June 10th, 2014

Abuse and Rape

I was sexually abuse by a young man (close to 18) from the time I was 5 until I was 9. Then when I was 16 a man who I considered my big brother raped me. He took me home from a wedding. I had gotten drunk at the wedding....
June 8th, 2014

35 Years Ago

I had the pleasure of viewing your film this evening in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 35 years ago I was raped at the age of 25. My journey has not been easy as you and all the other amazing woman in the film so shared with us. I have never heard...
June 6th, 2014


Cuando tenía 23 años de edad empecé a trabajar con el ejército de mi país por 6 meses. Allí conocí a un teniente que al principio nos llevábamos bien, conversábamos, etc. Teníamos las habitaciones continuas. Un día, él me llamó y él estaba dentro de su habitación, yo no pensé...
June 5th, 2014

My Healing Journey

After discussing my experience and what we should do about the boy yesterday- My father sent me the link to this movie trailer. I was raped by my boyfriend at the time in september of 2013. Because he was my boyfriend, it took me a long time to come to...
June 5th, 2014

Por Fin Puedo Decirlo

Es la primera vez que hablo de ésto, el único que llego a saberlo ya está en el cielo cuidando de mi, mi amado abuelito…. Sucedió cuando era una niña, al comienzo no entendía que había ocurrido pero con el paso del tiempo lo entendí y ahora creo que muchas...
June 5th, 2014

Mi Esposa

Hola, no comprendo muy bien el idioma ingles por eso escribo esta corta historia en español, la persona que fue abusa es mi esposa cuan ella tenia 11 años por el esposo de una tía de ella y el esposo de una prima de ella. Al contarme esto sentí demasiada...
June 4th, 2014

About Being Raped

When I was a full time student at the University of Durban Westville I had a gap in my time table that allowed me to have a nice long swim once a week. The walk from the swimming pool back to main campus was a lot of uphill so I...
June 3rd, 2014

My Boyfriend Raped Me

My story I think is quite long, this is the first time I am writing it. I was raped, many times I do not know the number exactly, by my boyfriend of two years. I only realized it was rape after months in therapy trying to come to terms with...
May 30th, 2014

Sexual Abuse

Hola. Tengo 25. La primera vez que fue abusada sexualmente fue por mi abuelo, yo tenía 7 u 8 años, cuando él me llamó a su habitación y me preguntó que si yo sabía besar, y yo le dije que no. Desde ahí empezaron una serie de actos desagradables. Cada...
May 29th, 2014

Mi Historia

hola tengo 38 años mi historia comienza cuando tenia 8 años mi padre murió y quedamos con mi madre en ese en toses vivíamos en el campo mi familia es numerosa somos 8 hermanos entre mujeres y hombre yo soy la numero 7 y mi hermana la numero 8 ella...
May 19th, 2014

Ritual Sexual Abuse

Here is the story I want to write. I was sexually molested by my uncle before the age of 2 , when I was still in my diapers. After this, came years and years of sexual abuse and rape by ‘ extended family’ members. I have changed the word’ family’...
May 19th, 2014

Being Molested as a Young Boy

When I was 7 or 8 years old, a distant relative was visiting from Minnesota. My parents we’re find of her and thought of her as a daughter because they had lost their own daughter who was about the same age. She brought her brother and both stayed at my...
May 15th, 2014

The Night That Changed My World

I was raped at college just after turning 21. Off campus at FSU. It was New Year’s Eve, 1979. He got in & blindfolded me. I was raped repeatedly for hours. There were no roommates or neighbors, no cell phones, nothing but a pair of scissors I was fixated on...
May 9th, 2014

Becoming a Warrior

It all started when I chose to attend Frostburg State University for my undergraduate studies. It was a compromise of sorts; my Father wanted me close to home, while there was enough distance to allow me the chance to flourish and be on my own. I knew the moment I...
April 23rd, 2014


אוף ! ממש קשה לי לספר את זה כי לא מדברים על זה נכון? אבל כל כך רציתי להוציא את זה ממני שחיפשתי לא מעט עד שמצאתי את האתר שלך ששיתפת אותו בסרט. בעידודה של הבחורה שכתה את המדריך לנאנסת…-לא אהבתי את השם אבל זה רעיון נחמד. נשמע מוזר אבל...
April 15th, 2014

