an older brother) who were treated as if though they were...
June 23rd, 2014
Virgin Rape
In 1971, I was groomed/tricked by a male student from Chicago’s south side who was at a community college located in southeastern Washington State on a football scholarship. I was 18. I came from an abusive home: my mother mentally, emotionally and physically abused me from my age of 2...
December 10th, 2014
In Front of My Girls
I was raped 5 years ago by somebody whom I met on a dating website. The website said not to meet anybody on your own but in a public place. I did that, met him 3 times at our local mall, in the coffee shop. I had lost my husband...
March 10th, 2017
Okay, Not Okay
Last January was the first anniversary for me since I was sexually assaulted for the first time in my life. I am straight, and I was assaulted by my female friend. Though I want to/feel that I need to share what had happened to me last year, I barely remember...
June 21st, 2018
Why wasn’t I able to say “NO!”?
I know I am seeking a sense of validation but it is hard for me not to. Part of me still does not believe that I was raped and I am wrong for saying that I was. Another part of me says that the more times I tell it to...
July 27th, 2016
Lightening Does Strike Twice
I’ve been raped twice. One left left me bruised, one didn’t leave a mark. Both hurt the same. When I was 16 I got a boyfriend. He was older, and cool, and in a band. He took me to parties, and gave me weed, and made me feel cool, too....
October 26th, 2017
Keep it to myself
One afternoon I walked home from the bus, to find my brother and 2 of his friends watching a porn. They made rude comments about I’d look good like that. I tried to go to my room, but they tackled me. They all raped me, but technically, my own brother...
February 27th, 2016
Lost Soul
I was a victim of rape when. I never talked to other victims. It started when I was young. 12 or 13 years old not sure I just wanted it to go away. My brother used to come in my room and touch me it happened. We were alone at...
December 28th, 2015
Sexual Assault
My sexual assault happened when I was 3 years old up until I was 9 years old. I was living with my mum and when I was 3. I hoped in the bath so I said that my downstairs was hurting so my step dad took me into the room...
December 21st, 2016
Two Strangers in a Park
I’m new to this site but lately I’ve just felt that I need to let this out, to tell someone what happened, and I’m not ready to tell anyone in my life. Two months ago I was assaulted by two men in a park a kilometre from my home. I...
April 3rd, 2018
My First Boyfriend
I was absolutely smitten with my first boyfriend. He was cute, handsome, and very smart. I had never been in love before. I thought I loved him more than I could love anybody else. I was clear; I wanted to wait until I was married. I wanted to share that...
August 4th, 2016
I Prayed for Death
The scariest thing about rape is not the pain. Not even the violation of bodily autonomy how many put it. It’s about the inherent problem of trust. The problem has nothing to do with the idea that the person you have trusted turned out to be hurting you. Neither it...
It was 1:00 in the morning I snuck out to meet a boy they meet at the skatepark I got in his car an he drove us back to his house. He took me to the bathroom. He started to get undressed an than he took my clothes off an...
February 28th, 2015
Some Friend
June 24, 1993. I was 19 on this day. I had just completed my first year in the US Army. I was stationed in Alaska. My unit had been in the field for a month. I was actually the youngest person in the battalion and so was always called the...
February 25th, 2015
Drugged and Gang Raped
The guy I met, I thought was a nice guy. Very undercover, nice, seemed genuine. I met him, he was walking a baby Pitbull. I have a passion for these dogs, rescued some, and have one myself. I invited him to come to visit me, as I had not been...
October 25th, 2018
The Boys Club Continues
I decided to share my story after reading another woman’s story on this site…she was brutally gang raped by police and contemplating suicide. Please “don’t let them win” by Suicide. I know it’s your choice to take your life or survive…. I know the helplessness against the Blue Wall. I...
November 28th, 2017
It’s my fault
I’m a small town girl living on her own for the first time in a really big city going to college. I’ve been dating my boyfriend (who lives 5 hours away) for almost 5 years and one night I went out with some friends and ended up getting really wasted...
June 17th, 2014
Still Carry the Anger
November 15th, 2017
Raped Multiple Times
I am an Indonesian, and I was in my third year of college when I was raped, by a good friend who had been a my friend for around 3 years. We hung out a lot back then, mainly because both of us needed some companies while doing our final...
November 1st, 2014
Weathering The Storm
My story begins when I was 10 and my parents separated for a few months. During that time I was raped, repeatedly by a female family member who served as my caretaker and by a male teenager in our neighborhood. I never told a soul, but my life was forever...
January 2nd, 2016
Hola soy una mujer de 31 años. Viví una situación muy confusa cuando era niña casi 9 o 10 años. Mis padres nos dejaban vacacional en la casa de mis abuelos que nos cuidaban, nos consentían con golosinas, ver televisión y jugar. Una tarde ya para llegar la noche nos...
January 19th, 2016
I wish I could change the past
I was in 7th grade at this time and I used to love walking my dogs all the time. One time I was walking my dog and there was a guy that lived two houses from me and he was 28 years old at the time. He would stop me...
November 21st, 2014
No Title Will Stop How I Feel
After watching Brave Miss World, I saw how strong victims have been. They’ve been able to share without feeling embarrassment and shame, which is what this movement has been about. I am not so brave as you all. I was molested as a child and stayed away from any human...
June 5th, 2018
I am a survivor
I was first raped at the age of twelve, my school friend’s uncle, promised to take us to the movies, instead he took us to an isolated beach and grabbed me first, I tried fighting him but he was too strong for me, he hit me in my stomach and...
September 29th, 2018
The secret
I was 15 years old dating a 20 year old named Scott. One day Scott asked me to hang out at his house and picked me up on his motorcycle. I went there and his friend Vernon was there. Within a few min of arrival, the two of them threw...
May 8th, 2019
Molestation 4-13, dissociation syndrome started, afraid 24/7, PTSD 10, black outs began & were triggered by the smell of certain foods or a male authorities voice. Attempted Rape 15, Physical Abuse 16-31, all my ex-boyfriends. Rape 18, also attempted suicide & started dancing because I needed extra money & no...
