January 11th, 2015

Student Exchange

When I was 15 my parents forced me to participate in a student exchange program. The town I grew up in in the Bay Area had a sister-city and they wanted me to make them proud by being an ambassador for my city and my high school. I wasn’t interested...
January 10th, 2015

Strength to Speak Out

After watching Brave Miss World, I finally feel empowered to speak out about my rape. Seven years ago, when I was 17, I was repeatedly raped by my boyfriend at the time. At that moment, I didn’t fully understand that it was rape. But, in the years since then, I...
January 9th, 2015

My Past

Hello this is pretty difficult for me to share and it is the first time I’m about to physically write it down. Nobody knows what happened to me as a kid through my teenage years. I recently watched Brave Miss World and was moved. Like Linor, I turned to my...
January 9th, 2015

Isn’t Any Proof

I was raped 5 months ago by a man I kind of “dating”. I had invited him around to my house to watch a film with me and he suddenly got pushy. I kept saying no, and he kept going. He gave me an infection because he didn’t use a...
January 7th, 2015

3 Generations

My mother grew up in a house hold with 10 older siblings. One of them is a half sister who was raped by her father and became pregnant with my mother’s brother/nephew. Everyone knew it was happening but instead kept quite. My grandmother was jealous of her own daughter one...
January 7th, 2015

Staying Strong

He was man I thought I could trust. I worked with him and fell to his charms that led to going on a few dates and even staying at his house a couple of times. Things didn’t really get that serious and we drifted apart but a work trip abroad...
January 6th, 2015

An Intruder

I haven’t spoken about this since my trial 22 years ago. My husband doesn’t know the details and after watching Brave Miss World today, I knew by the tears streaming down my face that it was time. I was with my friend one night at a bar, we met a...
January 5th, 2015

Stolen Innocence

My mother and father got divorced when I was two years old. My mother was a single mom with two kids so she was always working trying to make ends meet and making sure we had food in our tummies. I admire my mother for this. My father remarried, had...
January 4th, 2015

Dad Touching Me

It all started when I was 4\5 and me and my dad would be in bed. Me and my cousin were mainly knew in our family for our looks (we’re native American and we look like a native American model). I pretend to check my dad’s head for bugs and...
January 3rd, 2015

No One Believes Me

I was raped when I was 4 or 5 years old. It has affected me terribly all these years but because I kept it a secret no one believes me. I love my husband very much but I hate sex because of my past. I’ve told him my story but...
January 2nd, 2015

Spring Break

My story takes place almost 20 years ago when I was just about 17. Although in some ways it feels like a life time ago my story is still a part of me. After it happened I did not tell anyone. Not my friends who were at the party that...
December 31st, 2014

A Story Untold

I grew up in a religious household. I used to preach the Word of God every saturday morning and I was always active in church events. My best friend at the time was a bit of a rebel but I loved her. I spent the night at her house one...
December 30th, 2014


A quick background on me: I’m an asian-american, grew up in a religious home, and grew up in a community that consisted of mostly caucasians and latinos. My story happened in 2011, I was 17, a senior in high school, and it was the day UCLA sent out their acceptance/rejection...
December 29th, 2014

One Day At a Time

I just started university and I am living away from home. I live in student accommodation and I am a nursing student. My apartment and the apartment next door is all nurses and we spend a lot of time with each other. I have never really been much of a...
December 28th, 2014


I’ve never spoken up about my story before in fear that people wouldn’t Believe me. It’s complicated but it starts here I was molested when I was about 4 by a stranger that came into the house. I didn’t even understand what had happened but the effects on my life...
December 27th, 2014

Can’t Believe I’m Doing This

I was in a physically abusive relationship. This was when I was in my late teens and twenties. I finally was brave enough to leave the relationship after 10 years. I met him when I was 15 years old. He had hit me before but he always promised to change....
December 27th, 2014


The first time I was sexually assaulted I was 17. I went to my friends house because that was where the people I hung out with usually were on an average day. There were several children that lived In the house so I was friends with a female and a...
December 26th, 2014


I was sexually assaulted 5 months ago on June 30th 2014. I had the idea to take myself and two of my other friends bridge jumping, so I feel as if I’m to blame. We got there and we noticed a strange man who was by himself staring at us....
December 26th, 2014

My Journey

I got this flashback of me as a baby on my aunt’s nephew’s lap in her living room and at the time I was in therapy so I decided to talk about it in one of my sessions. I didn’t want to believe it because my path hasn’t been that...
December 23rd, 2014

Blaming Myself

I am 20 years old and it happened when I was 17. I was at a party, the kind with drugs and alcohol. I got too drunk and passed out in the basement. When I came to the boy I had been flirting with all night was on top of...
December 23rd, 2014