A Journal of a Wayward Child

I have a long history of abuse and rape in my family and myself (44 years for me) and would like to have the opportunity to share my story with women around the world. Forgiveness has been the first step in healing and am now in a woman’s shelter beginning...
April 13th, 2014

Hide & Seek

I’m 35 years old and I never spoke up for this or told anyone. When I was on the fifth grade (10 years old) I played with my brother and my young sister the game “hide-and-seek” all over the house. I remember that it was my sister turn to count...
April 6th, 2014


April 3rd, 2014

Finally Healing

I never wanted to believe that what I lived with for a decade was rape. I met him when I was 16. He slowly encouraged me to make him my whole world. Turned away my friends and family. I moved in with him at 17. Before that, the assaults were...
March 27th, 2014

Thank You

On New Year’s Day 2005 I was sodomized and assaulted by a friend of a friend whom I had met that evening. He held me down, forced me to give him oral sex, and then anally sodomized me. I was so drunk that night that I felt it would be...
March 26th, 2014

Sexual Assault at 11

I was sexually assaulted when I was eleven years old. It was the summer and my friend had wanted me to go over to her place. While walking to her house there were three boys from school outside and her. She wanted me to go with her to their place...
March 26th, 2014

I’m Speaking Out!

I’m really glad to see people like Linor Abigal speaking out against sexual violence. I believe the more of us that speak out the less power we give this crime and we help victims and survivors heal. I experienced childhood sexual abuse from age 8-14 and it took me over...
March 25th, 2014

Date Rape

I was invited to a barbecue dinner party by a man I’d met at a bar. I anticipated meeting new friends and having a nice evening. The man was the only one there when I arrived. Stupidly on my part I stayed and even flirted with him . He was...
March 24th, 2014

Domestic Rape is Real

For many a couple of decades I have denied to myself that a husband can rape his wife but I’ve always known that is exactly what happened. He was angry that I’d been a “bitch” and that was all the excuse that he needed. I am not sure I will...
March 22nd, 2014

He Was My Boss

Unexpectedly he showed up at my apartment. I was 22, he was 55. I was 110 lbs, he was 250 and 6ft seven. He had a six pack of beer. I don’t drink. He told me I owed him because he had allowed me to buy his son’s car for...
March 21st, 2014

I Was Raped By My Dad

March 14th, 2014

Life Changed

I was nineteen years old when I was sexually assaulted and I knew the person. This happened when I was at work for a client and I knew this person for about a year and a half. At one point he asked if I was uncomfortable and I said yes...
March 14th, 2014

I worked for him

I was nineteen when I was sexually assaulted by a person that I worked for. He was sixty-seven years old. He denied the fact that he had asked me if I would report it to the police because he didn’t want to be charged with rape. Even at one point...
March 12th, 2014

A Long Healing Process

I wonder sometimes why we don’t hear more about “domestic rape”. Is it because we are ashamed to come forward and admit that we were repeatedly raped by a man that was suppose to “love” us? How do you tell a police officer, a friend or your mother that the...
March 6th, 2014

In Denial of My Rape

When I was fifteen and sixteen, I was in an abusive relationship. He raped me four times, and had me convinced that it wasn’t rape because we were together. He would tell me things like, “I love you so much. I just couldn’t help it.” and “Don’t you love me?...
February 23rd, 2014

Domestic rape

Great for Linor and her support system. Yeehah. I’m really happy someone actually believed her and did something about it. Most women of domestic violence/rape are shunned, embarrassed, ignored, ridiculed, blamed, etc. Even in the good ol’ middle class US of A… mostly by family members and friends. This is...
February 13th, 2014

Impact of Screening

Last night, I along with a couple of friends, went to the screening Brave Miss World. I had actually seen it in Ventura but totally shut down because I was in the middle of the criminal investigation for my rape. My story, briefly, is I am a psychotherapist and as...
February 10th, 2014

Intimate Partner Violence

My “husband” was such a romantic, always taking the day off of work to celebrate the anniversary of our first date. Twenty years later, I find him in front of the computer, wearing the same shirt, but his pants are down, and bagged at the ankle. He is masturbating to...
February 7th, 2014

Date Rape

I was dating a man I actually liked. Our families were friends. He represented everything I wasn’t. He told me one night that he had bought a building to convert into a store so we could have a future, HE asked me if I wanted to see it. I followed...
February 6th, 2014

A Fruit, a Holy Building, and a...