December 31st, 2015
Sexual Assault
My first take on “sex” was misunderstanding. I didn’t know what it was, and my mother told me that I didn’t need to worry about it yet. My father and mother had always stressed being responsible, and learning to defend yourself. I chose “Start By Believing” to tell my story,...
I have been raped multiple times. For the longest time I just acted like it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t think about it and tried to forget about it all together. However, in reality, I was terrified. The time that scared me the most was when I was at...
November 14th, 2010
Erase and Rewind
גדלתי מילדה ונערה לאישה – אבל בתור אחת שהיו לה קצת רגשי נחיתות וכזו שהסתובבה בעיקר עם חברים בנים ושלושת אחיי הגדולים – הייתי טיפה רחוקה מהנשיות שלי- היה בי משהו מעורב בין נסיכה ביישנית לבין טום בוי חוצפנית- וכך יצא שעד גיל 21 עוד הייתי בתולה -מחוסר בחיבור לגוף...
November 12th, 2017
He did it again and again
I was 16 when I was raped, still a virgin. I was at school for an evening event and went to the bathroom. The hallways were dark as the event was out in the ground. When I came out of the bathroom, I was heading for the stairs when someone...
June 30th, 2014
I was raped when I was 16 and again when I was 17 but now I am in my 20s. When I was 16 I started looking for companion ship online. I was always a socially anxious person so it was a way, for me, to meet new people. I...
September 15th, 2016
My Abusers
In my lifetime, I’ve dealt with nasty things. From getting bad grades, to getting therapy. One of my worst secrets are my assaults. The first one was in preschool. I have no memory of what my teacher did to me, but I remember somethings. I remember the little daycare I...
January 11th, 2018
Still Going
I can barely remember my childhood but Im going to let it go and share what I do remember. Im 33 years old and grateful to have survived. I remember my mothers husband raping me at the age of 7. He was sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive. He was...
September 26th, 2018
The healing process
I dont know how to start.. But.. Here it goes.. This might sound like a book but ill keep it very short to get to the point..i was probably about 8 yrs old when i remember being inappropriately touched by someone who i thought could be trusted..it continued for a...
July 8th, 2014
Child on Child Sexual Abuse
Our son was sexually abused by an older male cousin at the age of 5. We only knew there had been inappropriate behavior on Christmas Day in 1995, when our son (age 8) at the time, told us of an incident when this same older male cousin pinned him up...
December 6th, 2016
I’m Over Reacting
My best friend was held back when we were in first grade because her parents split up, and her mom thought she could use a fresh start. I would often go to her house after school because it was the only way I could see her. She had a huge...
Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
I feel like now is the right time to share my story. I was 18 at the time and just started a new life for myself across the country from my family at a college that I thought was perfect for me. One night I went out with my friends...
December 2nd, 2016
Unwanted Flashbacks
I just read a really mediocre article on my phone on attitudes towards rape. And suddenly it was all back, the feeling that I am not in control of my body and somehow feeling broken inside – unable to pinpoint and define the feeling. 3.5 years ago I was raped....
September 15th, 2016
My Abusers
In my lifetime, I’ve dealt with nasty things. From getting bad grades, to getting therapy. One of my worst secrets are my assaults. The first one was in preschool. I have no memory of what my teacher did to me, but I remember somethings. I remember the little daycare I...
A few weeks back I was raped. It was by someone who I love dearly and want to trust completely- my boyfriend. We were becoming more intimate and affectionate with each other, but I made it clear to him that I wasn’t ready to go all the way numerous times....
January 12th, 2018
The Night That Changed My Life
How nice to know that within the next 7-10 years you will never have touched me. How devastating to know that 5 of you drugged then raped me after mixing something into my drink while I was using the bathroom. How horrible is it that my best friend, someone I...
January 28th, 2015
It Started With Date Rape
I was only 16 years old and had been dating a guy from another high school for about three months. I invited him to a dance, sort of a pre-prom prom dance for sophomores in high school. On the way home he gave me a lot of alcohol -shots ,beer,...
June 5th, 2014
Por Fin Puedo Decirlo
Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
June 3rd, 2014
My Boyfriend Raped Me
My story I think is quite long, this is the first time I am writing it. I was raped, many times I do not know the number exactly, by my boyfriend of two years. I only realized it was rape after months in therapy trying to come to terms with...
June 22nd, 2014
Over 40 years Ago
I have been raped both by a stranger and on a date, both in my teen years. The stranger was giving me a ride and took a side road out into the woods. I was helpless to fight physically, so I just acted like it was ok and tried to...
I was a 15 year old virgin. Went with my brother to my 27 year old cousin’s house. I knew my cousin very well because I lived with them until I was 5 or 6 even calling his parents mom and dad. I decided to try alcohol for the first...
February 25th, 2018
Abused and defeated
I was sexually abused when I was 8 years old by a teenager who lived in my neighbourhood, the abuse occurred for a couple of months, I had no idea what was going on but knew that something wasn’t right, so I started to avoid going out to play, my...
August 24th, 2009
כמוני כמוך
מחזקת את ידיך. כמוני כמוך, כמו כל החברות שלי, אין אישה בישראל שלא עברה הטרדה מינית / תקיפה מינית / אונס או גילוי עריות.
June 27th, 2014
The Monster With The Pretty Smile
I was in grade nine when I lost something that can never be returned. I just want to make it clear that I do not want anyone’s pity, or empathy. I don’t want people to say “that poor girl how could someone do something like that to her?” What’s done...
July 1st, 2014
The Devil You Know
I was raped by my brother’s best friend when I was 19. It was at my brother’s house. He was sleeping in the next room. I was extremely intoxicated. I didn’t want to get in trouble and I blamed myself for being drunk. It finally came out while I was...
July 31st, 2015
Life of Trauma
When I was 5 I was adopted with my brother and sister. That’s when the abuse started. There are a lot of memories that I have blacked out but I can’t get rid of everything. The abuse started with me since I was the oldest. At that time I just...
April 9th, 2018
Rape survivor
I was 14 years old when i was raped. It was my boyfriend at the time and i was still a virgin. We had sexual contact at the time but i did not want to have sex. I felt that i was not ready to lose my virginity yet. He...