When I Was 7

When I was 7 years old I can remember so well that day. My other two sisters and I were part of a private swim club. We were separated because of our age group. My parents were there and then watching the practice for the next meet or competition. I...
December 22nd, 2014

Such Shame

As I lay here writing this, tears are are rolling down my cheeks, this is the first time I have disclosed this information. It all happened over 33 years ago I’m now aged 43. I almost feel untrue to myself even writing this down. I promised to take this to...
December 21st, 2014

Family Secrets

From the ages of 6-11, I was molested by my 12-17 year old step-brother. He started out making me kiss him. Saying that all brothers and sisters did it. Then came the touching and later on the oral sex. He would threaten to rape me or tell our parents “what...
December 20th, 2014

Not Guilty

I was sexually abused by a close family ‘friend’. He was married with two children. He manipulated and ‘groomed’ me and my whole family into trusting him. The sexual advances towards me started around age 9 years old, and escalated over the years to follow. After years of control and...
December 19th, 2014

Finding Peace

After watching Brave Miss World I was bawling. No one ever seems to understand the aftermath of rape, and how I wished that I had been able to see this when I was on the road of self destruction. I was a very young child torn between families and homes....
December 18th, 2014

Life and Death

I was raped by a man who told me that he was a friend of my roommate and that he, my roommate and friends were back at his hotel room. I believed him though I had inner stirrings of fear warning me of where he was leading me to. I...
December 18th, 2014

You Must Acknowledge

For some reason I still can’t come out and say that what happened to me was rape even if everything in me says it was. I often refer to it as a “passive sexual assault” even though friends I’ve told about it have all said that it was rape. I...
December 17th, 2014

Stand Strong

My heart goes out to all the survivors sharing. I was drugged and raped over 25 years ago as a girl. My friend, her father was a very sick abusive man who was drugging her and others and photographing abuse. It was truly horrific. There were two against me and...
December 17th, 2014

What If I Make You?

There is no short way to tell this story. There is no condensed version of the pain I’ve felt every day since 10:26pm, October 10th, 2011. I know very few will read this, but I also know that I wouldn’t be able to stand telling my story one more time,...
December 16th, 2014

Did He Rape My Mind Too

I was 17 when I was drugged and raped. I was on holiday with my best friend, and it was our 2nd night out. We went to a bar and started chatting to a group of lads. At the time it seemed so genuine and I was having a good...
December 16th, 2014


I was raped, and molested at the age of 7. It is a very long story, but I played with my neighbors and their uncle is the one who did this to me. It was brought to the attention of a police women and our parents whom brushed it under...
December 15th, 2014

A Child

I was abused as a 7 year old child by my uncle. It has taken me a along time to get where I am today. He made me touch him, and he touched me. I am now in the process of sending him to prison for what he has done....
December 14th, 2014

(Part of) My Story

From approximately age 6 to age 9, I was raped repeatedly by my teenage half-brother. The abuse stopped because we had a fire in our house, which he started, and all the kids in my family went to live with other families. I never told my mother what had happened,...
December 12th, 2014

Breaking the Silence

I am a bartender, and he was a regular. I thought he was handsome actually. He had that bohemian look that has always made my head turn. In fact, I had asked to meet him that night. Our date began at the bar, after my shift ended. We had a...
December 11th, 2014

Didn’t Realize It

I was raped my a coworker March 4th, 2009. This was 5 months after my wedding. I worked with this “man” at a local craft supplies store. I would often give him a ride home as we usually closed the store together and the neighborhood is not always safe. There...
December 10th, 2014

First College Party

I was not much of a party girl my freshman year of college. My friends heard of a party off campus and said they would not take no for an answer. We got dressed and even bought our own alcohol as m best friend was worried that the drinks may...
December 10th, 2014

In Front of My Girls

I was raped 5 years ago by somebody whom I met on a dating website. The website said not to meet anybody on your own but in a public place. I did that, met him 3 times at our local mall, in the coffee shop. I had lost my husband...
December 9th, 2014

Halloween 2014

I went to a Halloween party with some of my friends. We had a couple drinks beforehand at my apartment before going out. I brought a bottle of Coke with two or three shots of alcohol in it, intending only to drink that that night so I would stay safely...
December 8th, 2014

In My Home

I had met a man in an Internet cafe where a close male friend was working. He seemed shy but friendly. He had asked me for my phone number, which I stupidly gave him. I was a single mom with two boys, just trying to make my way and find...
December 7th, 2014

My Fight

I am forced to live in a house with young men. My brother and three others. I put up a fight every night. It’s not enough. It’s never enough. The worst part is they know I’m a lesbian, and i hate it. They always say they will change my mind....
December 6th, 2014

My Own Sister

t was my freshman year of college and I had just broken up with an emotionally abusive boyfriend from back home. I was upset and angry and also feeling liberated because I could finally do what I wanted. So I went to a party with a couple friends. While I...
December 5th, 2014

