March 18th, 2015

The Stepmonster

I was only eight when it originally started. My stepdad would touch me in my crotch and chest area. He would only do it with my mom at work. He would even do it in front of my little sister, but he never did it in front of his son....
March 17th, 2015

Sleep Over

We had lived in a small subdivision at the time and everyone knew each other , and we always did stuff. I was 8 at the time and I had gone to stay the night at one of my friends house, but we’d gotten into a childish fight. I left...
March 17th, 2015

I Thought He Cared

It all started in 7th grade. I was some what popular spoke my mind about things I tho was wrong even tried to break up a fight once. My boldness is what caught his attention. We started out as friends laughing about almost everything but I soon became interested in...
March 16th, 2015

It Was My Mom

Most people don’t believe it because I’m a boy but it’s real and it hurts me. When I was 13, I got my first girlfriend. I really liked her and I introduced her to my mom. My mom acted really weird around her like she didn’t like her but I...
March 14th, 2015

Broken Trust

I had a friend who I quickly became very close with. I was very depressed at the time and he was too so I spent all my time with him and went to his house everyday. However, when I started falling asleep there, he would touch me and I would...
March 13th, 2015

Raped By My Brother’s Friend

I was 11 at the time. I went over to swim with some friends at my neighbor’s house. He was always touching me in places that he should not have. That day it started raining, my friends and I were going to leave because of the rain, but he didn’t...
March 12th, 2015

I Want to Be Brave

Linor, I have just finished watching your film and am simultaneously in a state of awe & inspiration as well as complete and utter hurt & pain. I ache for the pain of your story, the stories of those you helped speak out, and my own story. I was molested...
March 11th, 2015

This Is My Story

When I was born my mom said when she first held me she didn’t want me that there was something about me she didn’t like. She named me after her and gave me to my dad to do what he wanted with me. I was raped by him from birth...
March 10th, 2015

I Thought It Was Normal

As a child I was sexually abused by my Granddad, I thought it started when I was around 8 but I have since put lots of different pieces together and realized it had been happening since I was about 4 until I was 12. I knew I didn’t like what...
March 9th, 2015

My Best Friend

He was one of my closest friends and when it happened I was 17 years old and he was 18. I trusted him so much and even my family liked him around, because he became like family. We’d always go on my trampoline and talk for hours. Sometimes I let...
March 8th, 2015

His Masterpiece

When I was 15 I became very close to my uncle because I felt he was the only one who understood me. I loved him so much. We were best friends and never in a million years did I ever think of him in any other way other than my...
March 8th, 2015

He Stole Something From Me

In January 2004 I went with my class and other classes of my former school to France for a school trip. We went by bus. It was an ten hour over night drive from Holland without sleep. When we arrived we where all divided by four to share apartments. Later...
March 5th, 2015

Breaking the Silence

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March 5th, 2015

I Trusted Him

I was 23 when it happened. I was seeing and older man and had been for 7 months. We broke up but remained very good friends, he was my confidant, I thought of him as an older, wiser person I could confide in and seek advice from. At the time...
March 5th, 2015

The Touches I Felt

Being that I’m much older now I realize all the things that I went through in the past we’re wrong. When I was a child between ages of 5-7 (maybe even before) I was being molested by my older brother who was 4 years older than me. I remember when...
March 4th, 2015

Raped By 6 Policemen

Thirty years ago this March, my entire world was completely shattered after being befriended by a Snr Constable of the N.S.W Police Force & he invited me to his unit to watch a VHS Video of the 1984 Movie “Police Academy”. He knew I was an absolute movie nutter. He...
March 4th, 2015

He Took My Virginity

It is really hard for me to write this but I feel empowered by this website and All the stories I have read here. It took me a while to realize what happened but I think I was raped when I was 17. I met Jon and he was a...
March 3rd, 2015

My Story

After seven years and two children together, I broke up with my boyfriend. I had never really loved him and felt that I had stayed with him because I was weak and on some level I knew that getting away wouldn’t be easy. He harassed me and stalked me after...
March 3rd, 2015

I Didn’t Even Know

I was 12 when that hideous man put his filthy hands on me. It’s been 8 years almost and everyday I suddenly remember what had happened…his name, his face, his voice rings in my ears. He was a relative of my friend. We used to go to his house cause...
March 2nd, 2015

School Prom

n the beginning of December last year, I was at my first school prom ever. I was so excited, and had spent the whole day with my mom, looking for the perfect dress. I’d spent hours and hours in front of the mirror, putting on my makeup and fixing my...
March 1st, 2015

He Was My Dad

I have 17 years old and I was raped by my dad, this happen just a few months ago before new year. Please forgive me if my English is bad I am from Costa Rica that means that I speak Spanish so this is my story. He is not my...
February 28th, 2015

