June 16th, 2015

A Survivor’s Mindset

This is my 12th year as a survivor of sexual abuse. I have struggled with emotional and psychological effects for years and still fighting against it today. I have suffered slight depression, shame, guilt, self-blame and anxiety. I experience self-blame with a broad range of things from a baby tripping...
June 16th, 2015

I Hate My Father

I want to start by saying; it was not my father who raped me. It was New Years Eve, 08/09, I had just turned 16 and was on Holiday visiting my father. We were at the beach celebrating, until my father got really drunk. He is an alcoholic, which I...
June 15th, 2015

Careful What You Wish For

When I was just 6 years old my biological dad walked out on my family. It was devastating, and for the next 5 years my mum would have boyfriends in and out of the house. I was a lonely child and I didn’t have very many friends, I was desperate...
June 14th, 2015


I was 27 years old when it happened. There was this guy I met through a friend of mine named Noah. My friend said he was a great guy. Said he was newly divorced, cute, a Christian and that I would really like him. Noah and I had talked on...
June 14th, 2015

The Same Effect

On several occasions, from when I was 7 up to last year (nothing yet this year) I have had to get out of situations that would have ended in rape, all different circumstances. The ones I experienced when I was around seven, were by young girls that I feel equally...
June 13th, 2015

I Didn’t Know

So, I had this strange memory, I thought it was of a dream, but in it my best friend’s older brother was doing strange things to me. My young brain couldn’t comprehend it at the time, so I just set it aside. Many years later when I was having a...
June 12th, 2015

Date Raped at 19

At 19 years old I was still a virgin. I wanted to remain one until marriage, as I believed my virginity to be very important and I wanted to save it for someone I truly loved and would spend the rest of my life with. I went to a party...
June 11th, 2015

Multiple Times

When I was 13 years old, I was raped for the first time. I was walking home, and suddenly this guy grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the bushes. He tied my hands to a tree and he blindfolded me. I didn’t see his face, or hear his...
June 10th, 2015

Afraid to be Brave

At first I really thought it was normal what happened, but around the age of 12 it started haunting me. At night or during the day, it didn’t matter. I was always scared and wanted never to be seen I was at that time 7 when he first began to...
June 10th, 2015

My Father

My father sexually molested me. Can you her my voice? I’m not alone? Sometimes this life feels so lonely and confusing. Something was taken from me and there is a hole filled with pain, anger, sadness and tears. Would I ever be free? Would I ever feel normal again? Can...
June 10th, 2015

Raped When I Was 12

When I was 12 I was violently gang raped by two strangers in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA in 1972. I reported it to the police, and was examined by a doctor. My vagina was torn. My clothes were torn and bloody. Later, a policewoman called me a slut. She said, “I...
June 9th, 2015

It’s A Long Story

The first time I was raped I was 7, it was my next door neighbor. I trusted him naively. I trusted him like I trusted everyone I met. I didn’t know what some people were capable of, I didn’t understand. I went next door, I wanted to see his sister,...
June 8th, 2015

Abusive Uncle

My name is Cara, I am 22 years old, and at the age of 6 my uncle sexually abused me for around a year. From being born, until the age of 6 my life was so very normal. I remember playing with my brothers and my parents having such a...
June 7th, 2015

Time Stood Still

My name is Ilse and I’m from the Netherlands. When I was 17 years, I was raped with violence. He was a stranger. I was following a nurse education. I walked that morning too the bus station and suddenly a man who walked by grabbed me from behind with a...
June 6th, 2015

I Was Only 7

I’m from a little town in Mexico (I apologize for my english) And my nightmare started when I was 7 years. I Was a little girl, a little happy girl… but when I started the school, my cousin, (a nephew from my father’s) raped me and changed everything. He was...
June 5th, 2015

Was It Rape?

