June 18th, 2021

The preacher’s son

I was only 16 when my best friend, the preacher’s son, sexually assaulted me. I was at his house and fell asleep on the sofa. I awoke up when I felt something touching my feet but I ignored it and went back to sleep. I woke up again. This time...
June 10th, 2021

Date Rape

I was visiting family in Texas and I decided to go on a dating app for a hookup. I felt guilty because I was young and I never told him my age, we went to his hotel because he was on a business trip. I remember taking one shot and...
June 3rd, 2021

he made me loose hope in love…

I met this boy soon after leaving a long term relationship.. I was heartbroken and had my guard down when we began dating. Our relationship started as innocent “hookups” and turned into more. But he quickly became abusive. In my words i would say, he treated me like a piece...
May 31st, 2021

Father, Brother, Brother

From birth my father wanted to change my diapers turns out he wasn’t helping mom out he was sexually molesting me then he would come into my room at night while I was sleeping and molest me. Age 7 i awoke to him onto of me trying to have sex...
May 28th, 2021


We were in the office room of my parents house. Both of my parents were out that evening, or maybe it was late afternoon. There had been an incident the week before in my room where we had almost had sex, but I held back at the last minute; starting...
May 23rd, 2021

Rape in my locked home

I have been raped numerous times in homes that are locked. I am divorced and live alone. Obviously drugged as no memories. The first time in my locked home after my divorce when I broke up with someone who admitted after dating him for months that he used to do...
May 18th, 2021

I Don’t Know My Story

I don’t know my story.. of all of the pain that I’ve been through.. I couldn’t feel my pain at times.. but what I had to go through to get here.. I’ll never understand my praise.. I don’t try to figure it out.. because my worship my worship is for...
May 16th, 2021

My babysitter

My mom and dad used to work nights and would have my sisters friend’s parents watch us. They had three children…two sons and a daughter. My mom was always the one that would take us over there. The oldest son would put on horror movies and pin me down and...
May 14th, 2021

16 and 45

so im a boy and a met this girl when i was 16/15 ish and she was like 45 or something. anyway we met at a party and she was all over me kissing me. and as a 16 year old boy i thought it was cool and we started...
May 10th, 2021

Twice is too much

The first time I was raped, I was 17 years old. I was walking to the local pizza place and then it happened. The second time I was raped I was 19 years old. I had gone to a party with a friend and I got drunk, passed out, the...
May 8th, 2021

He was 28

I met online a 27/28-year-old man. We talked online about two months and met two times. The first time we met, we went on for a long walk. I don’t remember if we talked or not. I kept a knife with me because I didn’t trust him. After the walk...
May 1st, 2021

Friend of my Husband

About 2 weeks ago, Arthur, who works with my husband, came over looking for him, but Carl was out at a car show for the afternoon, which I told him. I was working on the dishes and cleaning the counter when he grabbed my arms and wrestled me to the...
April 28th, 2021

Around 9 PM

It was around 9 PM I was walking home from baseball practice on the side walk (Next to the woods), the way how I normally walked home, when a medium sized rock hit me in the head. I fell to the ground. And then I felt someone dragging me into...
April 23rd, 2021

10 years later I realised

I went out with my best friend around 10-12 years ago. We got drunk, had fun, flirted, met some guys and agreed to go back to their flat for drinks. I remember us feeling a bit uncomfortable but going with it. We were about 19. We hadn’t kissed either guy,...
April 21st, 2021

A respectable collegue

The next day I walked down the stairs to the hotel, aware that he was sitting at the table having breakfast. Some things you think would never happen to you, you think that working externally with a colleague (married and with children) is not dangerous. But then in a moment...
April 17th, 2021

“I should do this more often”

I was 6 the first time a man ever touched me. At the time I didn’t know it was wrong, I thought it was normal. My biological father would touch me in the bath and help lotion me up afterwards massaging me as he does. I knew I didn’t like...
April 15th, 2021

My story

I met this man on a dating site. He was my type,so I thought. He’s African American and was born in Barbados. About 5″11 with several tattoos such as an eagle chest tat on his chest . . Anyways, enough about him. This is my story . We dated for...
April 14th, 2021


My freshman year of college I attended a party that ended with my friends leaving me and me getting assaulted by a group of men. Since then, I’ve struggled with my safety and my self worth. The second case was a friend who took advantage of me when I was...
April 5th, 2021