There are three things that I’ve been told happens when you lose your virginity: pain, blood, and regret. I experienced none of those things. It was the beginning of my sophomore year and I was fifteen years old. I’d been on and off dating my middle school best friend for...
February 4th, 2014

He Was My Hero

Hi, I am 15 years old from Netanya, Israel. From age 5 to age 7 I sexual abuse by my neighbor ,who was 17. I was a child, I did not understand, he was my hero … He knew what he wanted and what he is doing .. Every word...
January 26th, 2014

My Story

When I was 6 years old my male cousin decided to steal my innocence and my livelihood. As a kid since I can remember myself I was fizzed and got beaten up in school. My life was hell and then when the sexual abuse started something died in me. I...
January 26th, 2014

When All Hope is Gone

I’ve been robed from my happily ever after. At 23 I met some one I thought was to be my prince. but he started with emotional abuse telling me how useless; stupid and pathetic I am. I run a way with him and got married to a monster because I...
January 26th, 2014

Looking for a lawyer & advocate

My name is Schlomit. I was Raped at 3.5 yrs by an 18 year old who was on some kind of drugs. He tied me up and blindfolded me and after all the pain of what he put me through I was lucky to convince him to let me go...
January 20th, 2014


מרגיש מכני נושא הסיפור: והסיפור: כלכך ישיר לנושא כלכך מורכב אני שכנה שלך ממש חדשה ברחוב הסחלב 96 רמת פולג בעלך עבד עם חבר שלי שמנהל את הקפה קפה באמנון ותמר 6 (של אבא שלי) הסיפור שלי כזה הייתי ילדה שמחה מאוד ואז זה הפסיק פעם אחת קצרה ,אבל כלכך...
January 20th, 2014

הטראומה הכי קשה בחיי

הייתי בת 19 באתי מבית דתי הכרתי אותו מבוגר ממני ב20 שנה הכיר לי את העולם החילוני , הכל אצלו היה מתוכנן הכניס אותי להריון והתחתנו עוד לא עיקלתי מה קרה לי אני כבר אמא כל הנישואים לא הבנתי למה הוא מכה וצועק ומתעלל פיזית ומינית תמיד אמר לי “את...
January 11th, 2014


I was at a fraternity party with a date in February 1989 at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was a beach theme, so we were all wearing bathing suits. I distinctly remember choosing a one-piece because I thought that a bikini would cause problems. I was wearing denim shorts as...
January 5th, 2014

Sexually Assaulted in Cuba

I visited Cuba with my husband and came down with a severe case of food poisoning. While my husband was at the pool, I was recuperating in my room. I was startled awake when I felt something ‘fluffy’ in the palm of my hand. Before I opened my eyes, I...
January 4th, 2014

No Power

I was in my junior year of high school, and had been hanging around older kids, drinking, and doing drugs. I felt as if my town had gotten to be so boring, that if I wasn’t taking some kind of risk, I wasn’t alive. My friend Shelly and I went...
January 4th, 2014

I Am Still Standing

Being taken advantage of isn’t particularly new to me. From the ages of four to eighteen I was neglected and abused by both of my parents in many ways. When I left for college in August of 2010 I fully planned to leave my old life behind and fight to...
January 4th, 2014

A flat tire is a rapist’s opportunity

In September 2003, my twin sister babysat my 2 year old son so I could go out with friends. On the drive home, I got a flat tire and a man pulled off the highway to ‘help’ me. After pretending to fix the tire and failing, he offered to drive...
January 4th, 2014

Protect and Served and Raped

I was serving in the U.S. Air Force and deployed during Operation Enduring Freedom. At the time I had no inclination I was in danger and I never thought in a million years that it was someone I knew. I was sexually assaulted and raped by my superior (boss), 1SG....
January 4th, 2014

Sexist Families Leave Girls Vulnerable to Rape

Having survived two childhood rapes and two violently sexist ex partners, I would suggest that the current system is totally set up to protect the perpetrators and is hugely biaised against the women and children that are assaulted by men and boys. I did speak out to friends at the...
January 4th, 2014

Speaking It

I do not know how to begin. I do not know, because these things aren’t talked about. There is no way to talk about them, so there is no way to start. But maybe starting at the beginning is best. It was a date. Not the first. He was charming,...
January 3rd, 2014

My story!