Girls Without Parents

When I was 6, I was adopted after my biological parents passed away. Two other girls were also adopted into the same family. Between ages 8 and 14, the “adoptive parents” sent me every Sunday to my “uncle,” a family friend only, not a real uncle. Classic story, making me...
February 28th, 2015

Some Friend

June 24, 1993. I was 19 on this day. I had just completed my first year in the US Army. I was stationed in Alaska. My unit had been in the field for a month. I was actually the youngest person in the battalion and so was always called the...
February 25th, 2015


First of all, I’m sorry if my English isn’t fluent, I’m Dutch. I have never been raped or anything that comes close to that. I just watched Brave Miss World this afternoon and it really touched me and I just felt like I had to show my respect to all...
February 25th, 2015

Drugged and Gang Raped

The guy I met, I thought was a nice guy. Very undercover, nice, seemed genuine. I met him, he was walking a baby Pitbull. I have a passion for these dogs, rescued some, and have one myself. I invited him to come to visit me, as I had not been...
February 24th, 2015

My Best Friend

I am sorry if my English isn’t that good. I am from Belgium and English isn’t my “main” language… I was 11 when I made the most horrible experience in my life. I had some friends, not a lot, I was very leery and I chose my friends very carefully....
February 23rd, 2015

Assault at 12 Years by Teacher

In the fall of 2014, news came to me of a young girl raped by the same man who sexual assaulted me as a child. I felt like I was in a movie. This news brought me to my knees, comfirming what had happen to me 38 yeàrs ago. Back...
February 23rd, 2015

Me & My Girlfriend

I am opening up about my assault and my girlfriend was raped. We have been together for 3 years, and she is not just my everything, she is my soul saver. I was assaulted last year, and she was raped three times. Well, what happened to me was the summertime,...
February 19th, 2015

The Setup

Growing up I was always a good church girl. Never cursed,n ever had sex, never did a lot of things. Until I turned 16, and began experimenting with opiates. I became an addict. To this day, my mouth still waters when thinking about a day in bed with a nice...
February 19th, 2015


I will start off by saying that at ten I was raped by my neighbor in the middle of the night when I was sleeping his his daughters bedroom on the floor. I normally spent the weekends at his house playing with his daughter. She had her cousin sleep over...
February 18th, 2015

Survivor of Rape

After my rape, I tried to pretend like everything was okay and stuffed the pain away somewhere deep inside. I finally wrote my story almost a year ago to a friend of mine. At the time I thought I was strong and “over things”, but the truth was, I wasn’t....
February 18th, 2015

Raped at Camp

I was 9 years old at a campground my whole family went to every year, literally since I was a baby. The two teenage boys that raped me were neighbors from the adjacent campsite. They were sons of a minister. It happened when I was walking enjoying the woods. The...
February 18th, 2015

What Can I Do

At the age of 11, I got my first boyfriend. He was a 16 year old boy that went to a near by high-school, and I had my eye on him for awhile. We were together for about 6 months and he always wanted to do more but I never...
February 17th, 2015


First of all, I want to thank Linor. Thank you for sharing your story. I have watched it about 5 times by now. Every time I have a hard time, I watch this so I don’t have to feel so alone. I am 22 years old now and I was...
February 16th, 2015

Mother and Son

When I was 13, I was able to have my own room without my brother, but looking back at it now I wish we had the same room. Almost every other night my mom would come into my room when I was sleeping and rape me. Most people say “It’s...
February 16th, 2015


6 years have passed and I think about this everyday. Everyday. An inner tug of war turning the events over in my head. My boyfriend is an ‘upstanding citizen’, joined the army for the forces of good and would walk old ladies across the road. He started by the end...
February 15th, 2015

He Laughed

Every year me and my friends have a pre-Christmas celebration together instead of buying each other presents. 2 years ago we decided to have Christmas dinner & drinks a few days before Christmas, I was 20. It was a really good night, we all brought different food, drink and games...
February 15th, 2015

Sex Slave

It all began when they became my best friends. I was the only girl in a very small neighborhood in the country. There was no business within miles. A mile long dirt road curving through a hill by a river. I was 9 years old when it began. The leader...
February 13th, 2015

Abuse of Men and By My Mother

My name is Michelle and I have lived a life that I wished was only a movie. The first memory I have is when I was 5,and my mother’s boyfriend was sexually abusing me. My mother sat me in the living and put on a talk show, the topic was...
February 12th, 2015

The Man in Uniform

My mom once told me is that the good thing about youth is that you are unafraid to try things. And in this story I was definitely unafraid to try something, or rather someone, new. I was doing my usual work outs at the military gym; a man had suddenly...
February 12th, 2015