September 9th, 2014
Doctor Nightmares
I was 25 years old, in love with my boyfriend and living with him in an apartment. He was an artist, a sweet and wonderful man. I had moved to this new city with him, thinking that when he finished school we would get married and start a family as...
April 24th, 2018
Charity is it’s own reward
I was talked into taking the cousin of a friend to a school dance. He was short, homely, awkward, and basically the stereotype nerd out of all the B teen movies. In those, it always turns out she loves him by the end, but this wasn’t a movie. Counting the...
October 29th, 2015
Thank You
I was molested by my cousin at an early age, remember telling myself that I would never let that happen to me again. I battled and worked my way through what happened to me. I finally told my mom at 35 years old and I was 12 when my cousin...
August 6th, 2015
En Enero de 2010
No se como contar algo que todavia duele, que todavia me mata un poco cada día. En enero de 2010 fui violada por un hombre que no consigo acordarme de su rostro, pero si de su voz y ese recuerdo me acopaña hasta ahora. Mis padres nunca supieron de nada,...
January 20th, 2017
16 times
I have been sexually assaulted 16 times. 11 of those are rapes. It started when I was two. The last time I was 23. 3 of those times were by immediate family members, people I loved and relied on to love, protect and take care of me: My father, when...
I was 19 when I was raped. I knew him. We had met through my friend. I was just getting over a breakup and wanted someone to take my mind off of him. We had hung out once before the rape with my friend and one other person. Everything was...
February 28th, 2016
Something so Horrible Could Make Me This...
I am a survivor of childhood trauma, and while working toward recovery from this trauma, I was raped a couple months ago. Ironically, the assault happened while I was traveling and interviewing to work toward my exciting career goals. I gave clear messages to the man who raped me that...
May 19th, 2015
Shelter My Soul
Only 13 years old and I had run away from my home. Where my mother would beat me and drag me around the floor because I refused to understand her. I ran away and hitchhiked on the highway right before marathon, 7 mile bridge. A man stopped and asked me...
February 20th, 2017
Being Raped
With the help of God, I can finally write this down. I watched Brave Miss World the same year I confronted on of the men who raped me. This site has allowed me to find strength and solidarity among the words, the deeply respected and haunting stories of others who...
Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
June 8th, 2016
Supposed to be the Best Day of...
The day I graduated high school was supposed to be one of the best days of my life, a beginning of a new chapter of my life. And it started with a rape. It was two years ago and I am just telling people now because I cannot hold it...
October 16th, 2015
My Story
I was 9 so I will not sugar coat the truth. I will share with you how I was forced to do, well what you wouldn’t have wanted to do. I will share with why I had teary eyes as he separated my thighs. But then again you might only...
January 27th, 2015
I…don’t remember that much. I was only 2 or 3, most likely 3. I was raped by a women with blonde hair, that’s all I remember. I don’t know her name and I can’t remember her face. I only remember her kissing my neck. It was truly horrible. This was...
May 9th, 2018
Why does this keep happening to me?
I was about…6 I think. The first time it happened. My uncle was living with us after he came back from the islands. The first time he molested me was in our living room. It was in the middle of the night and I was watching a show, everyone were...
May 24th, 2015
Effort To Survive
Yesterday, I read on a magazine about Linor and the documentary. I was very touch. Today, I go to your website and think that I must share my own story. It was the night of Saturday the 16th November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. In July 2013, when I was 21...
April 20th, 2019
At 17yr old was raped by my...
I became pregnant at age 16, forced to marry months later at 17, I went through domestic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse by him, my husband and my family did nothing to help me out of the nightmare! After 2 yrs I got out with the help of...
מרגיש מכני נושא הסיפור: והסיפור: כלכך ישיר לנושא כלכך מורכב אני שכנה שלך ממש חדשה ברחוב הסחלב 96 רמת פולג בעלך עבד עם חבר שלי שמנהל את הקפה קפה באמנון ותמר 6 (של אבא שלי) הסיפור שלי כזה הייתי ילדה שמחה מאוד ואז זה הפסיק פעם אחת קצרה ,אבל כלכך...
March 23rd, 2018
Child sex abuse
When I was 13 my stepfather punished me by touching me “down there”. He told me thats what bad girls get. After that it progressed to longer touches, he made me touch him as well. He wouldn’t punish me as he did my sisters because we, “had a relationship.” I...
March 19th, 2018
I am 1 in 4
When I was over my boyfriend’s one day, he and his brother decided to rape me. Aside from to have sex, I don’t know why they decided to. I told him we were through while I got dressed. He said I didn’t mean it. I meant it! I never told...
December 10th, 2013
יש חיים אחרי אונס
שלום לכולן, אני בחורה חוזרת בתשובה מזה ארבע שנים .. בגיל 15 בערך עברתי אונס ע”י מציל .. שהיה באמצע שנות העשרים שלו.. לא הצלחתי לדבר שלוש עשרה שנים .. לא הצלחתי להגדיר לעצמי .. עברת עכשיו אונס .. אז שתקתי.. אבל הפצע לא מוכן להישאר בנפש ובגוף .. הוא...
July 8th, 2015
Enough Is Enough
I am now 22, at 18 I had my first real boyfriend, who completely mentally and emotionally abused me, but of course in that moment I was in complete denial of the whole situation. After about a year of going out, things were getting worse. One night while having sex...
February 25th, 2015
First of all, I’m sorry if my English isn’t fluent, I’m Dutch. I have never been raped or anything that comes close to that. I just watched Brave Miss World this afternoon and it really touched me and I just felt like I had to show my respect to all...
October 24th, 2014
Don’t Want to Admit It
I meet him online. I built a friendship with him. Kind of a match thing except for younger people. The connection was great. I said let’s meet at a coffee shop. He picked the place. He was late to give me the address and I waited for him. Meet him...
September 7th, 2009
עדיין מציק
וואו אני לא יודעת מאיפה להתחיל עברתי 3 מקרים וזה עדיין מציק אני בת 31 אמא ל2 ילדי מקסימים כשהייתי בת בערך 15 ליוויתי את חברה שלי הבייתה דרך איזו סימטה מוארת לפתע שמענו שמישהו הולך אחרינו הגברנו את קצב ההליכה וגם הוא הגביר ומכיוון שאני הייתי הכי קרובה אליו...