As a child (3-7 years old) I was sexually, physically, mentally abused by my biological father. My mother didn’t believe me when I told her what had happened when it first happened so it continued until my grandmother beat it out of me. I don’t think she realised what she...
January 3rd, 2014


“When I was 11 my older brother started raping me, clearly my barely pubescent vagina was not sophisticated enough to know this was a legitimate rape, seeing as after a few months of abuse I became pregnant. This was in the late 80′s and the system of bullshit that I...
January 3rd, 2014

Rape & Sexual Assault

This has gone on for too many years, not only to women but men too. The shame and guilt and fear kept me quiet for over 40 years.I let myself down as well as others. How to heal and speak out is something i need in order too move on...
January 3rd, 2014

Doesn’t Ever Really Go Away…

I was 16. He was a friend’s younger brother. I lived with the family off and on during high school to escape a bipolar and abusive mother. I can still hear him saying ‘who do you think they’ll believe…and then where will you live…?’ while he threw my clothes at...
January 3rd, 2014

Raped Twice and Attempted Rape Once No...

At 19, a young innocent, never even had a first date. I naively went to the motel room of a road construction worker I had gotten to know while working in the store in my tiny town. He would NOT take NO for answer – raped and lost my virginity...
January 3rd, 2014


When I was 14 a man who was 21raped me. He was a “friend”. It wasn’t violent, he just wouldn’t stop, he told me not to tell my mom “what we” had been doing because it would just kill her and our church would be ashamed of me. I assumed...
January 3rd, 2014

Little Girl

My father was the kind of dad that any kid would dream of most of the time. He played with my brothers and I. He would take us on hikes, throw us around in the pool, play baseball in the yard, croquet, take us to the movies, read us stories....
January 3rd, 2014

Drugged and Raped at Age 14

I was something of a “wild child” in my teenage years. I grew up in the Los Angeles area and fell in love with live music at a very young age. My mom wouldn’t allow me to go out to any concerts, and we had a venue with lots of...
January 3rd, 2014

I thought he was my friend

In the winter of 2009, I was a young, excited college student, off to spend a semester studying abroad in Paris. My excitement was barely containable; I was achieving one of my life dreams: studying in Paris. Paris was good to me. I ran into trouble during spring break. See,...
January 3rd, 2014

Young and Innocent

At 19, a young innocent, never even had a first date. I naively went to the motel room of a road construction worker I had gotten to know while working in the store in my tiny town. He would NOT take NO for answer – raped and lost my virginity...
December 10th, 2013

יש חיים אחרי אונס

שלום לכולן, אני בחורה חוזרת בתשובה מזה ארבע שנים .. בגיל 15 בערך עברתי אונס ע”י מציל .. שהיה באמצע שנות העשרים שלו.. לא הצלחתי לדבר שלוש עשרה שנים .. לא הצלחתי להגדיר לעצמי .. עברת עכשיו אונס .. אז שתקתי.. אבל הפצע לא מוכן להישאר בנפש ובגוף .. הוא...
December 3rd, 2013

Multiple Rape

I was raped on the evening of the 23 of December 2004. I was raped by three black men that ambushed me and then raped me. They pretended to help me on the side of the road where I was stuck. It was raining badly. I shouted and fought and...
November 24th, 2013

Childhood Friend Date Rape

I had lived abroad with my military family and returned to my home State after graduating high school to live with my grandmother to decide my future rather college or join the military. I received a phone call from a childhood friend if I wanted to drive to a nearby...
November 21st, 2013

Through the Window

I was working hard as an undergraduate and I guess not getting enough sleep, because I slept through the man coming into my apartment and climbing on top of me and holding his hand over my mouth. Then I woke up. And realized my best bet was to comply and...
November 21st, 2013