When I was 16 years old I finished my part time job and decided to hang out around the town with two of my friends. We met some boys whilst we were there that were in our year and the year above and managed the older ones to buy us...
June 4th, 2015

Naive and Raped at 15

I had just turned 15 and it was the summer before my sophomore year in high school. I had had almost no experience. I was a virgin. I liked this older guy who was 18. We had talked a few times at school and he texted me late one night...
June 3rd, 2015

My Friend’s Ex-Boyfriend

4 years ago, when I was 15, I was raped by a boy a knew. He was my friend’s ex-boyfriend. I was walking home one night from a friends house, and for some reason, took the long way home that happened to take me past his house. I saw him...
June 2nd, 2015

My Army Fiance

I was 18. He was 21. He had been back from a deployment over in the middle east for 2 and a half. We started dating after spending time on the phone and in person. We were great, no problems at all. Except I refused to have sex. I am...
June 1st, 2015


Mi hermano mayor abusaba de mi,me violaba,desde pequeño,yo tenía 7, 8, 9 años de edad,le decía a mis padres y no me hacían caso,decían que era para llamar la atención, pero en mis recuerdos esto no era así, lo tengo muy presente todo el tiempo,cuando tu e edad para confrontarlo,...
May 31st, 2015

Raped By Boyfriend

Hello, to whoever is reading this. This is the second time I’ve ever told anyone about what happened to me, but my friend has persuaded me to talk about it. I was 14 at the time, (a year ago) and I was going out with first boyfriend (who was 17.)...
May 28th, 2015

The First Time

I don’t remember being a virgin, that was stolen from me before I knew what it was or meant. My first experience with sexual violence was at the age of four, by the son of the Minister of our Church. When I appeared sobbing and screaming in front of my...
May 27th, 2015

My Religious Teacher

I was in the third grade almost 9-10 years old. Just like normal children I played outside – football, dodge ball, swimming, riding. I lived in an army area in Gujranwala, a city in Pakistan. Since its traditional and important for Muslim children to learn arabic my parents had hired...
May 25th, 2015

Why Didn’t You Stop Him?

I was raped when I was 15 by a man who took me back to his house from a park. I didn’t mention it for 12 months; eventually I burst and shared. The following is my delineating of the story that I wrote 4 years later, and edited today. It...
May 24th, 2015

Effort To Survive

Yesterday, I read on a magazine about Linor and the documentary. I was very touch. Today, I go to your website and think that I must share my own story. It was the night of Saturday the 16th November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. In July 2013, when I was 21...
May 21st, 2015

My Ex-Boyfriend and Rapist

When I was 19, I had the world in the palm of my hand. I had just graduated high school and community college, both with advanced honors. In the fall, I transferred to university and was looking forward to all that college life had to offer; I was excited for...
May 19th, 2015

BFF’s Husband

Sometime during the night of November 20, 2010, I was raped. Not by a stranger or an evil villain hiding in some dark alley that caught me off guard and raped then beat me and left me for dead. No, I was raped by someone I knew, and not just...
May 19th, 2015

Shelter My Soul

Only 13 years old and I had run away from my home. Where my mother would beat me and drag me around the floor because I refused to understand her. I ran away and hitchhiked on the highway right before marathon, 7 mile bridge. A man stopped and asked me...
May 18th, 2015

Rape or Not?

I just saw Brave Miss World, and it made me think of my past. It was year 2011 when this happened. I was going to have sex with a boy that I didn’t know so well. We were at the party. At first, I wanted it myself too. Then I...
May 17th, 2015

Incapacitated Still

When I was about 6 or 7 years old one me and my oldest first cousin male who is 7 years older then me was play wrestling. Then he said let me do something… At this point he started hunching me from behind. It went on for a little while...
May 11th, 2015

My Classmate

I was only 12, I was the pretty smart girl with the big boobs had a rich family and all that , my parents were on vacation and I decided to stay home with my siblings they went out shopping and I told them I wanted to stay home finish...
May 7th, 2015