March 23rd, 2016
An Abnormal Reaction
So this entire story starts at the beginning of this summer. Before the summer started I had been dating around and seeing a few guys casually but there was no one I liked. All of these endeavors were super innocent as we would do things like go to the movies...
September 8th, 2017
I guess it was rape
Took me 6 years before I told myself that I was raped. It was valentines day 2011 when I was with my boyfriend, I was with him for maybe 4 months by that time (just a dumb high school relationship). He always pressured me for sex, but I always told...
December 29th, 2015
Molested By My Step Brother
My parents divorced when I was still a baby. She moved in with her boyfriend (husband) when I was 5. He had already had a son from a high school relationship. He was 7 years older than me, and I loved playing games with him and his friend. Then, it...
April 11th, 2016
“No” is Universal
Last night I went out to a bar near campus with a few good friends of mine. After a few drinks we ran into some foreign exchange students who bought us shots. An hour or so later I left the bar with one of the french exchange students that I...
March 12th, 2018
Finding Words
I sit here, purposefully alone, deciding what and how to Share. Before I get lost, Thank You for Share Your story! Okay, I’ll say IT happened. I always thought I was in control, not so much the It Won’t Happen to Me, as I am Able enough that He Can’t....
אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
October 4th, 2017
I thought he was a friend
This year I started my first year of uni and there was this guy in one of my classes he was an exchange student, and we became study partners, and I was helping him understand Aussie culture. After the mid-tri break second day back he asked to come over to...
January 20th, 2014
הטראומה הכי קשה בחיי
הייתי בת 19 באתי מבית דתי הכרתי אותו מבוגר ממני ב20 שנה הכיר לי את העולם החילוני , הכל אצלו היה מתוכנן הכניס אותי להריון והתחתנו עוד לא עיקלתי מה קרה לי אני כבר אמא כל הנישואים לא הבנתי למה הוא מכה וצועק ומתעלל פיזית ומינית תמיד אמר לי “את...
January 5th, 2017
Stronger Than You Think
i’ll try to keep this as short as possible. I’m a girl from Sweden. I’m 17 years old now and i have a horrible story of my life to share with you. The first time i was 14. I had just gotten into my first relationship (i know a Little...
December 19th, 2015
I still feel “crazy”
It’s 1:11am, and I feel the crazies coming that I never understood until 2 years ago after I heard Barry Lopez tell his story to Terry Gross on NPR (Sliver of Sky), where he said, “Certainly innocence is gone and sexual gender confusion is introduced, but you can actually talk...
April 2nd, 2018
Raped by my ex-boyfriend
Things with my ex-boyfriend ended really badly, after we broke up I had gotten into a relationship with this amazing girl but he befriended her and she ended up cheating on me with him. When they got into a relationship I was worried about her because of my history with...
My name is Mary I am 58 years old When I was 24 I was living in Holland I was raped at knife point I went to the police on the same day I gave a full statement and had to be examined The rapist was never found Many years...
September 13th, 2017
Letter to my offender part 2
Flashback The month before everything happened (October) I got in a fight with a cousin. I was not prepared to fight with her she’s bigger than me so it’s safe to say her five friends and my one had no idea I was going to fight back but I did....
November 8th, 2017
What sent me over the edge
I had just turned 19. I went to a frat party, I was drinking too much because I was stupid and just wanted to fit in. I started dancing and making out with a stranger. He quickly became violent. When I tried to leave, he followed me upstairs and dragged...
April 15th, 2014
A Journal of a Wayward Child
I have a long history of abuse and rape in my family and myself (44 years for me) and would like to have the opportunity to share my story with women around the world. Forgiveness has been the first step in healing and am now in a woman’s shelter beginning...
February 10th, 2014
Intimate Partner Violence
My “husband” was such a romantic, always taking the day off of work to celebrate the anniversary of our first date. Twenty years later, I find him in front of the computer, wearing the same shirt, but his pants are down, and bagged at the ankle. He is masturbating to...
July 8th, 2014
Multiple Rapes
Dad’s dad grabs my breast and french kisses me when I am 11, 12 years old. Dad lifts me up above his head and drops me on the ground breaking my ribs and gets on top of me and won’t get off until I threaten to tell mom age 14....
May 1st, 2017
I wanted to get high
It started off, not so well. I wanted to get high, smoke some weed. I wanted to get high because I, I was feeling low. I didn’t have enough money so I went, ‘5’ with some guy. I knew of him, I didn’t think any harm. His dark brown eyes...
September 7th, 2009
הסיפור שלי…
במשך 3 שנים עברתי התעללות מינית מצד בן דוד, הוא היה נוגע בי ואונס אותי יום אחרי יום ואני לא התנגדתי ולא אמרתי כלום… פשוט נתתי לי לו לעשות הכל… אף אחד לא ראה.. הוא איים עליי לא לספר ותמיד אמר שהוא אוהב אותי ושזה משחק רק של שנינו… כל...
May 12th, 2017
I still don’t know what happened
We were at this reunion after work at a friends house, we were drinking, playing games and eating, the last thing I remember after my black out was playing monopoly with my friends, totally normal. Then I woke up completely naked at his bed thinking ‘what the hell happened?’ I...
October 16th, 2016
Senior Year Ended In The First Week
Here is a story… That hits close to home, one that is a scar that will never truly heal It can be hidden but never completely healed This is my story I was a college Sr. in my FIRST week of school I went out with friends, had 1 drink...
January 4th, 2014
I Am Still Standing
Being taken advantage of isn’t particularly new to me. From the ages of four to eighteen I was neglected and abused by both of my parents in many ways. When I left for college in August of 2010 I fully planned to leave my old life behind and fight to...
April 15th, 2014
A Journal of a Wayward Child
I have a long history of abuse and rape in my family and myself (44 years for me) and would like to have the opportunity to share my story with women around the world. Forgiveness has been the first step in healing and am now in a woman’s shelter beginning...