My trauma and its effects

My childhood was not easy. My father abandoned my family in 2010 and ran away to who knows where leaving behind his wife and 2 kids in an area where they had no family. For many years we struggled to put food on the table. I have a deep resentment...
April 4th, 2021


Firstly, I’m glad that there’s a platform like this to speak and share what can be healing for not only myself, but for others as well. The one that raped me was somebody I knew, or at least thought I knew. My ex-boyfriend Manny DeJesus Marquez on and off of...
April 1st, 2021

Sex doll

After work one night I was drugged by a co-worker. I woke up in his bed naked. He was not in the room. I felt 2 emotions very heavily and immediately. Shame and wrong. I remember looking around for my clothes in a panic. I don’t remember how I got...
March 25th, 2021

I was raped by my cousin

i was at my dad’s house when my cousin tried to kiss me and dad walked in. he stopped. later he brought me in the bathroom and raped me. then he tried again in the upstairs bathroom but my 18 year old cousin walked in. he tried to make it...
March 24th, 2021

My Brother

I was 7 when it happened the first time. It was my older brother. Our father would read us a chapter from one the Magic Treehouse Books, and I would stay to sleep in his bed because I was afraid to be alone at night. He told me that if...
March 23rd, 2021

Thought He Was A Friend

I was raped when I was in my early 20’s by someone I thought was a friend. The night began when a group of us went out to the bars and came back to my friends house afterwards to crash. I had gotten very, very drunk and I passed out...
March 20th, 2021

I said no – but he took...

14 years old, not even fully grown or developed, and someone I knew decided to take the opportunity to take advantage of me. It wasn’t one of those ‘being held down moments,’ but one where I said no multiple times over and over and over but he still did it...
March 20th, 2021

I’m letting go

“Our ancestors knew that healing came in cycles and circles, one generation carries the pain so the next can live and heal. One cannot live without the other, each is the others hope, meaning & strength” I share my story so it no longer is trapped in me, so the...
March 20th, 2021

Molested by my brother as a child

I was just 14 years old. He was 20. I did not know what to do when he touched me. I wanted him to stop but I was too afraid to say anything. I just froze. He continued to touch me inappropriately for a year. It became worse with each...
March 19th, 2021

He took it as yes

14 years old, not even fully grown or developed and someone I knew decided to take the opportunity to take advantage of me. It wasn’t one of those ‘being held down moments’ but one where I said no multiple times over and over and over but he still did it...
March 16th, 2021

I just realized this today.

I am an educated 37 year old social worker. I am married with two kids, 2 dogs, and 3 chickens. Over the last few months I’ve been having a profound experience where things I didn’t even know I had been holding to have surfaced. Today, while sitting in the car...
March 15th, 2021

Home invasion, wife saved daughter

A little back story, The wife and I had a daughter, we live in a fantastic old farm house outside of town with vary few out her houses around . We keep to our selves, we grow our own food and home school our kid . Let’s get to our...
March 12th, 2021

sexually abused

I am 16 years old in college studying personal training. I am writing about my background and how it made me feel. I hope to inspire and to encourage those who are struggling to open up or even to express how they feel. I hope those who are reading this...
March 11th, 2021

When tears and no aren’t the answer

After being in a manipulative, nasty and competitive relationship for quite some time. Being my first relationship, I thought it was normal to be treated like shit. I questioned everything. But something drew me in every single time, I was so blind sighted I was completely blasé to the depth...
March 11th, 2021

was i raped?

When I was about 4 years old my brother (8yo at the time) got in the tub with me and started asking me if I knew what sex was, I said no as a lot of 4 year olds would say, he asked me if i wanted to know what...
March 9th, 2021

Sophomore Year College

When he was fucking me he was pushing himself as deep into my body at it would allow. He asked me if I liked it but I didn’t know and so I didn’t reply. With every thrust I shuddered a little bit and tried to keep the pain out of...
March 5th, 2021

7 years and it still controls me

I seen him today. The exe who thought he had the right to just take what he wanted. It’s like you need you moved on. That your okay. Then ask if takes is to see him and can’t breathe. I froze. I just turned around and wanted to run. I...
March 3rd, 2021

My protector, my father, my rapist all...