First Friend at University

I went to university in Newcastle, UK. It was my fourth day of university and i was just getting used to meeting new people and getting to grips with being on my own and away from home. I had met some people during this time but the first person I...
December 4th, 2014

I Blamed Myself

When I was 22 I was a virgin waiting to meet the right person who would love me and who I could make that commitment to. It didn’t happen that way… I had worked with the man for a few months and I got along with everyone at work so...
December 4th, 2014


I’m a 23 year old male. As a child between the ages of 6 – 8 years old, I was sexually abused by a male family member. At the age of 16, I was raped by another man. These events have shaped my life into what it is today. I...
December 3rd, 2014

Never Seemed Worth Telling

To begin, when I was young I developed a terrible maladaptive coping skill of cutting my skin to relieve anything that gave me stress or upset. I began in 6th grade and clearly suffered from some sort of mental illness that gave me extremely low self esteem and self worth....
December 3rd, 2014

Molested By Two Uncles

December 2nd, 2014

Freshman Year

I think the hardest part is the amount of friends I lost after being raped. Maybe they don’t realize that they’re treating you differently, but as the one affected, it’s pretty obvious. Friends don’t know how to deal with you. Family doesn’t know how to deal with you. If something...
December 1st, 2014

Light In The Dark

I grew up hearing all the right information when it came to date rape, sexual assault and healthy relationships. My mother, my school and other sources were good at teaching me the facts about these realities. Even being equipped with the tools to be able to recognize these risks and...
November 30th, 2014


I dated my boyfriend for 4 years on and off. He was extremely emotionally and physically abusive. He isolated me from everyone I knew, including my parents and made me feel like he was everything. He was the first guy I slept with, and even the first time with him...
November 30th, 2014

The Night It All Changed

It was the day after Valentine’s day. My friend and I decided to go out for some drinks that night spontaneously. We went to a local bar. We had some drinks before we left the house and had more when we arrived. Almost straightaway two guys came over to talk...
November 29th, 2014

Not Safe in Your Own Family

My mother had me very young, she cannot afford us a place to live so we were staying at my grand mother house with my 3 uncle and my aunt. The night one of my uncle was coming to bed with me and abused me. I was very young, so...
November 29th, 2014

Justice a Joke

I had just moved into the neighborhood to start my new job at a high school when my housemate introduced me to our neighbor and his two kids. We hit it off right away and became close friends. He’d always invite myself and others to dinner where he would cook...
November 28th, 2014

Was It Rape?

I was working a summer camp as a teacher and when the four weeks finished I went on a road trip with a friend from the camp. We were met in a campsite by our Supervisor in the camp. He was about 10 years older than us and I really...
November 28th, 2014

Naive and Vulnerable

I was working in a hotel in a remote holiday village where he was the bouncer on the nights that the night club attached to the hotel was open. He was not the stereotypical bouncer. He was relatively small, average build and not threatening-looking. It was obvious he was there...
November 27th, 2014

Even Lawyers Get Raped

It happened during a work related trip,I always liked him, but he was married so I kept it professional. We went out for drinks and dinner. I was just tipsy not drunk. He asked to come into my room to use the bathroom and he moved so fast. He was...
November 27th, 2014

Use and Throw

I was in love with a man whom I thought had the most purest soul on earth. His initial hesitation to propose me or even kiss me made me fall for him over and over again. We worked in the same office so it was quite natural for us to...
November 26th, 2014

Innocence Taken

As a 17 year old girl who was drugged, raped and impregnated by my own boyfriend, I would like to speak out and stand tall. My life was taken from me and I was forced to endure a full-term pregnancy only to be abandoned by my own parents and sent...
November 26th, 2014

My Own Street

When I was 17, in my final year of high school, I went out to dinner with a couple of friends on a Saturday night. I left to walk home afterwards, and I was unaware that there was a car was following me as I did. I was almost home...
November 25th, 2014

Life Purpose

I’m an Italian girl and I’m 21. I’m studying marketing at university but, besides my studies, I have a different purpose in my life. Linor’s story and movie were very eye and heart opening for me. I realized that what I wanna do in my life is not marketing, but...
November 25th, 2014

In Five Years

I am 60 years old. When I was 16, I was forcibly raped by my date. I pleaded for him to stop which he did eventually do but not before he penetrated me. A few years later I had too much to drink so went to a friends dorm room...
November 24th, 2014

I Will Never Forget

Three and a half years ago, at 3 o’clock in the morning, I sat at a worn table in a domestic violence shelter. I was preparing for the most important battle of my life: custody of my daughters. My daughters slept, upstairs in one of the shelter’s tiny bedrooms as...
November 24th, 2014