July 26th, 2018
High School Rape
“Mom, Dad, there’s this party tonight, everyone from school is going, I promise I’ll be safe…can I please go? Please?” I remember asking my parents to go to this party, I remember pleading with them, trying to make deals with them. But they wouldn’t have it. My father looked me...
December 16th, 2014
Did He Rape My Mind Too
I was 17 when I was drugged and raped. I was on holiday with my best friend, and it was our 2nd night out. We went to a bar and started chatting to a group of lads. At the time it seemed so genuine and I was having a good...
August 20th, 2009
my story
אני בת 28, נשואה ואם לילד. עברתי פגיעה מינית מתמשכת, מגיל 9, ועד גיל 13.5, מאדם בגיל של הורי אני לא אוהבת לקרוא לעצמי “שורדת” כי בחיים יש הרבה יותר מזה כיום, בעיצומו של תהליך החלמה ושיקום, אני פעילה בארגוני נשים שונים, ביניהם מרכז הסיוע לנפגעות תקיפה מינית בישראל תודה...
April 13th, 2014
Hide & Seek
I’m 35 years old and I never spoke up for this or told anyone. When I was on the fifth grade (10 years old) I played with my brother and my young sister the game “hide-and-seek” all over the house. I remember that it was my sister turn to count...
October 30th, 2017
I’m so broken I can’t be fixed. They just don’t know it yet. The man who knew everything about me makes me sad. I feel as though the only reason I was born was to witness the three incidents. I’m too damaged to fix!! — Dee, age 48
September 10th, 2014
First Rape
I spent my childhood avoiding my older brother. He leered at me and tried to touch my crotch. I think one time he succeeded but no other. I made sure to be far away in the house or yard or town. But one day I was reading and my little...
July 19th, 2018
‘Were you drinking?’
Why is it every question people start with when you say you were raped is ‘Were you drinking?’? Yes. I was drinking. Does that make me any less of a human being? Does that make me a willing participant to such an act? I shared my story with one person,...
July 31st, 2018
Supe que fue un abuso cuando ya...
Cuando tenia 5-6 años, no recuerdo la edad exacta, un primo mio de unos 17 años solia sentarme en sus piernas y frotarse sus partes conmigo. Nunca intentó tener relaciones conmigo pero fue algo que me afectó por años. No sabía si debía contarlo o no porque no sabía ni...
October 21st, 2017
My experience as an intern in highschool
I was a senior at Towson High School in 1970. I was allowed to be an intern for half the day in my chosen interest. I was a member of DECCA, and did well, so I spent half the school day at the Towson Times, a member at the time...
It was the first day of my job interview. I had gotten an early scholarship for college when I was 15 and I finished it by 20. I’m now 25 and still can’t forget my rape story. It was terrifying. The guy who was the interviewer told me that getting...
July 28th, 2015
Raped at 17
was living away from home my parents were divorced I needed to take a break away from the problems associated with divorce so I left home. I rented a room near a cake shop at the time I was working there. I started to make friends with a girl that...
May 30th, 2014
Sexual Abuse
Hola. Tengo 25. La primera vez que fue abusada sexualmente fue por mi abuelo, yo tenía 7 u 8 años, cuando él me llamó a su habitación y me preguntó que si yo sabía besar, y yo le dije que no. Desde ahí empezaron una serie de actos desagradables. Cada...
November 24th, 2014
Raped At 16, 29, 31
I was a child, an intelligent one. I grew up in Melbourne, Australia. When my aikido assistant instructor invited me to study at his home before my holiday tuition commenced at Melbourne uni that morning, I did not know that he had other things in mind. I was raped in...
June 12th, 2018
I Was Raped By An Stranger
I was raped by a stranger. I was going home from the store, when I heard a noise in my backseat. I attempt to look back and there he was with a knife telling me to stop the car. I stopped the car And he put the knife around my...
When I was 13 years old I went to stay with a cousin and her husband. After being there a few weeks off and on the husband started getting close to me and i didnt understand why. One night he came into the room where I was sleeping acting like...
April 7th, 2017
Raped After School
Hi, My name is Vanessa i am 17 years old. I am going to talk about my story and what had happened to me while i was in school. One day my Boyfriend but now ex and i got into an argument over something stupid. We kept fighting that day...
September 22nd, 2015
Can’t Even Take My Medicine
My freshman year of high school, I was 15. Everyone wanted to date a upperclassman and I got the chance to be one of those people. It all started off with meeting him and him begging me to go to the movies where he told me his story, including that...
September 30th, 2014
Raped By a Female
I am sharing my story as I was raped by my babysitter. She was female and I’m female. This is not uncommon and yet so under recognized. My life has been in turmoil as a result. I don’t trust women and I rarely feel safe around a female. I’ve been...
June 10th, 2016
Night Out
I still don’t know if it is rape. My therapist says it was, and so do the police and my parents, but I don’t want to believe it. I met a group of guys and they all seemed so nice, they let me smoke with them and invited me home....
April 5th, 2016
My Coach My Rapist
I grew up in a fun, crazy, happy, and healthy household. With an two older brother, older sister, and two younger sister we are all pretty close Basketball is my life. I grew up in a small town in Missouri. So small we didn’t even have a football team. Basketball...
February 12th, 2017
Babysitter Abuse
Gonna be 60 …I have never told anyone about this …so here goes …I’m 5 years old …baby sitter abuses me …my mom’s best friend at that …what did I know …but this has ruined me …first cause my mom didn’t believe me and it kept going for 2 yrs...
May 8th, 2017
I called him my friend
It was a dated function. This guy was my friend. I showed up, and was given lots of vodka. Thats all I remember. I woke up. 4am. I’m in his bed, with his clothes on. I turned over and saw him there, staring at me. He climbed on top of...
Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
September 15th, 2016
I Never Told Anyone
My name is Samantha. I was raped, and never told anyone, and I’m falling apart. I was molested by my step brother starting at age ten that escalated to rape when I was 11, a couple times over three months. I should have said something. Once, my step mother opened...
April 15th, 2017
Exposing Rapists – A Poem
You will never be free Dark is your secret Whatever you do Whoever you become However you dress That secret will turn acidy Drown it with beer Bury it in anger Throw yourself into work Grow your beard Marry the best Protect your daughters Still it will eat your insides...