I remember the first time like it was yesterday. I was asked if I would like to “play a game”. Come to find out I didn’t like that game. I don’t think I’ll ever like THAT game. I was THREE the first time, and 13 the last. I was raped...
February 23rd, 2021


I was molested as a child by Michael Terral Wilson. He was my brother and at the age of 16, he molested me as a child at the age of 8. He would bribe me with piggy back rides and then told me that the reason for why we are...
February 18th, 2021

Feeling weak

Ι was at a concert 3 years ago and someone can very close to me and slide his finger under my dress and into me. I don’t know if this count as rape or if I am just being dramatic but I cant stop thinking about it I feel violated....
February 15th, 2021

I was raped for 5 years when...

I was raped for 5 years by my eldest sister’s boyfriend. He groomed me, raped and beat me up. Told me if I told anyone he would kill my whole family. In the meantime he was still dating my sister. He was 38 and a fireman. She was 20. When...
February 15th, 2021

Me and my Best Friend

I was born in USA, basically citizen of USA, but living in India as my family is Indian. Me and my friend were going for the tuition. We were in 10th standard 15 year old. I was kissing my mobile screen photo of dog that day. There were two boys,...
February 13th, 2021

Me and my Best Friend

I was born in USA basically citizen of USA but living in India as my family is Indian. Me and my friend were going for the tuition we were in 10th standard 15 year old I was kissing my mobile screen photo of dog that day we were talking that’s...
February 9th, 2021

My boss

I’ve shared my story on here before, and something new recently happened that has been bothering me since it happened. I work at a men’s clothing store, and my boss is a man. Part of our job is measuring our costumers and I learned that in my first week. I’ve...
February 8th, 2021

Sexually abused by my step brothers

I have lesbian parents. My mum and dad were never together and me and my mum lived alone until I was 3, she met a lady, who is now my step mum, and they got engaged and we moved in when I was 6. She had 2 sons, one aged...
February 4th, 2021

Raped at the Air Force Academy

In 2002 I was appointed to the Air Force Academy Preparatory School in Colorado Springs, CO. The prep school was a sort of booster school for people who wanted to be at the Academy but fell short of their appointment. It could have been due to grades, SAT/ACT scores, athletics,...
February 1st, 2021

I didn’t know

Hello, I don’t always tell this story because I have afraid of reactions but I really need help… When I was 14 a 25 years old man asked me to a coffee, I wanted new friends so I accepted but I hadn’t anything although just a coffee in my head....
January 29th, 2021

Raped by my Step Brother

I have never told anyone about this & now it is coming back to haunt me. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t focus. So that is why I am sharing my story on here, maybe to give myself some closure. I was 17 at the time (18 now)...
January 28th, 2021

Date Raped

I was heavily love-bombed by a guy that I had met on facebook dating and we had mutual friends. We talked on the phone and face-timed for a week, each time he would call me baby or his forever etc. I had match with him a year prior so he...
January 27th, 2021

Was it rape ?

There are 3 different incidents that happened and I still don’t know what to make of it, if it was rape or not. 1. I went over to this hotel where this guy was staying and we had consensual sex though in the middle he asked me if I wanted...
January 24th, 2021

Survivor of COCSA

My sexual assaults story is uncommon for most and hard to most people to grasp. Who would believe that children are capable of knowing and doing such gruesome things to person? Most children are not like this and their experiences are different. It first happened when I was 8 years...
January 18th, 2021

Finally Arrested

https://myfox8.com/news/lexington-man-charged-with-indecent-liberties-with-a-minor/ One if the men who molested me was finally arrested… I never told on him but one strong child did! Thank you child, I am sorry I didn’t report this when I should have. You are brave!
January 16th, 2021


This is to the neighbor I trust: I love and trust you. I’ve recently been inspired to just talk about thingsjust before you moved out. .. Remember when Walter (3rd floor of Sheffield Avenue) pinned me against my door and kissed me? And how I was super upset by it?...
January 15th, 2021

not the typical rape

I spend the whole night reading the stories of all those brave people as a way to understand what happened to me 3 years ago. I was 15 I was drunk and naive. He told me that he was going to put me to bed and as I lied down...
January 15th, 2021

my grandmas friend’s son raped me

When I was three, I was raped by my Grandma’s friends son and I found my way out the entire time his mom was in the shower with the door shut and locked. she had music playing and I cried and cried and cried. I was only three at the...
January 14th, 2021

Raped in my Hostel

His name is Charlie. I met him at the hostel I was staying at in Miami. He wasn’t friendly like others I had met. He didn’t speak to me until the night he left, the night he raped me. I was hanging out with some other people I met. They...
January 10th, 2021