Raped At 16, 29, 31

I was a child, an intelligent one. I grew up in Melbourne, Australia. When my aikido assistant instructor invited me to study at his home before my holiday tuition commenced at Melbourne uni that morning, I did not know that he had other things in mind. I was raped in...
November 23rd, 2014

In The Past

I started dating my boyfriend when I was 18 years old. He seemed really nice, caring and I loved him the way you do as a fresh 18 year old. He quickly started to change and began showing controlling traits. I thought this was normal as this was my first...
November 23rd, 2014

Just Like Yesterday

I am 58 years old but still remember it like it was yesterday. Hanging out with some friends at the lake at 15 years old. Some older people showed up and we all started talking and having fun. Come on with me and my friends and we’ll get some beer...
November 23rd, 2014

Still Unable to Tell People

What I remember from that night is feeling flattered that someone older was paying attention. I was underage in a bar. I don’t remember much after that except three men carrying me into a motel room, all at least ten years older. One was the owner of the bar, who...
November 22nd, 2014

End of Innocence

I had just turned 18. I knew everything or thought I did and my father’s temper was as bad as mine. We got into a fight and he told me to leave and to spite him I did. I went to my best friends house with the intent to stay...
November 22nd, 2014

I Didn’t Let It Kill Me

It began when I was nine years old. I man in our neighborhood would come around on his motorcycle and see me. He told me to get on the motorcycle and kidnapped me. I did not know what to do so I did what he said to do. He would...
November 22nd, 2014

I Thought He Loved Me

I don’t know how to start this… Well, I had a horrible teenage life getting bullied…and all I ever wanted was love and to be wanted. I would try to fit in, but I would attract the people that would see me as an easy target. I got raped by...
November 22nd, 2014

Supporting Sisters

This film has touched me so profoundly. My older sister was raped when I was 18 and she was 20. I know realize I need to open the door to her talking about it if she chooses to do so. So many layers to be explored. Thank you, thank you,...
November 21st, 2014

No Title Will Stop How I Feel

After watching Brave Miss World, I saw how strong victims have been. They’ve been able to share without feeling embarrassment and shame, which is what this movement has been about. I am not so brave as you all. I was molested as a child and stayed away from any human...
November 20th, 2014

Forced, De-flowered

I’ve experienced sexual assault and harassment for as long as I can remember. It mainly started when I was about 3 years old and my brother’s friends molested me. I remember having to see counselors due to becoming violent…they passed it off as ADD. Flash forward over a decade, I...
November 19th, 2014

Couldnt Damage My Spirit

I watched the Brave Miss World documentary and as a survivor myself I never thought to disclose what has happened to me publicly. I had years of abuse with more than one perpetrator. I suffer from complex post traumatic stress I have bouts of it on and off for years...
November 18th, 2014

De Los 6 a Los 12

Desperté con su aliento sucio y su lengua dentro de mi boca y, no entendí nada, quedé paralizada, tenía apenas 6 añitos y lo quería y admiraba… era mi abuelo. Esa noche, antes de irnos a la cama y con mi abuelo de visita, lloré desconsolada pues competíamos mis hermanos...
November 18th, 2014

I Was 19

I just finished watching this wonderful story and I was encouraged to, for the first time, speak publicly (albeit anonymously) about my rape at age 19. I’m now 37 years old and in a relationship with a wonderful man but I am wondering if my coping mechanisms at the time...
November 17th, 2014

My “Uncle” Raped Me

I was molested and raped by my mothers brother. Mom was adopted so he wasn’t a real brother. I am pretty sure he raped my mother too.. He started with me when I was 5 years old and kept it up until I was 11. That’s when I had the...
November 16th, 2014

He Was My Best Friend

I have a hard time accepting the fact that what happened to me happened to ME. I always told myself that I would never let anyone treat me the way that he had. He was my best friend for three years before we started dating. He had been through some...
November 15th, 2014

Just a Child

I am twenty-four, and have the unfortune of stating that I was raped twice. The first time i was thirteen years old, just a child, a virgin, with dreams of becoming a writer. I had my first boyfriend. He too was 13. A lot of the girls & boys at...
November 14th, 2014

Erased From Memory

It was many years ago. I was 21. Was new in new country. In Poland they just start marshal law in1981 so I couldn’t go back home. I was looking for any work and place to stay. Some people told me about Polish Club Party. I went there and it...
November 12th, 2014

Is It Really Rape?

One week ago at a Halloween party, I blacked out and woke up with a woman from the party. I was with her for eight hours, but remember less than 10 seconds. The last thing I remember is feeling somewhat drunk, but still alert and having fun with a big...
November 12th, 2014

Finally Using My Voice

I just finished watching Brave Miss World and I wanted to thank you for making this movie. I was date raped when I was 16. This is how I lost my virginity. It took a long time to even understand what happened to me. I blamed myself for getting too...