July 11th, 2015
Domestic Rape
My high school boyfriend lured me in from the start. Being young and insecure, it was easy to fall for every lie. After only a month into our relationship, he went to jail. He lied to my family and I, saying it was wrongful driving related charges. My sweet mother...
November 21st, 2017
Short Story
Skipping the details, my first High School boyfriend got tired of going slow, and forced himself on me during a date. I told most of my friends that it happened. Forewarned, on dates, two of my close friends were wary of him, and avoided the same fate. At least, breaking...
November 19th, 2015
He’s Still Out There
Aged 18 I lived in a hostel. I had issues at home from being in an abusive environment so the only choice I had was to live in a homeless shelter for young people. A couple of months after moving in, I had a party with a few friends over...
September 5th, 2010
גבר אלים וחולני
לקראת גיל 15 התחלתי לצאת עם בחור שהיה גדול ממני בשנה, לאחר חודשיים בערך ביחד הייתה בנינו מריבה מטופשת במהלך המריבה הוא נהייה אלים כלפי זאת הפעם הראשונה בעצם שהוא הרים עליי יד, הביא לי סטירה שהפילה אותי על הריצפה וכשאני שוכבת על הרצפה הביא לי מכה חזרה בבטן עם...
I was living overseas, Tel Aviv actually, and I was raped by a stranger that I trusted. I was 20. He was kind at first, enough to make someone like me who usually trusts no one trust him. He was so good at being charming and masking being a psychopath....
January 7th, 2015
3 Generations
My mother grew up in a house hold with 10 older siblings. One of them is a half sister who was raped by her father and became pregnant with my mother’s brother/nephew. Everyone knew it was happening but instead kept quite. My grandmother was jealous of her own daughter one...
July 23rd, 2018
How Many Times?
I have been raped, I don’t know anymore whether I admit, or declare it. My first time, also my first time, was on a date with my boyfriend. We were making out, and he went up my shirt, and I stopped him with a no. He kept trying until he...
August 12th, 2014
A Childhood of Sexual Trauma
My father began sexually abusing me before I started school. I remember him telling me to touch his penis as he was lying on the bed and I was sitting beside him. He told me it was ‘sex education.’ I have only that one flashback from the early years. Years...
I was 27 years old when it happened. There was this guy I met through a friend of mine named Noah. My friend said he was a great guy. Said he was newly divorced, cute, a Christian and that I would really like him. Noah and I had talked on...
August 29th, 2018
Males can be victims too
I’m a male in the north east of England. It’s difficult to talk about but I was raped. I’ve waited over 3 years to finally admit that to myself. Since I am a male, many people dismissed me. The first person I told was my sister who helped me get...
June 27th, 2015
Betrayed By My Own Mind
I had a shower, and sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my head resting on the glass, for maybe a good 45 minutes trying to meditate or at least practice some mindfulness breathing that our marriage counsellor suggest I try. I can’t. I can’t for more than...
February 20th, 2018
Childhood of assault
“Do you want to do it?” My 8 year old stepbrother asked my 8 year old self. “Do what?” I asked. He instructed me to lay down and he took out his penis and started rubbing it on my stomach. I had no idea what was happening. I had just...
September 19th, 2014
Rape and the Aftermath
My story happened 20 years ago, but I do not talk about it and only my friends that new me back then know my story. I met my first husband when I was 18 years old. Shortly after that I got pregnant and we married. The abuse started while I...
January 1st, 2017
Out For A Walk
I went out with my dog on Christmas day and three men with a dog I saw out of the corner of me eye. I turned to look to cross the road and saw one of them staring. I heard shouting and went to go a different way home and...
December 13th, 2017
was raped and I don’t remember it
I hung out with some people one knew and two that were strangers just to get liqour for me and my boyfriend can drink it when he got back from a month of us apart. I had a couple sips of it and before I knew it I had blacked...
February 8th, 2018
Breakin Burgler
I had been sitting listening to my headset, and I needed to go to the bathroom. In the hall, I heard some noise, and figured it was my sister sneaking in from a night out. Heading down the hall, I heard it was grunting, and the like. I got to...
Alcohol quieted my anxiety and dulled my hurt. I never ate enough, so when I drank, I would get drunker, faster. Alcohol gave me guts and I felt bold, sexy, and powerful under its spell. My new gal pal and I drank that day until all I can recall are...
September 4th, 2015
It Started With Rape
For sometime I have befriended this guy thru text , he is a cousin of my high school classmate. After two years of exchanging messages we finally met-up and he formally courted me. I thought I already know him with the two years exchange of messages. He seemed gentle and...
March 15th, 2016
Ashamed Afraid Angry Grey
When I was 19 years old, I got my first job working in a fast food restaurant. I was so happy to have gotten the job. I was so proud to surprise my father with this news as he’d helped me in the past with work and this time I’d...
October 18th, 2017
It’s OK
My Rapist: My mother’s boyfriend. My Age: 13 Force Used: Authority We had a close family, my Mom, my bratty Little Sis, Me of course, and the latest of Mom’s Boyfriends. We used to do a lot of things together, especially watch Cable. Once we were all on the couch,...
From the time I was very little my own father was a sexual predator in my life and my sister. I am sure my mother and my step mother knew how he was and just buried their heads in the sand. I wonder how many mothers just keep silent when...
September 7th, 2009
לדבר, להלחם, לנצח
לינור יקרה, בלי שתדעי ליוות אותי בשנים הקשות שלי. נאנסתי במשך שנים וכשאת סיפרת את הסיפור שלך אני הייתי בת 13. נתת לי את הכוח לספר את הסיפור שלי ולבקש עזרה. היום- יותר מעשור אחרי… ואחרי טיפול ארוך שנים ואין בוף עליות וירידות אני גאה לומר- ניצחתי. אני חיה. נהנת...
May 12th, 2016
Was It My Fault?
I was freshly 18, recently graduated high school and feeling like nothing could stop me. I never have been in a relationship, I was used to talking to guys for a little while, and then it never blooming into something else. I had a thing for older guys, and since...