I want my innocence back

I often feel as if I’m overreacting, that it wasn’t all that bad. Maybe I have even imagined or misremembered it, as I was drunk at the time; but the months leading up to it and my friend’s (drunken) memories should be enough as proof, seeing that the police takes...
November 20th, 2013

I was raped

I was standing at a bus stop when suddenly I was grabbed from behind. I was dragged into an alley and choked until I blacked out. when I came to , I was in a room , naked and some man was on top of me . He grabbed me...
November 20th, 2013

My Year in Hell

Ms. Linor Abargil is an inspiring woman and if she is brave enough to share her story with the world, I thought I could share my little bit of Hell in hopes it helps others and gives them hope. Within months of moving in with my boyfriend, the psychopath revealed...
November 19th, 2013

A horror that lasts a lifetime

When I was 21 I was kidnapped, held in a small space, beaten, tortured and repeatedly raped. At one point I must have left my body because I looked down on what was happening and told myself that I was going to be killed if I didn’t figure out what...
November 19th, 2013

Deceit of family friend

My story is not as much a story as it is my life. I have been through unfortunately two traumatic situations. For the longest time until I was in high school did it hit me I was abused and it was not ok that this is a big deal and...
November 19th, 2013

My Year in Hell

Ms. Linor Abargil is an inspiring woman and if she is brave enough to share her story with the world, I thought I could share my little bit of Hell in hopes it helps others and gives them hope. Within months of moving in with my boyfriend, the psychopath revealed...
November 19th, 2013

Keeping Faith

I was recently kidnapped and kept in a room where a man repeatedly drugged and raped me. He told me to do everything he said and he would let me go. Blindfolded, with my hands tied behind my back, I did. I prayed so hard and asked God not to...
November 19th, 2013


I was young when it all began not I remember when or how he started only I can remember of a man who touched me so lasted for some time too young lost my grandmother should probably have among 5 or 6 years My mother was very young and had...
November 17th, 2013

Initiation into adulthood

I was analy raped a week after my 21st birthday by someone I considered a friend and a friend of his. it happened in a hotel room after I accepted a lift but never got home. I remember pleading with them and asking them to stop. there were two of...
November 9th, 2013

Nirbhaya “ fearless”: Justice for the Brutal...

Have no fear, justice is near, the verdict is clear. Don’t sentence the six men to death An act of freedom in a world gone mad. Sentence the six men to life And daily torture and pain Until they go insane. Castrate them Starve them and make them eat their...
November 5th, 2013

How Brave Miss World Changed My Life

Brave Miss World was screened at my college’s annual film festival last year. I saw the film as a class requirement- I did not know much about it beforehand. The next 90 minutes or so changed my life. I was so deeply moved by Linor’s story. My heart was broken...
July 29th, 2013

Why: A Poem About My Rape

Soothe my whys with soft whispers Wipe my tears with your love Make me whole again No more, I beg No more No more Unwanted touch Unwelcomed Stiff, rough caresses No man to hold me down, Give me forbidden kisses Legs forced apart Like rusty hinges Hinges to a door...
January 5th, 2012

Survivor Video – Jessica

“Miss World” Documentary – Survivor Testimonial #2 – Jessica from Linor Documentary on Vimeo.
December 16th, 2011

The summer between 6th and 7th grade

When you are twelve and you are running away from rape, and you are dazzling drunk from drinking out of a red SOLO cup, the world spins and the floor comes up to greet you, gritting it’s sandpaper teeth against your ruddied cheek. You remember the way the fence feels...
December 5th, 2011

A familiar fight

Like Linor, I too am working to encourage victims to speak out and let the rapist be the only one ashamed. Ironically, I also made a documentary, “Miniskirts, Mace and Other Misconceptions” about my personal story and the way our culture treats victims of rape. I am working to educate...
November 29th, 2011

Hard pregnency and delivery process after being...

I had always wanted children…. I had always been afraid … I was afraid they will be hurt … I was afraid I would hurt them… I was afraid I will Not protect them …or ill protect them too much … I was always afraid … And then it happened…....
November 11th, 2011

Survivor Video – Morgan

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