Multiple Assaults

When I was a child I was assaulted by my mother’s boyfriend for months. I told no one because he beat my mom and told me if I said anything he would kill her, so I kept quite for years. I was an adult when I finally told anyone and...
May 4th, 2015

No Wasn’t Good Enough

I was enlisted in the United States Army. I believed it was my chance to find my self and be courageous and to leave the sheltered area from where I was raised, to be a voice. After a deployment with my unit I came home, I was tired and worn...
May 3rd, 2015

I Was Nearly Raped

I was only 15 when I experienced the most horrible night of my life.. . I remember one night I was fast asleep in my room, when suddenly I felt someone sit next to me on my bed. I felt hands gentle, but rough, graze up and down my face,...
April 28th, 2015


was victimized by my brother from age 8 – 14. He was 14-19 years old. I hid these memories until I was 55 and learned that he had also assaulted my younger sister and another younger sister. I was diagnosed with PTSD and have been in counseling for over two...
April 28th, 2015

My Story, My Nightmare

iI was sexually assaulted and can’t remember if I was raped (but feel I was) over 10 years ago in Barcelona a city I had been living in for over a year. I still find it difficult to say out loud what happened to me, when I talk to my...
April 27th, 2015

An Uber Driver Raped Me

Four months ago I was raped by an Uber driver. I went to a party with my friends and decided to go home so I asked a friend to call an Uber for me, since I didn’t had the app, and when I saw a car stop in front of...
April 26th, 2015

7 Sisters

I just finished watching Brave Miss World. Powerful powerful stuff! Thank you. I have 7 sisters and 5 of them were sexually molested and raped by family members. We have been on an increedible journey since their stories came out. We frequently say if we can just help one little...
April 26th, 2015

Too Close

Hi, this is awkward but it feels great to share about this. these events continued over a series of years. When I was 6 years old my brothers friend asked me if I wanted to go to his house because my brother was there so I said sure this boy...
April 25th, 2015


This happened to me 20 years ago. My older brother by 3 years started touching me and gradually raping me. I don’t know how long it was going on, I think a few months to a year. I don’t have a lot of memories of the abuse,only pieces of it,...
April 25th, 2015


My very first memories include getting a kitten, playing with a stuffed animal with my dad, and finally taking home a red dress I had talked incessantly about after seeing it in a store window. My other first memories, which happened around the same time at ages 3 and 4,...
April 24th, 2015

Never Forgotten

I was 16 I had just left school ready to start college i met up with friend Emma in Guildford town for shopping where she saw some guy friends of hers. I didn’t know them and never met them. We went to the castle it was a nice day we...
April 23rd, 2015

My Boyfriend Raped Me

This all began when I met a guy at the age of 15. I met him through friends and all was great. He was so nice, attractive, wealthy, he really put on a good show for the first month. I was a virgin when we got together (obviously.) We had...
April 22nd, 2015

One Bruise Too Many

After going through so many things with my mom and being bullied as a young girl I felt that my best friend of many years would be there for me after seeing me crying and hurt most of the time especially being that we were both at a new school...
April 21st, 2015

Someone Left To Trust?

I’m just upset! I was just walking to my friends house and then he came by – Connor. He was addicted to me anyway. Before, he used to kiss me intensely and convince me to date him but I said no – all the time. He even got me to...
April 21st, 2015


I just don’t know how to start. It feels weird and I am ashamed, I feel dirty and I don’t have any self-esteem left. I am having a great boyfriend. We both are having a strong relationship and we are dating since five years and a half, I met him...
April 20th, 2015

13 & Alone

I was 13 years old I was best friends with this person that I knew for 5/6 years. I was going through a lot then I started liking him a lot to the point I thought I was in love and in fact I still love him till this day....
April 20th, 2015

Catching Up With Me

I was twelve years old when I vividly recall my grandfather walking towards me and for the first time placing his hands on me. I was stunned and paralyzed. Each time that we would visit him (or have a sleepover) and when we were alone he would touch me, kiss...
April 18th, 2015