September 27th, 2015
Feeling Dirty
Shalom Linor, I am 37, from Iraq. I was raped when I was 8 years old by a relative who was a teen ager at the time, he constantly threatened me that he would tell everyone, so I was turned into his sex slave for a short while. I remember...
March 11th, 2016
Scared to close my eyes
Everything was normal up until October 21st 2015. I was attending a school near my mother’s house and not to mention this was a alternative school so there was older people in my classes, I was the youngest I am only 17 years old. On this very day I was...
June 6th, 2015
I Was Only 7
I’m from a little town in Mexico (I apologize for my english) And my nightmare started when I was 7 years. I Was a little girl, a little happy girl… but when I started the school, my cousin, (a nephew from my father’s) raped me and changed everything. He was...
November 29th, 2016
My Fight
I was 14 years old. I had very little experience with boys, nothing beyond kissing, and I had even less experience with alcohol. The night that it happened I was invited over to my friends house for a small party with a few other guys from our neighborhood. I was...
August 24th, 2009
לא יוצאים מזה…
לינור יקרה- הסיפור שלך השפיע עלי רבות בזמנו (1998) כי ממש באותה תקופה הסיפור עם השכן שפגע בי התפוצץ… אני לא חיה מאז. אני חיה-מתה למען האמת… כל יום הוא מלחמה עבורי… אני נאחזת בשיניים, וזה לא קל. סליחה אם אני נשמעת פסימית (אולי זה בגלל התקופה…), אבל קשה מאוד...
December 23rd, 2016
MesS Into A mesSage
Your home detention bracelet is now a permanent pain to my nerves because you maliciously put this around my ankle. You stole my car, you had access to my home, I was sodmized, raped and abused like an animal. It didn’t mean anything to you because you needed it more...
I was living in a desolate part of Seoul. It was my second time around. I knew the contract was sketchy, and, admittedly, I pretended I’d never been there before. They told me I was living in a officetel in a building in Dongdaemun. When I arrived, it was a...
September 23rd, 2016
The Silent But Haunting Wounds Of Rape
I’ve been raped twice (I’ll write about my second rape later on). The first rape I was 17 yrs, traveling in Greece. I had to go by ship to travel between islands. One evening, I met a man on the ship, he paid me a coffee and we had a...
December 10th, 2014
First College Party
I was not much of a party girl my freshman year of college. My friends heard of a party off campus and said they would not take no for an answer. We got dressed and even bought our own alcohol as m best friend was worried that the drinks may...
Hi, I’m Hailey and this is my story on how I was setup, and basically pimped out. I was set up by someone who pretended they loved me, pretended they cared when they really didn’t. This story is sort of long but each detail is relevant and important so bear...
June 26th, 2015
My Modeling Experience
I am an Irish woman. A single mother to 3 amazing boys. I was 17 when I was raped. I had just started my modeling career in an agency here in Ireland. An aunt of mine was also in the agency at the time. I won a big competition here...
September 7th, 2018
And It Continues
I’m 22 years old. The first time i was molested I was six years old. Over the years I was molested several more times by different people. Almost as if people could see an invisible target on my back that meant I was easy prey. Each time I vowed that...
December 27th, 2015
A Family Affair
My father has always been very active in charitable efforts to save the world in his own way. He attracted many fans who attended his lectures and eventually ended up part of our social world. My parents were essentially absent from my life as a child and my connection to...
May 22nd, 2018
After Wedding
I had attended a friend’s wedding, and with an open bar, I was thoroughly drunk. It was fortunate that they provided a van service home, because I was in no shape to drive! I got home, changed, and blissfully went to bed. I awoke to my pajama top open, and...
April 4th, 2016
A Life of Pain
My twin brother Levi and I were adopted when we were two months old by a woman who wanted children so bad and a husband who didn’t. We had a happy childhood though. When we were four our parents got a divorce and we spent every other weekend driving from...
December 19th, 2017
Rape Victim / Rapist in Hollywood
I am a member of the private MeToo group. I have seen some of the members get their stories on your site. I would like to share my story as I think it’s important. My rapist, who even admitted on a recorded line, raping me and other children, will face...
November 28th, 2017
Surpris à la Maison
A week after my marriage, I had moved into Pantin, outside Paris, with his mother and son. I had my premier day at new occupation. I remove my stockings, and wanted food. My stepson grappled me to my knees. After a fight, I felt him enter inside me. He only...
November 15th, 2015
As a child I was molested by my brother. I have bits and pieces that pop up here and there and scenes that I try to forget. He did things to me and my sister that have damaged us to our core and the affects are still showing even though...
April 20th, 2019
At 17yr old was raped by my...
I became pregnant at age 16, forced to marry months later at 17, I went through domestic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse by him, my husband and my family did nothing to help me out of the nightmare! After 2 yrs I got out with the help of...
July 8th, 2014
Multiple Rapes
Dad’s dad grabs my breast and french kisses me when I am 11, 12 years old. Dad lifts me up above his head and drops me on the ground breaking my ribs and gets on top of me and won’t get off until I threaten to tell mom age 14....
June 22nd, 2014
Heavy Is The Head
I was abused by a family member and a church member. It wasn’t until 20 years later that I told anyone. Even when you release such a tragic event from your mind, it does not go away like telling someone your sorry and they say I forgive you. You truly...
June 13th, 2018
Today, I Let It All Go
My rapist- is what I called him. But I refuse to take ownership of him. I refuse to take the blame for actions. I refuse to hold on to the guilt. Today, I let it all go. My story begins in a high school biology class. A seemingly harmless flirtation,...
April 11th, 2017
Childhood Trauma
When I was 5 to 7 years old some one I don’t know who touched me hit me and just plain abused me I know it was a guy and now I’m scared of guys and don’t know what to do. — Janae, age 12
September 20th, 2016
I had been friends with K for about a year, hung out with him and his girlfriend, consoled his girlfriend after arguments, spent many a night on his couch. We were friends. He got me a job where he worked when I needed a change of pace. So, when I...
July 2nd, 2016
A Voice to be Heard
I just want my voice to be heard for once, I want the truth to be heard and to stop having my words twisted. I’m done being silenced. If you have ever been blamed for your rape due to date rape this story is for you.