My Rape Story

As a child, I was raped multiply times by my own uncle. Just this past summer, something happened to me and I finally decided I should tell someone about it. It was scary. I always thought that it was my fault and I still blame myself till this day. But,...
February 11th, 2015

Sexual Abuse and Rape

I was sexually abused by an extended family member from the ages of 6 to 12. When I was 21 when I was raped. I was an au pair in Italy. So like you I was raped in Italy. I am watching your film right now. You are very brave...
February 10th, 2015

Raped and Never Forgotten

I was 18 and went to a so called friends house that I have known for 16 years. It was her birthday and she brings over two of her guy cousins and 3 girls. Everyone had been drinking a large amount and smoking but me .. I decided not to...
February 10th, 2015

Speaking Up for Women

My own personal experience involves someone I trusted, drugging and attempting to rape me. I used creative writing as a form of healing during this process. I would like to share my short piece of spoken word surrounding the issues that women face on a daily basis all over the...
February 9th, 2015

Dating For 10 Months When…

Hello, whoever may be reading this. I am 16 years old and I feel like it’s time to share my story for anyone that’s willing to listen. I have a boyfriend, he is 18 years old and to me he was great for the most part. We had been dating...
February 9th, 2015

My Secret

The other day a high school friend of mine posted pictures of the inside of the school before it gets torn down. I smiled as I saw the lockers and the hallways I frequented. I remembered seeing friends and boys I had crushes on. I felt happy. Then I saw...
February 8th, 2015

Rape Survivor

First of all, I would want to tell Linor that she is such an amazing woman. I watched Brave Miss World on Netflix last night and again today as it touched my heart and soul on so many levels. It saddens me that there are so many of us all...
February 8th, 2015

Rape of My Partner

My partner was raped 10 years ago by a man she at the time trusted. He drugged her at his home. His wife was there and carried her home saying she had passed out due to alcohol but on the way back to her home raped her. She knows this...
February 8th, 2015

Abused at the Age of 4

I wased raped at the age of 4 by own uncle I was just a innocent child couldn’t do anything to save me! He took avanage of me when my mom would leave to school or when my own parents weren’t home. This happen for about a year straight. Everything...
February 7th, 2015

Returning to Mexico

First of all, I am very proud of any rape survivor. I’m proud of how strong we all are and how much stronger we become through this experience, even though the healing process is so hard and takes very long. But we can do it, and in the end we...
February 5th, 2015

A Rough Life

I was born with half developed lungs and had to stay in the hospital for two months. My grandparents took me home when I okay to leave the hospital. I lived in a filthy house with two older siblings, a sister and a brother. I had a mother and father...
February 4th, 2015

Diana Oakley’s Story

A sexual assault Victim’s story. Watch the video.
February 4th, 2015


It was near a year ago. It was my close friend’s birthday and we all ended up at his friends house for a party. We were all drunk, happy, just having fun. I needed the bathroom and he was looking for something in it as I had known him forever....
February 3rd, 2015


I was about 10 years old and I had no contact with my biological dad. But, when my stepdad stopped letting me go over to his house, I decided to get in contact with my dad. It took about a week before I finally got to see him for the...
February 2nd, 2015


I was 10, and my parents had just gotten a divorce. One day, a strange man come over with his son. He took my mother into her room. I heard pleasure groans coming from her room. The son was 16, and he turned to me. Suddenly he grabbed me and...
January 31st, 2015

Many Years Ago

This story happened many years ago. To this day i did not tell this story to another person. But today i am sharing this because people say if share you pain with others it makes it easier and it can make changes. I don’t now how many years I had...
January 29th, 2015

My Story

I was probably 11 when it started my mom married my stepdad. It started off with small kisses on the cheek or neck. Then ha started molesting me. I thought it was my fault that I somehow pushed him to the limit. My stepdad would force himself on me and...
January 28th, 2015

It Started With Date Rape

I was only 16 years old and had been dating a guy from another high school for about three months. I invited him to a dance, sort of a pre-prom prom dance for sophomores in high school. On the way home he gave me a lot of alcohol -shots ,beer,...
January 28th, 2015

Child Rape

My foster dad raped me when I was 13. I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. I thought he was joking around. He ripped of my pants and started grabbing my butt hard. I screamed “stop,” but...
January 27th, 2015


I…don’t remember that much. I was only 2 or 3, most likely 3. I was raped by a women with blonde hair, that’s all I remember. I don’t know her name and I can’t remember her face. I only remember her kissing my neck. It was truly horrible. This was...
January 26th, 2015

Someone I Dated

I was raped by someone I dated, I’ve told one person and it scares me to tell anyone else. Maybe sharing this with you and anyone who reads this will help. I know I’m not alone but it’s still scary to talk about. I was casually dating, let’s just call...
January 24th, 2015

4th of July

I remember it like it was yesterday. And although I was intoxicated at the time, I remember the pain. I remember the embarrassment afterwards. I was 20 years old, and I was waiting for marriage. He was a hockey player. He was charming and he was older. It was the...
January 23rd, 2015

So Now What?