Stranger Rape

Hi, I’m Nye-Emah and it was kinda weird how it happened 5 months ago. It was my birthday i turned 12. So. I went to my BFF. We was going to hang at the park. While we were there were strange men was there too. So we payed no attention...
April 18th, 2015

Never Going To Happen To Me

After a year of constant abuse and rapes I couldn’t get out of bed no matter how much I wanted to leave. I had no job, no car, 6 pets, no money, no food and no home. Leaving seemed to be a luxury, not an option at the time. It...
April 17th, 2015

Why Me?

I was 3 or 4 at the time. This boy was about fifth grade age. He would unzip my pants and point with his friend. I was at daycare and only my mom and dad know. I am ten and just recently told my parents. Nothing is worse than this....
April 17th, 2015

Christmas Horror

On Christmas Eve 2005, my daughter’s father and I walked to a store to finish our last minute Christmas shopping then going to get our 1year old(our only child at the time) something to eat. While he was at the counter about to pay for the items, store was New...
April 16th, 2015

Wanted Love But Got Rape

Everyone thought that I was going through a bad breakup. And for a long time, I made myself believe it too. It was like losing a piece of my voice, my life, my skin, my heart, my soul. My mind became a place of torment that I could never escape....
April 15th, 2015

Why Me?

When I was 15, my boyfriend asked me if we could have sex or any sexual contact, I said no I wasn’t ready. We had been dating for 2 months. 2 nights after he asked me, he took me out to see a movie. We sat in the back and...
April 14th, 2015

My Oldest Friend

The summer before my junior year of high school is something I would never, ever relive. In three months my parents divorced, I broke up with my boyfriend of three years because cheated on me with another guy ( I would later find out he had been doing it for...
April 13th, 2015

A Meek Young Girl

I was 17 at the time and my attacker was 16. We started dating in October. We were dating and everything was going great through our relationship. 2 months into our relationship his friends made fun of him by saying how I wasn’t a virgin and he was and that...
April 12th, 2015

Colored Hair and Diamond Tattoo

Where do I begin. This is not my story anymore. It’s hers. Or not. It’s mine. Twenty years ago I was 13 years old. 13 years but looked like 10 years. I was already in a difficult situation when I met him. My mother had cancer and I was terrified...
April 11th, 2015

My Nightmare

This is me, I’m 17 years old, a girl. I saw Brave Miss World today, and I don’t know why, I kind of just got drawn to it. The strange thing is that after what happened to me I haven’t exactly had so many feelings in me than anger and...
April 8th, 2015

The Woods Don’t Speak

So this happened to me a week ago.This boy I liked seem real nice everything I wanted so my friend got us to gather. I’m 15. He is 16. So he would tell me everyday how pretty I am and how pretty my eyes are and at first I was...
April 8th, 2015

My Story

One day I was walking down the street at about 5 P.M., 15 days after my 15th birthday. At the time, I was in Mexico. A man rushed down the street, looked at me frantically, and said, “You’re in danger. Please come with me.” I followed him and eventually we...
April 8th, 2015

Who is Responsible?

On the night of my 14th birthday I went out with a few friends. We ended up going to a restaurant. The table in front of us was empty for 5 minutes. Next, there’s a man with dark hair, glasses, and comfortable clothes on. He sits there and stares straight...
April 7th, 2015

Becoming Whole

I was 3 years old the first time I was molested. The molestation/rape went on for almost 15 years old; involving dozen’s of men, dozen’s of times, I was prostituted by my grandfather for almost 6 years. I was brutalized and tortured. I was again raped when I was 21...
April 7th, 2015


When I was 10 I acted older then what I was. At this age I got my first boyfriend and he was 17( he didn’t care about my age because of my body type ). I wasn’t sure if l liked him but he treated me like he loved me....
April 6th, 2015