My name is Erin McKinney,...
February 3rd, 2017
Its Got To STOP!
My story and experiences of what I’ve been enduring for over a year now is so fantastic that even I have a hard time getting my mind around it. I am a Caregiver that has worked for the same employer for almost 8 years now. She has a professional Conservator...
July 11th, 2015
Domestic Rape
My high school boyfriend lured me in from the start. Being young and insecure, it was easy to fall for every lie. After only a month into our relationship, he went to jail. He lied to my family and I, saying it was wrongful driving related charges. My sweet mother...
October 12th, 2017
Men ruined my life
Growing up, my older brother mistreated me, abused me, and left me in eternal emotional agony. when I was only 12, my brother was 17, my mother went to work and my dad had the day off I was in the living room watching tv. my brother wouldn’t stop torturing...
January 8th, 2016
Hidden But Not Forgotten
I honestly don’t know how to start this. Before the rape ever happened I had a crush on my father’s wife nephew. The most I have ever done with him was kiss him and harmless groping. This brings me to my rape story it started on a normal day. I...
March 21st, 2017
I’m not gonna tell the story of what he did here, just the aftermath. In october I was raped by a boy I’ve been friends with for a couple years, and he forced my boyfriend and friends to watch. Yesterday I posted his name and the full story on my...
January 19th, 2015
Marital Rape
As a 6 year old child, I was molested by an older cousin. I did not say a word about this for a few years. I accidentally spilled the beans one night to my mom. I was placed in counseling to deal with the trauma, and the person there to...
August 7th, 2018
I will never forget
All this start when i meet a boy when i was 16 he was my dream man who later will be my nightmare,i remember like today the day u do that too me,i was young and silly i believe in this world everybody is like me,naive as i was,i could...
October 14th, 2016
A Wolf Hidden In Sheeps Clothing
It was the second semester of my sophomore year in college. I recently just got out of breakup and was still dealing with a loss in my family. Pretty much a depressing stage of my life that I was so willingly eager to escape. I wanted to take on my...
March 9th, 2015
My Best Friend
He was one of my closest friends and when it happened I was 17 years old and he was 18. I trusted him so much and even my family liked him around, because he became like family. We’d always go on my trampoline and talk for hours. Sometimes I let...
September 3rd, 2014
לפני 14 שנים
והסיפור בעברית כי אני לא טובה לכתוב באנגלית!! דבר חשוב שיש לי לציין לפני שאני מתחילה לכתוב אני לא יודעת אנגלית טוב אני יודעת רק עברית אז מקווה שהתוכנה תתרגם נכון. שלום ראיתי את הסרט שלך והרגשתי צורך לכתוב לך את הסיפור שלי. כיום אני בת 16… זה קרה לפני...
November 25th, 2014
In Five Years
I am 60 years old. When I was 16, I was forcibly raped by my date. I pleaded for him to stop which he did eventually do but not before he penetrated me. A few years later I had too much to drink so went to a friends dorm room...
August 14th, 2018
Raped by jail guard
I was arrested for intoxication in public and apparently led to assault on an officer. I think I may have been drugged at the bar. I have fragmented memories of being raped at the jail by a male deputy and and female deputy restraining my hands. I passed out once...
November 9th, 2017
Sharing #MeToo’s
We have been discussing the #MeToo campaign, and we each found a disturbing trend to have experienced something. We resolved to Share or stories: I was dating every weekend once I went to college, after a high school of being the last call for every dance. I was careful about...
January 4th, 2018
Rude awakening
Startled awake, I was staring at a shotgun pointed at my face. He told me in a rude term what he was going to do, and ripped my nightie pretty much off. He then pushed between my legs, holding the shotgun in one hand. To be honest, I didn’t notice...
July 13th, 2018
She sent a Warning, and Paid for...
I came back to the apartment late from work, and my roommate was standing there. She was sweating, and shaking, and looked scary nervous. Visions of my mom telling me I was going to invite an axe murderer in came to mind. Her hands were twitching at her belt(why comes...
April 21st, 2017
Heart broken
I was 16 years old at the time and the boyfriend that I was with for a year had just told me he lost feelings. My best friend, her boyfriend and his friends always had “bros nights”. I was invited by my best friends boyfriend so he picked me up...
June 23rd, 2016
Saying No Just Wasn’t Enough
I was only 14 years old when I was molested. We were alone in my friend’s basement for some reason, because I was only acquaintances with him, but not friends. He was very drunk and came at me just like many other girls. I kept saying no but it wasn’t...
June 27th, 2014
Lasting Effects
I just watched the Brave Miss World on Netflix. I was raped four times by four different men when I was between the ages of 16 and 22. I am now 44. I thought I was over all of it. The documentary showed me just how NOT over it I am....
I was really tired one night. I fell asleep and woke up later in the night. I walked downstairs to get a drink. When I walked in the kitchen, my assistant principal was standing there. I was really scared. I tried to run, but he was right behind me. He...
August 23rd, 2015
Way Back in 1973
I was young and rebellious, and trying to find my way in a world where men didn’t love you. My father had left the family, but dutifully picked up my sisters and me every Saturday for 1.5 hours, as per the divorce court order. AT age 13 he beat me...
July 11th, 2016
A Ruined Life
I was 12 yrs old walking home from a friends house at night I was 2 blocks from my home when a man approached me and asked for a cigarette, I said I dont have one and started to walk a little faster, he then asked if I had a...
April 2nd, 2018
He bought me chips and sent me...
Two years ago I aborted the child of my rapist. To this day I still feel sick to my stomach at the thought of this. This man had the ability to remove all sense of control from me and break me completely in a matter of hours. He also forced...
May 19th, 2015
Shelter My Soul
Only 13 years old and I had run away from my home. Where my mother would beat me and drag me around the floor because I refused to understand her. I ran away and hitchhiked on the highway right before marathon, 7 mile bridge. A man stopped and asked me...
November 8th, 2016
Rape Victim
When I was 21 years old (in a few weeks I’ll be 40) I was raped by a man I didn’t know. At that time I was a flight attendant and came home from a long flight. At the parking lot (it was night, the parking lot was empty), he...