Upon finding this site, all I have to say is I believe that in this world there is only one solution to rape, pedophiles, and all that nasty shit that goes on, and that is death. Those filthy rats that are human cannot be forgiven, and for those who oppose...
January 23rd, 2015

Your First

It was two weeks before my 15th birthday. I was on a vacation with my father and I was out with kids my age and 3-4years older. I had meet a few of them before. We were all drinking and it was my first time with alcohol. After awhile, we...
January 23rd, 2015

Who I Once Called My Father

I am afraid… I have never told anyone… I don’t know where to start… But it has to come… My story begins on March 20, 1997… the day I was born. Yes, I am only 17, still very young. Going back to the day I was born, I have no...
January 22nd, 2015

It’s Been 10 Years

It’s been 10 years since I was raped. I dislike even using the word rape and I have never written about it. I was 13 years old and a virgin when it happened. Me and a friend snuck out late at night and went to a party where I drank...
January 21st, 2015

I Didn’t Want to Do It

At the age of 13, I got my first boyfriend. We went to the same school. He was 16. We were going out for about 1 year. He always wanted to do more things with me, but I always said “No.” One day when I was 14, I went to...
January 20th, 2015

Glad To Say I’m A Survivor

I was 15 when it happened, He was my best friend.. Me and him would always walk to our other friends house together, As we were walking he started touching me, nothing big or anything, just a tap here, or there. then he grabbed my hand and asked me to...
January 19th, 2015

My Best Friend

My best friend was raped when she was fourteen. She was raped by two older guys during her summer job at a children’s theme park. She’s never been the same. She didn’t tell me that she had been raped until about five years ago, and it hasn’t been until recently...
January 19th, 2015

Marital Rape

As a 6 year old child, I was molested by an older cousin. I did not say a word about this for a few years. I accidentally spilled the beans one night to my mom. I was placed in counseling to deal with the trauma, and the person there to...
January 18th, 2015

Guilt and Shame Almost Killed

Guilt and shame almost killed my soul. I was 20 when I was raped. Me and my cousin finished what would be considered a disrespectful line of work for women “GoGo dancing.” She was seeing this guy from Juarez, Mexico who invited us over with his friends after work. So...
January 17th, 2015


I was 7 years old. It was within few days after losing my father. My long distance cousin would come to my house. One morning, I found him playing with my boobs. Second day, I found him playing with my private part. Third day, I woke up early so that...
January 16th, 2015


My father raped me, on average of twice per week, from the time I was 8-17 years old. When I was 10, I was mutilated during one of the rapes (there is no way to describe the pain), and hospitalized (see medical report here: My father was also physically...
January 15th, 2015


I had no idea what was going on at the time. All of a sudden when I turned 14 my best friends uncle started paying so much attention to me. He lived at her house and I was there all of the time. My own family life was not good,...
January 14th, 2015


When I was 8 years old a woman came into me, my brother’s and my dad’s life. My dad fell in love with her. Two years later, he proposed. A year and a half later we moved into her house. She had a nephew who was 17. I had liked...
January 14th, 2015

My Stepbrother

From the ages of 14-16, Ii lived with my father in Malaysia. At first, I was happy and thought I could take a year in school down there to learn about the culture and meet other people. I lived with my father, stepmum and stepbrother. Everything was like normal in...
January 13th, 2015

Still Can’t Believe It

I know that I have been raped, but still can’t believe it. In all cases I knew my rapist. I was a rebellious teenager and walked away from home when I was 16. The cousin of a friend where I was staying raped me like 3 times and also gave...
January 13th, 2015

My Story

This is very hard for me to write this, but after just watching Brave Miss World it brought me to tears and I realize now that more people need to speak out about this. One night, at the age of 14, I was walking home from a party alone the...
January 12th, 2015

New Years

On New Year’s Eve, 2011, I was raped by a person I trusted. I had just turned sixteen and had only had one physical relationship before, that has ended a few weeks prior. That night I had gone to my close friends apartment for a New Year’s party and had...
January 12th, 2015

Who Is To Blame?

Seven months ago he was there when I was drunk. I don’t know his name and I never will. I know that I returned to my friends home with no underwear but a dress on. My dress was my only protection. I don’t know if I barely remember that night...