Michael B. raped me

When I was 17 years old I went to a job interview at Priority Records. Michael B. was there interviewing me. He took me out that night to a place called Boardners in Hollywood. He gave me a lethal dose of strong Ecstasy. I nearly overdosed as I struggled to...
January 6th, 2021

Consent, control and consequences

Just because you consent to one sexual act with a person doesn’t mean they can do what they like. I wish my 16 year old self had understood this. It took me a couple of years to fully process what had happened and to realise I had been raped. By...
January 4th, 2021

Michelle Johnston

I just wanted to write on here. Something amazing happened today. I came home and my mom was telling me about this documentary and how Linor was trying to encourage woman to speak out. I got a lump in my throat as I had just reported the rape that happened...
January 3rd, 2021

Taking Back My Love Life

This all started when I was 14 in my first day of class that I did not realize would turn into the 6 years of terror. I was sexually groomed by a senior at my high school. He’d stared at me the first day he saw me and then made strong sexual contact with me after class. He did this twice more later in the school year. Then he contacted on social media asking me sexual questions and wanted to get familiar with what I knew about sex. Then he figured out where I lived and stalked me there several years later. Throughout the entire 6 years, he forced me to watch him play with himself on Face Time and many other explicit things I won’t mention. He pretended he loved me and that I was the only girl for him. He’d convince me I was the only girl he was talking to. I was vulnerable because I had suffered a serious brain illness and spent a lot of time alone... I had depression... All he had to say is I Love You then I’d allow everything to continue. It’s not like I could think for myself when I could not even function due to autoimmune illness and not able to think clearly. He’d want videos and pictures... anything he could get of me. And he’d never let up on it until I’d say yes. I finally reported him in October of 2019 when he’d finally almost got a hold of me. I’d just started college and he begged me to be his girlfriend. He got me a bus ticket to see him and then things turned dark. He said he’d be locking up my clothes and filming porn of me so he could make money. That’s when I finally closed the door on the toxic relationship. I did not get on the bus and ultimately got the police involved. As scared as I was to contact his work I did it through The National Human Trafficking Hotline who contacted his military base in Killeen Texas at Fort Hood. I sometimes wonder did he love me? Did I walk away from someone who wanted me? He was there was so long and now did I ruin it? All the signs of Stockholm Syndrome. Crazy to call it that? Yes. He may not have been my physical captor but emotionally yes. I was emotionally drawn to him and felt like I needed him. He’d found a way to get me to confide trust into him. He almost got what we wanted but I took my love life back and shut the door that was opened for him to be near me. It was hard though I’m glad I walked away. There are not many sexual groooming stories out there, especially not ones that involve social media. But I’ve had nightmares of sexual assault by him, rape, physical abuse and many more horror stories. He was the perpetrator in every dream. Now that he’s gone I don’t have these dreams and I feel at peace. God was sending me the warning signs that I should be careful not to get too close to him. He’s dangerous. I don’t have these dreams anymore and have never had them about anyone else. You can read articles about sexual grooming all day long but until you experience it, you don’t understand it at all. It’s not just a term for having sexual contact with a child. It’s a term that describes how someone forms a relationship with a target that they think is normal. It van happen to adults but obviously teenagers and kids will probably take longer to recognize it’s happening to them and might take longer to respond or report. It took me 6 years! I thought he was a friend, a lover, someone I could trust. For him, I was just a victim. Someone to trick. How I viewed him is not how he viewed me. But #IAMBRAVE
This all started when I was 14 in my first day of class that I did not realize would turn into the 6 years of terror. I was sexually groomed by a senior at my high school. He’d stared at me the first day he saw me and then made...
January 1st, 2021

Incest abuse

I was neglected and used as a servant growing up. Toddler to teenager, I maintained a position of peace for my caretakers/parents. Even though it was consensual, at two years old what reasoning did I have? Only the instinct of appeasement for safety. The archetype was obedient servant, maid, wound-licker,...
January 1st, 2021

raped and isolated

The man who raped me was 30 years older than me. I was very young and lonely, didn´t have contact to my parents or true friends so he was my father figure. He raped me one night before me having my exam. He raped me again one night when I...
December 30th, 2020


I got raped nearly 14 years ago now, it never gets easier over time im constantly numb, painless and confused. I’ve never felt what it is to be normal I always feel unwanted, scared and betrayed. The police never did anything, didn’t arrest him, didn’t question him they said they...
December 26th, 2020

I don’t know what to do

Today I was hanging with my brother’s friend at my house and he held me down and tried to have sex with me. I repeatedly said no. I pushed his hands away but he held me down. He asked once more, i said no, he said he wants to take...
December 21st, 2020

My Journey as a Rape survivor from...