Confused and Angry

I’m currently enrolled in a Philosophy of Love and Sex class at university and we were discussing sexual assault. The lecture really opened my eyes to something that had happened me earlier in the year and I’m pretty pissed and confused about it now. Friends from my previous university were...
April 5th, 2015

My Story

Hello Linor, I just want to say how inspiring I find you and how you have become a symbol of female power and strength. When I think of you, I don’t see a victim, I see a lioness who despite being hurt, doesn’t back down, doesn’t accept defeat and whose...
April 4th, 2015

The Worst Feeling

Hello, I am 27 years old, came across this story on Netflix. I was abused as a chid. At 5 years old is were it all began. I was abused by my cousin, he was about 22 years old in that time. My mom would drop me off to my...
April 3rd, 2015

5th Grade

I was in 5th grade the first time I was raped. I know the name of this man, but I prefer to not say. Let’s call him Number6 and his friend Number5. After school, one day we got on the bus because I had to go to the Middle School...
April 3rd, 2015


I don’t want to sound weak but this really scared and I wouldn’t classify it as rape, but I want to talk it out. I love this game online but also has a chatting room which you think would be good but it wasn’t. Some boys started targeting me with...
April 2nd, 2015

Rape, Sexual Abuse

When I was three or four years old, I was raped by a man whom I’ve never met in my life. He was not a family friend, and I shouldn’t have been in the place where it happened to begin with. I’m 16 years old now and I live with...
April 1st, 2015

The Story Of Two Rapes

This is a very long story but I feel this is the only way I can tell it. I am a survivor of not one but two rapes. I will start by saying I’ve never written down my stories and I’ve only told my two closes friends and my family...
March 31st, 2015

Raped by Him

It was a traumatic time for me and it even makes my guts clench and bile run up my throat each and every time such a dark memory evades my mind. The fact that he got away with it because of his status and how rich and connected him and...
March 29th, 2015


When I was 14 (1 year ago) me and my friends had agreed to go to a party on a Friday night. About a week before the party someone mad an Instagram account and started saying mean things to us like “I’m gonna rape you” and “go die” then the...
March 28th, 2015


When I was about 10 years old I remember I was dropped at my aunt and step uncles house by my parents. I remember playing just being a child and playing with my younger cousins. I will never forget the time they called me in the room and asked me...
March 27th, 2015


My story begins from when I was a little girl. An innocent child at the hands of a cruel father. My father and mother got a divorce because he abused her in ways you couldn’t imagine. This all started when I was visiting him when I was about four years...
March 25th, 2015

Lying Child Molester

When I was 14 I had met a guy who told me he was 18. Even though I told him I didn’t want to date he kept persisting and eventually we did have sex. Soon after our consensual sex I had received a phone call from his 17 year old...
March 24th, 2015

Bus Ride Of Missing Hope

When Ii finally told someone, no one believed me. He was the good kid in class. They said he not like that. It was after school in 5th grade we had a sub bus driver because ours just had surgery. I was sitting in my set when I felt someone...
March 24th, 2015

75 Percent Humidity

You never want to be the person who admits to being raped twice, but I’m that woman. It was at college and I was a virgin. The assailant’s family had a lot of money and were well connected. He was never prosecuted. The second time, I blamed myself because who...
March 23rd, 2015

Tree House

It started when i was 9. My brother was always mean to me, I’m guessing he learned a lot of it from my abusive father. He physically abused my brother and I when we were younger so I sometimes believe this all happened because he was trying to cope? Anyways,...
March 22nd, 2015

Molested, Tortured, Rape, Survivor

As a young girl, I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend son. I thought it was okay to let a little boy play down there, but then later on in life it was not. At the age of 16, I was walking home and saw these guys walking up behind...
March 18th, 2015

Playing House

My name is Sydney. I’m 13 years old. When I was 7, my mom was on drugs, and I knew she was using. We used to go to this lady’s house, and she and my mom would go to a room and smoke and sniff…etc. One day, I was downstairs...