I was first sexually assaulted when I was 16 years old, by my cousin. He was currently living at my grandparents house. I spent a lot of time there all of my childhood because of the horses. My grandparents had horses, and I had a horse of my own that...
December 18th, 2020


March 7th 2019. Thursday evening. It was a week and a half before purim. I was 18. Five more days and there’s the Hachtarah, the biggest show of the seniors, and I was the main actress. Thursday evening. Only my father at home. I’m going out for a run. I...
December 16th, 2020

No one helped me !!!

The guy i trusted. The guy who i thought cared about me. Him and his friends forced me to drink alcohol. His friends left me in the car with him and they knew what was going to happen to me in those few minutes. My body wasn’t functioning correctly, he...
December 11th, 2020

Letter to…

To all the boys who watched porn and grew up thinking that’s how women deserve to be treated To the parents, teachers, adults who should know better, who never taught us about consent or that women are equal partners in sex To the society that made me feel like sex...
December 7th, 2020

I Never Thought He’d Do Something Like...

I had dated a guy who was two years younger than me. I usually date older guys but there was something about him. Things were good for a while but it didn’t work out between us. One night he texted me when I was at work and asked me to...
December 6th, 2020

“My Rape” at University

I was 21 and at my second year of university. I was at a study group with 3 friends and it was around lunchtime. 2 of them suggested Chinese and decided to order and collect. I was left alone with my “friend”. It felt a little awkward as a week...
December 5th, 2020

Summer 2019

I got my first job working at a lovely Mediterranean restaurant/cafe one summer because my teacher said she knew the man who ran the place and put in a reference for me. I was 15. He was in his 60s. Two days after I started, the groping began. Only he...
December 5th, 2020

Constant fear

Does he know he destroyed me? Does he know that have a “normal relationship” for 2 years because of him? Does he know that he made me lose weed little confidence I had? Or that I still have nightmares of what you did to me? Does he know that even...
December 2nd, 2020


I think I may have been raped, nearly 20 years ago. I was staying at my boyfriends house (now ex) at the time. We were young (17) and I was a virgin as we’d decided to wait to progress our relationship. One night I stayed over at his parents house,...
November 24th, 2020

My best friend

He was my best friend. I was 18, and so was he. We decided to go to his place to study after school one day (like we usually did) and everything was like normal at school that day. He acted as if everything was normal.. However that all changed the...
November 20th, 2020

Its been Years

I thought I met a great guy, he was nice, told me I was smart and beautiful, and seemed to really care about me. One night we were in my room and he started to take my blouse off and was playing with my breasts. I told him no I...
November 19th, 2020


I was super young but was old enough to remember everything that my father did to me. I was raped repeatedly for 4 years of my life. I’m almost 20 years old. And to this day I’m still not over it. I can still feel what he did to me....
November 18th, 2020

Divided into two

I am turning 60 next week. When I was officially repeatedly raped in an hotel room by a stranger at the age of 18 it was just another event to prove how worthless and dirty I already felt. Of course I felt it was my fault, because why wouldn’t it...
November 15th, 2020

J’avais 13 ans

J’avais 13 ans j’étais allé avec mon amie chez un gars pour la soirée ils étaient trois gars et c’etait la première fois que je buvais de l’alcool et ce gars qui s’appelle pascal m’a agressé. Je ne l’ai dis a personne et j’ai fait comme si rien ne s’était...
November 11th, 2020

I think I was raped

I don’t know what to do or what to say. I haven’t told anybody because I don’t even truly know what happened. This weekend I was drinking at a friend’s house. I didn’t drink a ton- one beer and one mixed drink that was in a gallon jug in his...
November 3rd, 2020

Ex Boyfriend

I dated a boy for about 6 months. He was 17 I was 15. He seemed to care about me but there were so many red flags that I ignored. I’ve never told anybody this, but he raped me. The next day and I told my friends that I lost...
November 3rd, 2020

Damaged goods

Was 14, he touched me sexually. Was 17, he raped me with a finger. Sad, afraid, anxious, alcoholic. This is me for 6 years. But I feel that I can help someone with my story. Maybe i don’t see it now but i know that i am strong. I deserve...
November 2nd, 2020

Rape !!

It is how and why I was raped , and being told it was my mistake